Narrow Band Imaging for Diagnosis of Proximal Serrated Polyps
Colonic NeoplasmAlthough colonoscopy is considered the gold standard for diagnosis of colonic polyps, the missed rate for colonic adenoma ranged from 15-32%. In particular, missed colonic polyps in the right side colon have been suggested to be the cause for interval cancer that developed after a prior negative colonoscopy. Different endoscopic image enhanced modules like the narrow band imaging (NBI) have been developed to improve colonic polyp detection. However, it remains controversial whether the previous version of NBI helps to improve colonic polyp detection. The new generation colonoscope is equipped with high definition and improved narrow band imaging (NBI) which gives at least twice the viewable distance and contrast. The images obtained are far brighter with better resolution than the previous version. It however remains to be determined whether this enhanced imaging technique could help to improve colonic polyps detection. Hypothesis: The new generation NBI increases the detection rate of proximal serrated polyps and reduces the missed rate of all colorectal polyps. Aims: To determine whether the new generation NBI improve the detection rate of proximal serrated polyps. To determine whether the new generation NBI improve the detection rate of all colorectal adenoma and polyps. To determine whether the new generation NBI reduce the miss rate of colorectal adenoma and polyps.

Genetic Analysis to Evaluate the Racial Difference in the Outcome of Patients With Colon Cancer...
Colon CancerThis is a retrospective genetic analysis of stored tumor tissue samples to evaluate the distribution of Recurrence Score® and gene groups of stage II colon cancer in African American (AA) and Caucasian individuals. Other covariant factors in the medical chart will be analyzed as well. Three institutions will contribute patients to this study with a total patient number goal of approximately 200 with approximately 100 being AA and approximately 100 being Caucasian. As enrollment in this study proceeds a Caucasian subject will be matched for every African American enrolled.

Multicenter Single-port Colectomy RCT
Colon NeoplasmsThis clinical trial is going to compare the single-port and multi-port laparoscopic colectomy for colon cancer treatment, in terms of safety, efficacy, and cost. The investigators hypothesize that the single-port laparoscopic colectomy is not inferior to multiport laparoscopic colectomy.

Cancer Control Following Polypectomy
Colon CancerThis study evaluates strategies for the surveillance of post-polypectomy patients for the control of bladder cancer

Health and Employment After Gastro Intestinal Surgery - HEAGIS2
Esophageal NeoplasmsGastric Neoplasm1 moreBy using the M.A.D.I.T. methodology and the Dialogics science, SALVO Project aims to develop operational guidelines to support oncological target patients in the resumption of their daily post-operative activities. The research will implement an instrument for the purpose of measuring the health need of participants who are admitted to the surgical ward. Therefore, targeted interventions will be implemented with participants, and efficacy will be evaluated in order to define treatment guidelines. The principal aim of this study is to create a validated and replicable intervention model for supporting patients who undergone surgery for esophageal and gastro intestinal cancer.

Five Year Oncological Outcome After CME for Right-sided Colon Cancer
Colonic NeoplasmsStudy based on existing databases investigating the causal oncological treatment effects of complete mesocolic excision on UICC stage I-III right-sided colon cancer.

C677T and A1298C MTHFR Polymorphisms and Fluoropyrimidine Effectiveness in Metastatic Colon Cancer...
Colon CancerMTHFR Gene Mutation2 moreFluoropyrimidines are the backbone of chemotherapy regimes used to treat metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC). These drugs act in different pathways of folate metabolism altering DNA synthesis mainly by inhibition of the tymidylate synthase. For this reaction the 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate acts as cofactor. It has been demonstrated that A1298C and C677T polymorphisms in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene result in reduced enzyme activity that leads to reduced availability of this important cofactor. Hence, we hypothesized that the presence of these polymorphisms are related to the efficacy and toxicity of fluoropyrimidines in patients with CRC.

Study for the Efficacy and Security Analysis in the Protection of Ileocolic Anastomosis Conducted...
Adenocarcinoma ColonThe aim of this study is to analyse the effectiveness and security in the prevention of anastomotic leakage by protecting the ileocolic anastomosis with a reabsorbable NHS-PEG collagen patch.

Endoscopic Resection of Gastrointestinal Neoplasms
Endoscopic Mucosal ResectionEndoscopic Submucosal Dissection4 moreThe study aims to retrospectively investigate the endoscopic resection procedures of cancerous and precancerous lesions of the upper and lower digestive tract in order to evaluate the efficacy and safety outcomes and to compare different resection techniques. In particular, the resection techniques investigated will be mucosectomy, en bloc and piecemeal, endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) and its variants, full-thickness resection. The anatomical districts involved will be the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, colon and rectum.

Postoperative VEGF and Recurrence After Colon Cancer Surgery
AngiogenesisColon Cancer3 moreThe purpose of this trial is to study the relationship between the angiogenic response to surgical aggression, determined through the serum levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) on postoperative day four, and the tumor recurrence in patients with colon cancer operated with a curative intention.