Study of Ferumoxytol Enhanced MRI for Detecting Lymph Node Metastases in Prostate, Bladder, and...
Prostate CancerBladder Cancer1 moreBackground: People with prostate, bladder, or kidney cancer often have their cancer spread (metastasize) to lymph nodes. It is important for your doctor to know if this has occurred but currently it can be hard to determine if this has occurred on standard imaging studies like computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This study uses an agent called Ferumoxytol to identify lymph nodes that might be involved by cancer. Objective: - To see how well Ferumoxytol can detect lymph node metastases in patients with prostate, bladder, or kidney cancer. Eligibility: -Adults over age 18 with prostate, bladder, or kidney cancer with lymph node involvement. Design: Participants will be screened with a medical history. Participants will have blood drawn and a physical exam. Their vital signs will be measured. They will answer questions about their health and current medications. Participants should not have a history of iron overload or have an allergy to Ferumoxytol. Participants will have a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. The scanner is a metal cylinder with a strong magnetic field. Participants will lie on a table that slides in and out of the scanner. They will have a standard sensor, known as a coil, wrapped around their abdomen to improve the scan. This is like a small blanket with wiring inside. Participants will need to lie still on the scanning table for about 1 hour. Participants will have an ultrasound. This uses harmless sound waves to provide pictures of organs or tissues inside the body. Participants will receive an injection of Ferumoxytol through an intravenous line. A very thin plastic tube will be inserted into a vein in order to inject the agent. Participants will have another MRI and ultrasound 24 and 48 hours after injection. The study will follow participants medical course for at least 1 year.

A Study of BBI503 in Adult Patients With Advanced Urologic Malignancies
Urologic MalignanciesRenal Cell Carcinoma1 moreThis is an open label, multi-center, Phase II study of BBI503 administered to adult patients with selected advanced urologic malignancies. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the disease control rate of patients with renal cell cancer and urothelial carcinoma treated with BBI503.

First-in-Human Safety Study Of Laser Tissue Welding For Surtureless Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy...
Benign Renal TumorsMalignant Renal TumorsThe objective of this pilot study will be to obtain a clinical safety and efficacy endpoint profile of laser tissue welding therapy for sealing the resected kidney surface after laparoscopic partial nephrectomy required for removal of resectable benign or malignant renal tumors in 10 patients.

PET Quantitative Assessments of Solid Tumor Response to Immune Checkpoint Blockade Therapy
MelanomaRenal Cell Carcinoma (RCC)1 moreThis study aims to develop methods for quantitative imaging of solid tumors in patients who are receiving immunotherapies that have a delayed mechanism of action. PET imaging with [18F] 2-deoxy-2-(18F)fluoro-D-glucose (FDG) is a potent diagnostic tool and is able to detect melanomas and other tumors, some of which are undetectable by CT. FDG PET is now used commonly in detecting melanoma in humans as melanomas quite consistently have high glucose metabolism. PET with FDG can image the response of tumors to therapy, but has not been extensively evaluated in melanoma nor in immunotherapy for melanoma. PET has been shown to be highly predictive of outcomes of patients following radioimmunotherapy of lymphoma, and has shown changes in tumor glycolysis as early as 7 days after immunotherapy initiation. In order to develop PET/CT as a tool to detect early evidence of response in patients with solid tumors receiving immune checkpoint blockade, investigators propose to perform PET/CT imaging prior to therapy, again between days 21 and 28, and finally at 4 months post-treatment initiation. Each scan will be assessed qualitatively and quantitatively. Investigators will use the PERCIST criteria to determine peak and maximum standardized uptake values corrected for lean body mass (SUL) in tumor, tumor volumes, and tumor total glycolytic volumes, and will use CT from PET/CT to measure tumor size by immune RECIST criteria. (See section on Outcome Evaluation below.) Investigators will assess whether early changes in tumor metabolism seen on FDG PET are predictive of progression free and overall survival outcomes. Through these systematic pilot studies, investigators hope to better link FDG PET measurements to individual patient responses to immune checkpoint blockade therapy and better understand and refine this emerging and often effective therapeutic approach.

CTT1057, a Small Molecular Inhibitor of PSMA, as a Novel Imaging Agent of Neovascularization in...
Renal Cell CarcinomaThe purpose of this study is to test a novel diagnostic PET imaging agent for safety and biodistribution. The agent binds PSMA and is designed to detect Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen expressing tumors, such as has been described for some renal cell carcinoma tumors.

89Zr-TLX250 for PET/CT Imaging of ccRCC- ZIRCON Study
Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma89Zr-TLX250 is under clinical development as a diagnostic agent targeting clear cell renal cell carcinoma.

Vaccination With Dendritic Cells Pulsed With Autologous Tumor Homogenate in Combination With HD-IL2...
CarcinomaRenal Cell2 moreSingle center, open-label Proof of Principle phase II trial to assess objective response (ORR). Three daily doses boost radiotherapy (XRT) at 6-12 Gy to at least 1, and up to a maximum of 5, metastatic fields, will be administrated on days -4 -3 -2 or -3 -2 -1 before the first and the third cycle of vaccine+IL-2. The first day of administration of vaccine is day +1 and of IL-2 is day +2. Treatment vaccine plus IL-2 (dose 18 MIU/m2/day in 500cc by continuous IV infusion for 72 hours) will be administered every 3 weeks up to 6 cycles. Total duration of the trial: 36 months Enrolment period: 24 months Treatment: maximum of 6 cycles (5 months) per patient Follow-up every three months until patient died (follow-up until PD and only survival contacts and subsequent therapy for metastatic disease after PD).

Evaluation of Pathway Modulation by Raf, MEK, & Kinase Inhibitors
Metastatic CancerMelanoma7 moreThis is a pilot study designed to evaluate the cutaneous effect of systemic inhibition of the tyrosine kinase pathway in the presence or absence of solar simulated light exposure. A maximum of 45 subjects will be accrued into the overall study we anticipate approximately 25 patients in the Raf inhibitor group and 10 patients each into the Tyrosine Kinase and MEK inhibitor arms of the study.

PD-1 Knockout Engineered T Cells for Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma.
Metastatic Renal Cell CarcinomaThis study will evaluate the safety of PD-1 knockout engineered T cells in treating metastatic advanced renal cancer. Blood samples will also be collected for research purposes.

Combination Radiation and PD-1 Inhibition in Metastatic or Recurrent Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC)...
CarcinomaRenal CellThere are two primary aims in the study: 1) to determine the tolerability and feasibility of combination hypofractionated radiation therapy and PD-1 inhibition with nivolumab, and 2) to determine the ability of hypofractionated radiation therapy to enhance response rate from PD-1 inhibition versus PD-1 inhibition alone by comparing the observed response rate under the combination therapy with a previously reported response rate under inhibition alone.