Atorvastatin Treatment of Cavernous Angiomas With Symptomatic Hemorrhage Exploratory Proof of Concept...
Cerebral Cavernous MalformationThis phase I/II randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded, single-site clinical trial is designed to investigate the effect of a prolonged course of atorvastatin versus placebo on CCM lesional iron deposition assessed by validated quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) MRI studies in patients who suffered a symptomatic bleed within the preceding one year.

The Symptomatic Cerebral Cavernous Malformation Trial of REC-994
Cerebral Cavernous MalformationThis is a two-part, multi-center, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to investigate the safety, efficacy and pharmacokinetics of REC-994 (200 mg and 400 mg) compared to placebo in subjects with symptomatic cerebral cavernous malformation (CCM).

Biomarkers of CASH
Cerebral Cavernous MalformationCavernous Angioma1 moreThe project aims to develop prognostic and diagnostic blood tests for symptomatic brain hemorrhage in patients diagnosed with cavernous angiomas, a critical clinical challenge in a disease affecting more than a million Americans. We further examine whether blood biomarkers can replace or enhance the accuracy of advanced imaging in association with lesional bleeding. The project tests a novel integrational approach of biomarker development in a mechanistically defined cerebrovascular disease, with a clinically relevant context of use.

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) Vascular Reactivity in Cerebral Cavernous Malformations...
Cerebral Cavernous MalformationThe goal is to characterize vascular reactivity and cardiac pulsatility of normal appearing white matter in patients with CCM during hypercarbia/hypocarbia using quantitative real-time high-speed multi-echo fMRI to develop prognostic biomarkers for CCM formation

Modifiers of Disease Severity in Cerebral Cavernous Malformations
Cavernous AngiomaFamilial2 moreCerebral cavernous malformations (CCMs) are clusters of abnormal blood vessels in the brain and spine. CCMs can bleed and cause strokes, seizures, and headaches. CCMs are often caused by an inherited gene mutation (alteration) in one of three CCM genes (CCM1, CCM2, or CCM3). There is a wide range of disease severity even among family members with this disease, though the natural history has not been clearly described for this particular population. This study will continue to enroll and follow participants with familial CCM to identify factors that influence CCM disease severity and progression, focusing on barriers to clinical trial preparedness. Our long-term goal is to identify measurable outcomes and robust biomarkers that will help select high-risk patients and help monitor drug response in future clinical trials. The specific goals of this study are to: Identify factors that influence lesion progression to symptomatic hemorrhage and other outcomes, including quality of life; Investigate the role of the gut microbiome and lesion burden in CCM disease, and Identify blood biomarkers predictive of CCM disease severity and progression for clinical trials.

Quantitative Susceptibility Biomarker and Brain Structural Property for Cerebral Cavernous Malformation...
Cavernous MalformationCerebral7 moreCerebral cavernous malformation (CCM)-related epilepsy (CRE) impairs the quality of life in patients with CCM. Patients could not always achieve seizure freedom after surgical resection of the lesion, suggesting an inadequate treatment and evaluation of the epileptogenic zone or network. Iron deposition in cerebral cavernous malformations has been postulated to play an important role in triggering CRE. Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM), as an optimal in vivo imaging technique to quantify iron deposition, is employed to analyze the iron quantity in CCM patients with epilepsy and further combined with brain structural and connectome analysis, to describe the difference between CCMs with and without epilepsy. In vivo biomarkers predicting CRE risk in CCM natural history and CRE control outcome after CCM surgical resection will be further identified to improve management strategy.

Treat_CCM: Propranolol in Familial Cerebral Cavernous Malformation
Cerebral Cavernous MalformationCerebral Cavernous Malformation (CCM) is a cerebrovascular disease which can be either congenital in origin or sporadic and is characterized by the presence of isolated or multiple CCM lesions, causing recurrent headache, seizures, focal neurological deficits and hemorrhages. Inasmuch, to date, the only curative treatment available is limited to surgical lesion eradication or stereotactic radiosurgery. It is therefore necessary to find an effective medical treatment that may limit disease progression and decrease the burden of adverse clinical events. The non-selective betablocker propranolol has been found to be effective in the treatment of infantile cutaneous hemangioma, and anecdotal reports have been published on its efficacy in CCM. The safety profile of propranolol has been documented in millions of patients of all ages. The primary objective of this exploratory trial is to test whether a chronic treatment with propranolol will reduce the burden of cerebrovascular lesions, of clinical events and symptoms in patients with familial CCM.

Permeability MRI in Cerebral Cavernous Malformations Type 1 in New Mexico: Effects of Statins
Cavernous AngiomaFamilial2 moreCerebral cavernous malformations (CCMs) are clusters of abnormal blood vessels in the brain and spine. CCMs can bleed and cause strokes, seizures, and headaches. In some patients, CCMs affect the blood brain barrier (BBB). The BBB is the body's separation of blood and its contents in the brain from the brain tissue itself. Abnormal leakiness or permeability of this barrier can cause disease. We will measure the permeability (leakiness) of the BBB using a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique called dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCEMRI). The purpose of this study is to look at whether statin medications change the permeability (leakiness) of the blood brain barrier in CCM patients. Statin medications are used to lower cholesterol levels and prevent heart attack and stroke. In addition, this medication may decrease the risk of brain hemorrhage or bleeding in patients with CCM. This study will examine whether the permeability of the BBB changes following the administration of simvastatin for three months.

CoHOrt of Cerebral CavernOus maLformATion: multicEnter Prospective Observational Study
Cerebral Cavernous MalformationIntracerebral HemorrhageThe aim of this prospective study is to reveal the natural history of symptomatic hemorrhage in adult patients with cerebral cavernous malformation with the goal of informing the treatment plan.

CASH (Cavernous Angiomas With Symptomatic Hemorrhage) Trial Readiness
CCMCavernoma5 moreBrain Cavernous Angiomas with Symptomatic Hemorrhage (CASH) are rare, but they exact a heavy burden of neurologic disability from recurrent bleeding, for which there is no proven therapy. This trial readiness project aims to address current critical obstacles in identifying cases at multiple sites, characterizing their relevant features, and measuring their outcome. The timing cannot be more opportune, with therapeutic targets already identified, exceptional collaboration among researchers and with the patient community, and several drugs ready to benefit from a track to clinical testing in the next five years.