Short and Long Term Outcomes of Doxycycline Versus Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole for Skin and Soft...
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus AureusSkin InfectionThe purpose of this study is to compare how well two different antibiotics, doxycycline (DOXY) and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMX), work at curing uncomplicated skin and soft tissue infection (uSSTI) such as 1.Boils (pus in the skin, also known as abscesses and furuncles) or 2. Infections that appear only on the skin surface (called cellulitis and erysipelas) that have pus.

Effect of Modified Complete Decongestive Therapy on Lower Limbs Fibrosis Post Cellulitis
Lower Limb LymphedemaFibrosis1 morethis study will be designed to investigate the therapeutic benefits of kinesio tape in combination to complete decongestive therapy on limb volume , skin fibrosis, functional capacity ,ankle range of motion, lymphedema associated symptoms (pain, tightness, heaviness and hardness) and quality of life in patients with lower limbs fibrosis post cellulitis ,as well as finding out a physical therapy approach that has positive effect in treatment and care such cases which would enhance the physical therapy field.

A Phase Ⅱ Clinical Study of 9MW1411 Injection in Acute Bacterial Skin and Skin Structure Infections...
Skin InfectionIn this study, a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial design is used to evaluate the efficacy and safety of two doses of 9MW1411 injection in patients with ABSSSI caused by S. aureus. The Recommended Phase 2 Dose (RP2D) of 9MW1411 injection for this placebo-controlled study is comprehensively selected based on the results of Phase I clinical trials and preclinical PK/PD analysis. Approximately 90 subjects with ABSSSI caused by S. aureus are planned to be enrolled, and the infection type and presence or absence of single S. aureus infection will be used as randomization stratification factors for all randomized subjects. They are randomized in a 1: 1: 1 ratio.

High-dose Cephalexin for Cellulitis (HI-DOCC)
CellulitisCellulitis is a common condition diagnosed and managed in the ED that carries significant burden on healthcare systems globally. Cellulitis is the 8th most common reason patients present to an ED in Canada. Among middle-aged patients (45-64 years) it is the 5th most common reason to visit an ED. This disease is responsible for significant healthcare system burden due to high hospitalization rates and subsequent costs. The Investigators conducted a health records review at two large urban EDs in Ottawa, and found that 29.6% of patients with cellulitis are admitted to hospital. In a separate study, The investigators found that the mean cost of care to hospitalize cellulitis patients for IV antibiotics was $10,145 CDN.

Dalbavancin for the Treatment of Acute Bacterial Skin and Skin Structure Infections in Children,...
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus AureusBacterial Infections1 moreTo determine the safety and descriptive efficacy of dalbavancin for the treatment of acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections in children, aged birth to 17 years (inclusive), known or suspected to be caused by susceptible Gram-positive organisms, including methicillin-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus.

Discharge Stewardship in Children's Hospitals
PneumoniaBacterial5 moreThe goal of this interventional study is to test if a discharge stewardship bundle is effective at reducing inappropriate antibiotic prescriptions at hospital discharge for children with the three common infections: community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), urinary tract infections (UTI), and skin/soft tissue infections (SSTI). The goals of this study are: To develop, locally adapt, and implement a discharge stewardship intervention across four geographically diverse children's hospitals. To measure the impact of the discharge stewardship intervention on antibiotic prescribing and patient outcome for three common pediatric infections. Families who are enrolled in the study will be asked to: complete a one question wellness track on days 3, 7, and 21 after hospital discharge complete a brief survey on days 7 and 21 after hospital discharge The study team will conduct interviews with the hospitalists at each of the four participating hospitals to create a "discharge stewardship" bundle. Once the bundle intervention is implemented, the hospitalists will be asked to follow prescribing guidelines for CAP, UTI, and SSTI. They will receive regular group-level feedback reports to show how well they follow the guidelines and motivate the hospitalists to follow the guidelines better.

Adjunctive Clindamycin for the Treatment of Skin and Soft Tissue Infections, a Randomized Controlled...
Skin InfectionStaphylococcal Infections1 moreThis is an exploratory study to evaluate the effect of adjunctive clindamycin in the treatment of skin and soft-tissue infections due to Staphylococcus aureus in patients from Sierra Leone. The study hypothesizes that clindamycin, when added to routine treatment, will lead to a more rapid clinical resolution and less frequent recurrences of infection.

Cellulitis Optimal Antibiotic Treatment
Cellulitis of LegTo determine whether a short course of oral flucloxacillin (5 days) is non-inferior to a standard course (7 days) in terms of pain over days 6-14 (indicative of persistence or recurrence associated with the symptoms of most importance to patients) in adults with cellulitis of the leg presenting in primary care.

Decreasing Antibiotic Duration for Skin and Soft Tissue Infection Using Behavioral Economics in...
CellulitisAbscess5 moreStudy the efficacy of a package of behavioral economics strategies (versus an education-only control condition) in altering clinician behavior regarding antibiotic prescription duration for skin and soft tissue infection (SSTI).

Detection of Efflux Pump Genes Mediating Ciprofloxacin Resistance in Staphylococcus Aureus Isolates...
Patients withInfections Caused by S.Aureus Like Skin Infections Chest Infections 2 moreAmong multidrug-resistant bacteria, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates were recognized to be an important mortality factor in hospital infections and a major concern in health-care and community settings . The antibiotic-resistant of S. aureus is extended by various bacterial strategies, including limiting uptake of the drug, alteration of the drugtargets, production of druginactivating enzymes and the activation of efflux pumps that effectively remove antibiotics . Relying on the type of antibiotics, bacteria can apply one or more strategies. Specifically, localization of resistance genes in transferable genetic elements, such as plasmid and transposons , causing Horizontal transfer of resistance genes between bacterial strains . MRSA strains are resistant to nearly all beta-lactam antibiotics by producing an alternative penicillin-binding protein known as PBP2a . This protein is encoded by the mecA gene and has a low affinity to manybeta-lactam antibiotics. Furthermore, these strains often show resistance to a wide range of antibiotics . The use of fluoroquinolone for the effective infectious therapy is limited by presence of fluoroquinolone resistance . There are two mechanisms causing resistance to fluoroquinolone. The first one is attributed to mutations occurring in the quinolone-resistance determining region (QRDR) of topoisomerase IV encoded by grlA/grlB and DNA gyrase encoded by gyrA/gyrB; these mutations decrease the affinity ofthe drug. The other mechanism is mediated by efflux pumps which is less recognized . Recently, several efflux pumps have been identified for S. aureus including efflux pumps encoded by chromosome or plasmids. The efflux pumps norA, norB, norC, mdeA, sepA, mepA, sdrM and lmrS are encoded by chromosome while qacA/B, qacG, qacH, qacJ and smr are plasmid-encoded . Efflux pumps could be specialized for specific substrate or mobilized a wide varieties of different antibiotic classes . Despite, efflux pumps can potentially increase resistance to antibiotics in clinical isolates of S. aureus, few studies have been evaluated the individual and collective participation of the efflux system in resistant isolates . Therefore the aim of the study is to detect ciprofloxacin resistant strains of staphylococcus aureus isolates and to detect efflux pump genes ( norA , norB and norC ) mediating resistance in such strains.