Blood Sampling Functionality of Extended Dwell Catheters
IV Catheter-Related Infection or ComplicationVascular Access Complication1 moreThe purpose of this study is to compare upper arm versus forearm Extended Dwell Catheter (EDC) placement for blood sampling functionality. EDC is an alternative to peripheral Intravenous (IVs) especially during prolonged hospital stays. EDCs are generally placed using ultrasound for guidance and are commonly placed in any of 3 veins in the arm. They can be inserted above or below the antecubital fossa (the bend of the elbow). These catheters can be left for up to 30 days and don't fail as quickly when compared to peripheral IVs.

The Effectiveness of Chlorhexidine Gluconate on Prevention of Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infections...
Central Venous Catheter Related Bloodstream InfectionCatheter-Related Infections1 moreCatheter-related bloodstream infections are associated with increased mortality, morbidity, and length of hospital stay. The incidence has decreased significantly with the strict implementation of preventive bundle cares and checklists in intensive care units. Bathing with solutions containing chlorhexidine has been included in preventive strategies in recent years. Although some studies have shown that chlorhexidine bathing reduces the frequency of hospital-associated infections, there are important differences in management of practice and adherence to practice in different facilities. The majority of the studies conducted include adult patients. According to the CDC guidelines, chlorhexidine bathing is recommended for children over 2 months of age to prevent catheter-related bloodstream infection. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of daily bathing with 2% chlorhexidine gluconate solution in preventing catheter-related bloodstream infections in pediatric patients with temporary central venous catheters.

Novel Antimicrobial Dressing in Peripheral Intravenous Catheters (PIVCs)
Vascular Access ComplicationDevice Related Infection10 moreThe goal of this clinical trial is to compare a chlorhexidine impregnated dressing for peripheral intravenous catheters (PIVCs) to the standard dressing currently used in general medical and surgical inpatient wards. The main questions it aims to answer are: Study Feasibility Occurrence of infectious complications related to the PIVC Participants will be randomly allocated to receive either of the below dressings to cover and secure their PIVC: The standard dressing used at their hospital, or The intervention dressing which has Chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) on it Researchers will compare standard and CHG dressings to see if the presence of CHG improves the occurrence of infectious complications related to the PIVC.

Effect of Chlorhexidine Solution in Preventing Peripheral Venous Catheter Associated-Infection
Catheter-Associated InfectionsThis research aims to determine the most effective chlorhexidine concentration to be used in preventing peripheral venous catheter-associated infections. This research is a randomized controlled double-blinded experimental design. This research will conduct between July 2022-June 2023 with 96 intensive care patients at a state hospital in Turkey. The study sample consist of 96 new insertions of peripheral venous catheters.The study will carried out as a experimental trial to compare the efficacy 1%, 2% and 4% clorhexidine gluconate and 70% alcohol in preventing infections due to catheter administrations in patients. Patients who fulfilled the inclusion criteria is randomized according to the randomization programme into three experimental groups and the control group. "Patient Information Form", "Catheter Information Form" and "Observational Form" will used to collect data.The vital findings and local infection findings of the patients that peripheral venous catheter is inserted will followed and recorded at pre-insertion and once every 24 hours for 96 hours. Culture analyze will performed from swab example taken from catheter entry location at pre-insertion,1st hour and pre removal of catheter.Data will analyzed in statistical program and p<0,05 will considered as significant.

The Effect of Catheter-Associated Infection Control Training
Infection Control TrainingThe goal of this type of study: clinical trial is to determine the effectiveness of educational practices on catheter-associated infection control measures on surgical nurses. The main question it aims to answer are: Is there a difference between the knowledge and attitude levels of surgical nurses receiving and not receiving catheter-related infection control training on preventing peripheral and central catheter-related bloodstream infections? Is there a difference between the knowledge and attitude levels of surgical nurses receiving and not receiving catheter-related infection control training to prevent catheter-related urinary tract infections? The main tasks that the participants will be asked to do will be explained and their consent will be obtained. The two research groups will be compared.

DuraLock-C Catheter Lock Solution
Catheter-Related InfectionsCitrate Adverse ReactionTo evaluate the safety and performance of DuraLock-C 4.0%, 30.0%, and 46.7% for the maintenance of central venous catheter (CVC) patency in adult hemodialysis (HD) patients

Infection Related to Short-term Central Venous Catheters
Catheter-Related InfectionsThis study aims to evaluate the incidence of infection of short-term central venous catheters by comparing different cannulation techniques (by anatomical references and under ultrasound control) and according to the experience of the operator in patients undergoing elective surgery. A prospective observational study will be carried out in which all scheduled surgery patients who have a central venous line inserted for one month will be included. Those under 18 years of age, patients with catheters lasting more than 14 days and those who do not sign the informed consent will be excluded from this study. A chest X-ray will be performed on all patients in order to diagnose possible complications associated with the technique and, only in case of suspected infection, culture of the catheter tip and blood cultures of blood obtained from the catheter and peripheral blood will be requested.

A Study of the IJV or the SCV Approach for Ultrasound-guided Implantation of TIVAD
Venous ThrombosisCatheter-Related Infections1 moreTo compare IJV and SCV as the implantation site of TIVAD and its associated thrombotic or occlusion rate, our study plans to enroll 240 patients with cancer who require central line TIVADs and randomizes them with 1:1 ratio to receive the TIVAD implantation at SCV or IJV. After the implantation, the patients will be regularly followed through phone contact and chart review for 2 years, and any symptomatic thrombosis or occlusion will be found during chemotherapy injection or regular push-pull heparin saline flush every 6 weeks as our hospital care protocol. To detect any asymptomatic thrombosis, the patients will also receive screening vascular ultrasound at 2 weeks, 2 months, and 6 months postoperatively. The study primary endpoints include any infection, asymptomatic thrombosis found by screen ultrasound, and clinically symptomatic thrombosis or occlusion and major mechanical failure/dislocation of TIVAD.

Cutaneous Microbiota Evolution in ICU Patients With CVC (ICMc)
DysbiosisCatheter-Related InfectionsIntensive Care Unit (ICU) patients are exposed to catheter-related infections with an important morbidity. Catheter colonization is constant but infection is not. Cutaneous dysbiosis could be the missing link. Our study aims to evaluate the evolution of cutaneous microbiota in ICU patients with a central venous catheter in place, through metagenomics. Our main objective is to evaluate the evolution of alpha-diversity, quantified by intra-patient variation of Shannon diversity index (a diversity index used in bacterial metagenomics).

The Urinary Catheterization Training on Skills, Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Nursing Students...
Catheter-Related InfectionsUrinary CatheterizationIn our study, it is planned to use three different simulation methods. One of these; It is a low-reality simulator, a hip model. It is known that this model is used by many universities in nursing education today and is called the traditional method. Both of the other simulators the investigators will use are high-fidelity models. One of them is a computer-based full-body manikin and the other is a virtual reality simulation.