Protection Against Emboli During caRotid Artery Stenting Using a Neuroguard IEP® Direct 3-in-1 Delivery...
Carotid StenosisCarotid Artery DiseasesThe PERFORMANCE III study is a prospective, multicenter single-arm, open label study to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the Neuroguard IEP® Direct System for the treatment of carotid artery stenosis in subjects at elevated risk for adverse events following carotid endarterectomy (CEA). Eligible patients greater than or equal to 20 years of age and less than or equal to 80 years of age, are those who have been diagnosed with either de-novo atherosclerotic or post CEA restenotic lesion(s) in the internal carotid arteries (ICA) or at the carotid bifurcation with greater than or equal to 50% stenosis if symptomatic or greater than or equal to 70% stenosis if asymptomatic.

Timing Carotid Stent Clinical Study for the Treatment of Carotid Artery Stenosis(Timing Trial)
Carotid Artery DiseasesCarotid Artery Stenosis2 moreEvaluate the safety and efficacy of the Timing Carotid Stent for the treatment of carotid artery stenosis in patients.

Radial Versus Femoral Access For Carotid Artery Stenting
Ischemic StrokeCarotid Stenosis2 moreBackground: For moderate to severe carotid artery atherosclerotic stenosis, in the past decades, carotid artery stenting (CAS) has been an alternative to carotid endarterectomy (CEA) for the treatment of carotid artery stenosis. The transfemoral artery (TFA) using Seldinger's technique has been the most commonly used approach for CAS. The radial artery is an ideal puncture site for cerebrovascular intervention. Studies have shown that nerve intervention through radial artery approach can complete most cerebrovascular intervention procedures, including cerebral angiography, carotid artery stent implantation, vertebral artery stent implantation, intracranial artery stent implantation, mechanical thrombectomy, aspiration, intra-arterial thrombolysis and so on. However, the current studies are based on single center small sample studies, and there has been still a lack of large sample randomized controlled experiments to verify the safety and effectiveness of CAS in transradial artery (TRA) . Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of CAS via TRA in patients with carotid artery stenosis through a multicenter, prospective and randomized study. Study design: This study is a randomized, open label, multicenter, parallel controlled trial. A non-inferiority test is performed to compare the primary end point between the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group will undergo carotid stent implantation via radial artery approach, while the control group will use femoral artery approach. Study population: Adult patients with symptomatic carotid-artery stenosis ≥50% or asymptomatic stenosis ≥70%. Study outcomes: Primary end points: The incidence of death, or new-onset stroke, or myocardial infarction, or severe hemorrhage events within 30 days post-procedure Secondary end points:1. The incidence of death, new-onset stroke and myocardial infarction within 48 hours / 30 days post-procedure. 2. The incidence of death within 48 hours / 30 days post-procedure. 3. The incidence of new-onset stroke within 48 hours / 30 days post-procedure. 4. The incidence of myocardial infarction within 48 hours / 30 days post-procedure. 5. The incidence of severe hemorrhage events within 48 hours / 30 days post-procedure. Other end points: 1. Successful rate of DSA. 2. Successful rate of endovascular treatment. 3. Degree of patient-reported comfort. 4. Operation time 5. NIHSS score changes post-operation.6. mRS score score changes post-operation. 7. X-ray exposure. Safety outcomes: 1.Occurrence of all adverse events. 2. AEs related to operation and device. 3. Incidence of adverse event of special interest.

Atmeg (Atorvastatin and Omega-3 Combination) and Carotid Atherosclerosis in Patients With Type 2...
DyslipidemiasAtherosclerosis2 moreThis is a randomized controlled study to assess the effect of atorvastatin and omega 3 combination therapy compared with atorvastatin and ezetimibe combination therapy in Korean T2DM patients with asymptomatic atherosclerosis.

A Lithium-Based Medication to Improve Neurological Outcomes After Surgical Carotid Reconstruction...
Carotid Artery DiseasesCarotid Artery StenosisThere are 10.3 million cases of stroke registered in the world every year; 63% of them lead to death. According to World Health Organization, stroke is one of the most important risk factors of death and early disability. Carotid artery surgery is a gold standard of hemodynamically significant carotid artery disease treatment. According to some trials, carotid artery surgery decreases the 2-years mortality. The most important part of carotid artery surgery is a temporary absence of blood flow in the carotid artery. The duration of this period is a crucial characteristic of this type of surgery. The absence of blood flow leads to brain ischemia which is the risk factor of postoperative neurocognitive disorders such as emergence delirium, postoperative delirium and postoperative cognitive dysfunction. Some surgical and non-surgical methods for brain protection were evaluated. According to recent data, there is no evidence of effective pharmacological protective methods that can decrease brain damage during carotid artery surgery. Nevertheless, some trials demonstrated that using lithium-based medications for patients with a stroke can reduce the volume of the stroke. Therefore, the investigators want to check the hypothesis that using lithium-based medication in the preoperative period can reduce brain damage during carotid artery surgery. The objectives of this trial: To determine if Lithium carbonate is superior to placebo for the occurrence of emergence delirium, agitation, postoperative delirium and postoperative cognitive dysfunction. To determine if Lithium carbonate is non-inferior to placebo for the occurrence of a new arrhythmia, leukocytosis, acute kidney injury, seizure disorders, diarrhea, nausea, and vomit.

Choline Fenofibrate and Carotid Atherosclerosis in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and Combined Dyslipidemia...
DyslipidemiaAtherosclerosis2 moreThis is a randomized controlled study to assess the effect of choline fenofibrate compared with policosanol in Korean T2DM patients with asymptomatic atherosclerosis.

MicroNet-covered Stent System for Stroke Prevention in All Comer Carotid Revascularization
Carotid Artery DiseasesAll-comer study of unselected patients suitable for carotid artery revascularization to evaluate the feasibility, efficacy and safety of first line endovascular revasculariztion using MicroNet covered stent (CGuard™) in the treatment of consecutive symptomatic and increased-stroke-risk asymptomatic carotid lesions that require revascularization by Neurovascular Team decision.

Impact of Treating Severe Periodontitis on Inflammatory Activity of Atheromatous Plaques in Patients...
Acute Myocardial InfarctionSevere Periodontitis1 moreMulticenter randomized clinical trial with two arms in patients hospitalized for an AMI nested in the Frenchie registry. Periodontal therapy is performed by periodontists in the intervention group versus treatment by dental surgeons as part of their usual practice in the control group. For the intervention group, periodontal management will be carried out for a maximum of 6 months after randomisation, prolonged by a follow-up of 6 months including a maintenance visit at M9. All patients will have an FDG-PET at M0 and M12 for evaluation of inflammation on carotid atherosclerotic plaques.

Endovascular Acute Stroke Intervention - Tandem OCclusion Trial
StrokeAcute2 morePatients with tandem occlusion or tandem lesion (TL), that is, stroke with an acute intracranial anterior circulation occlusion and an ipsilateral cervical ICA (c-ICA) high-grade stenosis or occlusion, constitute about 15-20% of patients undergoing endovascular thrombectomy (EVT). However, the optimal treatment of acute stroke patients with TL remains uncertain, as relatively few patients with TL were included in the major randomized controlled trials of EVT and management of the c-ICA was generally not specified by protocol nor analyzed post-hoc. Recent large multi-centre retrospective cases series suggest that acutely stented patients may have more favorable outcomes than patients treated with angioplasty alone or those with no acute ICA intervention, but high quality randomized trial data are lacking. EASI-TOC, a phase 3, academic multi-centre, controlled trial (PROBE design) with embedded pilot phase, will seek to determine if in patients undergoing acute intracranial thrombectomy for anterior circulation stroke with concurrent ipsilateral symptomatic high-grade (≥70%) atherosclerotic stenosis or occlusion of the extracranial ICA, endovascular ICA revascularization with stenting is superior to intracranial thrombectomy alone with regards to functional outcome at 90 days. Patients will be randomized to Acute stenting or No acute stenting (1:1 allocation).

Assessing Neurocognition After Cerebrovascular Intervention
Carotid Artery DiseasesNeurocognitive DysfunctionDecreased blood flow to the brain can cause decreased cognitive function. Carotid disease can result in decreased blood flow to the brain. The investigators seek to assess this relationship prospectively through performing a battery of neurocognitive assessments, collection of serum markers of inflammation, and through neuroimaging at two points before intervention (2 months and 1 month before stenting) and at two points after intervention (1 month and 2 months after intervention). The goal is to provide prospective evidence to identify the extent to which carotid stenosis and hypoperfusion of the brain results in diminished neurocognitive performance, and see if serum biomarkers before and after stenting correlate with these findings.