The Assessment of the Feasibility of a Home Based Exercise Programme in the Older Patient Following...
Impaired CognitionQuality of Life8 moreThe primary aim of this study is to establish if it is possible for patients who have undergone major body surgery to complete a home based exercise training program and complete the assessments required to measure physical and cognitive function. If the investigators can establish that it is feasible to complete the training and test's then further research can follow using these methods to determine whether it is possible to improve the physical function of older patients undergoing major abdominal surgery in the period following surgery by using a simple exercise regimen that can be carried out at home. By targeting physical function in this way the investigators hope to determine if it is a method for improving frailty and well being. In turn it may also have a positive impact on health service provision.

Mind-Body Health in Uro-Oncology: Research Study
Prostate CancerKidney Cancer1 moreIn this study, the researchers will examine the effects of post-mindfulness intervention email and text messages to promote maintenance of intervention effects over time in a uro-oncology sample (clinically localized prostate, kidney, and bladder cancer) of patients and spouses.

NCCN Renal Cell Registry
Renal Cell CarcinomaThis study will consist of three parts: 1) a retrospective chart review of patients treated for mRCC from July 2013 until the start of the educational intervention; 2) an educational program for DCN community oncology providers and DCN community patients with mRCC, lasting 8 - 10 months, and 3) a second retrospective chart review of patients treated for mRCC starting at the time of the educational intervention until the intervention is completed.

Biomarkers Before and After Nephrectomy of Locally Advanced or Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Treated...
Clear-cell Renal CarcinomaClear-cell Metastatic Renal Cell CarcinomaDisease and Stage: Metastatic and locally advanced clear cell renal carcinoma An open-label, exploratory, single-arm, multicenter trial. Everolimus will be administered orally, once daily, for 6 weeks followed by a 1-week rest period prior to nephrectomy. Two to four weeks after surgery, everolimus will be reintroduced only for metastatic patients until disease progression, unacceptable toxicity, withdrawal of patient consent, or other stopping rules are met.

A Comparative Study Between AirSeal, an Integrated Insufflation System, and Conventional Insufflation...
Renal Cell CarcinomaRenal cancer has traditionally been treated by surgical removal of the tumor, as the tumors are resistant to chemotherapy and radiation. The traditional treatment, where the entire kidney and tumor were removed through an abdominal incision, may now have more long term problems than the actual cancer. As a result, less invasive techniques have been developed such as laparoscopic surgery where the abdomen is inflated with carbon dioxide (i.e. via an insufflation system) and the surgery performed with special instruments through small ports, known as trocars. Rapid advances in minimally invasive surgical techniques demand ongoing technological improvement. Conventional insufflators and trocars allow for laparoscopic surgery to occur, however the system does not account for pressure changes within the abdomen when instruments are inserted or removed. The AirSeal® System consisting of an insufflation, filtration, and recirculation system (AirSeal® IFS), a triple lumen filtered tube set, and a valve free trocar (AirSeal® Access Port) has been designed to create and maintain the pressure barrier throughout the procedure. The objective of this study is to collect comparative physiological, pulmonary compliance and surgical utility data for both the AirSeal® System and conventional insufflators and trocars in a controlled population undergoing laparoscopic/robotic renal or peri-renal procedures. Subjects enrolled in this study will have their procedure performed using either the AirSeal® System or a conventional insufflator and trocars. Both systems have been cleared for use by the FDA's 510(k) process and are currently employed in clinical practice, including at University of California, Irvine Medical Center. We hypothesize that with the use of the AirSeal® System, laparoscopic efficiencies and outcomes will be significantly greater than with the conventional insufflator and trocars system.

An Open-Label Pharmacodynamic Study of Bevacivumab and Pazopanib in Renal Cell Carcinoma
CarcinomaRenal CellThis study will determine whether blood tests, tumour imaging and tumour tissue analysis can reveal effects of drugs that block blood vessel growth (angiogenesis) in patients with renal cancer.

An Investigational Immuno-therapy Safety Trial of Nivolumab in Patients With Advanced or Metastatic...
Renal Cell CarcinomaThis study will generate safety data on Nivolumab given by itself in treatment of advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC). The primary objective of this study is to assess immune related side effects, also known as immune-mediated adverse events (IMAEs), in patients treated with Nivolumab.

Improving Outcomes in Cancer Patients on Oral Anti-Cancer Medications Using a Multi-modal Mobile...
Renal Cell CancerProstate Cancer1 moreThis study evaluates a smart phone based mobile application designed for patients with Renal Cell and Prostate Cancer taking oral anti-cancer medications. (OAMs) All participants will be patients at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Massachusetts. Half of the participants will use the mobile application for a 3 month period along with their usual care. Half of the participants will just receive usual care. The investigators hope to show that cancer patients taking OAMs who use the mobile application will be better connected to their care team and will develop increased competency for self-care which will primarily increase medication adherence.

Safety and Efficacy of FolateScan (Technetium Tc 99m EC20) in Subjects With Suspected Metastatic...
Metastatic Renal Cell CarcinomaThe folate receptor (FR) is overexpressed by many different cancer types, including renal cell carcinoma. Besides helping in the diagnosis of cancer, a folate-targeted imaging agent could provide an effective method to identify folate receptor-positive (FR+) cancer patients that may benefit from folate-targeted therapy. Up to 40 subjects, with known or strongly suspected metastatic renal cell carcinoma with at least one target lesion detected by a diagnostic imaging procedure (e.g. ultrasonography, CT, or MRI), will be enrolled in this study.

Study Using FolateScan to Identify Subjects With Folate Receptor-Positive Metastatic Renal Cell...
Metastatic Renal Cell CarcinomaPhase 2, multi-center, open-label, single-treatment group, baseline-controlled study to identify subjects with Folate Receptor-Positive Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma