18-fluorofuranylnorprogesterone (FFNP) PET/MRI as a Potential Biomarker of Response to Progesterone...
Complex Atypical HyperplasiaEndometrial CancerPurpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate FFNP PET/MRI's utility for predicting response to Levonorgestrel-releasing Intrauterine Device (LR-IUD) hormonal therapy for Complex Atypical hyperplasia (CAH) and Endometrial Cancer (EC). Participants: Eight women with histologically confirmed CAH or Grade 1 EC who have planned treatment with LR-IUD will be recruited.. Procedures (methods): The is a prospective, single arm, pilot study of 8 participants who will receive one FFNP PET/MRI scan. Medical records will be followed for 6 months.

Optimising Cardiovascular Health in Endometrial Cancer Survivors
Endometrial CancerCardiovascular DiseasesWomen successfully treated for endometrial cancer remain at higher risk of dying than women without a history of the disease, predominately due to an excess risk of cardiovascular disease. Our previous work has shown that endometrial cancer survivors are more likely to have undiagnosed and undertreated cardiovascular risk factors than the general population, despite being seen regularly by medical professionals. This study aims to determine the impact of optimising modifiable cardiovascular risk factors in endometrial cancer survivors on their quality of life and to identify barriers to lifestyle modifications.

Frequency of Endometrial Cancer Precursors Associated With Lynch Syndrome
Lynch SyndromeEndometrial Cancer3 moreGiven that there is a significant prevalence of Lynch syndrome among patients with endometrial cancer (about 5% of patients with endometrial cancer), and given there is a known risk of endometrial cancer among patients with endometrial hyperplasia (40% risk of pre-existing occult cancer with endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia), it is hypothesized that a diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia may herald on-going risk of harboring a Lynch Syndrome gene mutation. The purpose of this study is to examine endometrial hyperplasia specimens and compare the frequency of Lynch Syndrome gene mutations between endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial cancer subjects. This will provide a rationale and opportunity for earlier screening, and reduce colon cancer morbidity and mortality secondary to the Lynch syndrome gene.

Exemestane in Advanced and Recurrent Endometrial Carcinoma
Endometrial CancerA phase II study of Exemestane in Advanced or recurrent endometrial carcinoma Hypothesis: Treatment With Exemestane can give a response rate of at least 30%

Estrogen, Diet, Genetics and Endometrial Cancer
CancerEndometrial Cancer3 moreThe purpose of this study is to see how people's diets, other aspects of their lifestyles, and their individual genetic makeup affect their chances of getting endometrial cancer (cancer of the uterus). This survey will enroll several hundred women who have or have had endometrial cancer and several hundred who do not. We will compare these two groups of women to see what factors may lead to endometrial cancer.

Endometrial Lesions Predictions
Endometrial NeoplasmsTo explore the risk factors of endometrial lesions in patients with abnormal uterine bleeding and establish prediction models which can discriminate between different endometrial etiologies of abnormal uterine bleeding(AUB).

Detection of SLN in Patients With Endometrial Cancer Undergoing Robotic Assisted Staging: Comparison...
Endometrial CancerThe investigators hypothesis is that if sensitivity and specificity are found to be significantly higher than the current reports with Technesium-99 and ISB colorimetric dye, SLN biopsies might allow omission of full lymphadenectomy in lower-risk cases, thereby limiting peri-operative morbidity. SLN biopsies might also improve the detection of metastatic disease, essentially lowering the recognized false-negative rate of standard lymphadenectomy analyzed by routine H&E pathologic analysis.

Efficacy Study of FloSeal for Prevention of Lymphocele After Lymphadenectomy for Gynecologic Cancer...
Gynecologic CancerCervical Cancer3 moreTo compare the incidence of lymphocele and lymphatic ascites between patient who use versus who do not use FloSeal during lymph node dissection

Screening for Endometrial Abnormalities in Overweight and Obese Women
Endometrial CancerThe purpose of this study is to develop an endometrial biopsy screening program for endometrial cancer and its precursor lesions in overweight and obese women. There is a BMI threshold at and above which optimal screening parameters exist for identifying endometrial cancer and its precursor lesions in overweight and/or obese women. Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of endometrial cancer and its precursor lesions in overweight and/or obese women offers substantial health benefits.

Letrozole as a Treatment of Endometrial Cancer
Endometrial CarcinomaSome cases of endometrial cancer are dependent on estrogen for their growth. Letrozole blocks estrogen production in the body. The purpose of this study is to determine if the investigators can predict which patients might benefit from Letrozole treatment by studying the many different forms of the estrogen receptor molecule that exist within the cancer tissues. To participate in this study, the patients must be 40 years of age or older and have biopsy-proven endometrial carcinoma, either well differentiated or moderately differentiated forms. Also, to be eligible to participate in this study, the patients need to be healthy enough to have a hysterectomy. If the patients are less than age 60, they will need a blood test (FSH) to confirm that they have gone into menopause.