Ischemic Stroke in Chinese Young Adults
Ischemic StrokeStroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States and the leading cause of disability. However, in China, stroke is one of the most frequent causes of death and chronic disability. Ischemic strokes in adults younger than 45 years of age were regarded as a relatively uncommon event in the proportion of <5% of all ischemic strokes.

MRI Study of the Structural and Functional Rehabilitation in the Cerebral Infarction Patients With...
Cerebral StrokeDiabetes MellitusDiabetes mellitus (DM) plays an important role in the occurrence of the cerebral infarction (CI). Clinical studies have demonstrated that the CI patients with DM had a poor prognosis compared with those without DM. Previous magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies have shown that patients with DM had abnormalities in cerebral vessels, nerves and functions, similar with the findings in mice models. In this study, with multi-modal MRI technologies, investigators tend to observe structural and functional changes of the brain in both DM and non-DM CI patients and assess their neural rehabilitation using clinical scales in the following 6 months. Investigators also expect to find out dynamic changes of brain structure and function, to reveal the weights of factors including brain blood vessels, nerves and function remodeling related with stroke recovery, as well as the potential mechanism in CI patients with DM.

Cranial Temperature Early Diagnose Hemorrhagic and Ischemic Stroke
Ischemic StrokeHemorrhagic StrokeThe cerebrovascular diseases can be approximately divided as two types, namely ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. Intravenous thrombolysis within 3-4.5 hours is highly recommended for acute ischemic stroke patients. But it's difficult to diagnose the ischemic stroke with the hemorrhagic stroke from the early symptoms and signs. It's with high risk of enlarging the hematoma if the patients with hemorrhagic stroke received the thrombolytic drugs. And time cost by CT or MRI examination is likely to responsible for missing the narrow time window and poor prognosis of stroke patients. Consequently, seeking for a noninvasive, rapid, portable and inexpensive diagnosis method which can sensitively distinguish the stroke type before CT or MRI examination would be very helpful in treating the ischemic stroke patients. Because of the blockage in the cerebral supply artery, the heat from circulatory system will sharply decrease in infracted hemisphere among the ischemic stroke patients. The reduced brain temperature influenced the temperature on the ipsilateral forehead according to the data of our animal and preliminary clinical trial. In contrast, the temperature of the ipsilateral hemisphere showed a mild increase among the ischemic stroke patients in our preliminary experiment. The difference of the temperature tendency on the ipsilateral forehead has a great chance to be an early physical mark. In our study, 30 ischemic stroke patients and 30 hemorrhagic stroke patients will be recruited. In the process of recruitment, the patients with acute stroke attack in no more than 4.5 hours will be collected the temperature at the five point without head coverage, including ipsilateral tempora, ipsilateral forehead, galbella, contralateral forehead, and contralateral tempora. Then the stroke would be recruited into the ischemic and hemorrhagic group according to the later CT or MRI results in the hospital. The accuracy and sensibility of early brain temperature in distinguishing stroke type would be tested in comparison with the diagnosis of imaging examination.

Risk Profiling for Patients With Isolated or Combined Coronary and Cerebral Ischemia, and Current...
IschemiaMyocardial4 moreThis study will delineate the risk profile of patients with isolated cerebral or coronary ischemia and those with combined disease. The study will also evaluate current management status of those patients and any unmet needs.This aim is proposed to be achieved by studying 3 groups of patients with coronary, cerebral or combined ischemia. Anticipated each group to be 1000 patients.

An EHR-based Platform To Facilitate Outcomes and Research Methods in Cerebrovascular Diseases
StrokeCerebrovascular Diseases4 moreIn this protocol, the investigators present methods and preliminary results from the PLATFORM-CVD Study, an EHR-based multicenter cohort. This study will focus on assessing the distribution of major cerebrovascular diseases, determining the risk factors associated with disease incidence and worse in-hospital outcomes, as well as describing the quality of care. Data from this cohort will be used to develop suitable prediction models for cerebrovascular diseases using real-world data and to understand how outcomes for cerebrovascular diseases would change with quality improvement interventions.

The Correlation Between Outcome and Infarct Growth in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke
Ischemic StrokePrevious research has shown there wasn't inevitable relationship between mismatch area and infarct growth according to Volumetric-subtraction mismatch volume.The recently published on Stroke paper has proposed Coregistration mismatch to calculate the mismatch to replace ischaemic penumbra, and it reignites hope for clinical application of the PWI/DWI mismatch. But the correlation between the mismatch, calculated by Coregistration mismatch method,and the clinical outcome of the patients with acute ischemic stroke is still unknown. so the investigators plan to conduct a prospective observational cohort study.

Screening, Early Referral and Lifestyle Tailored E_prescription for Cardiovascular Prevention
Cardiovascular DiseasesCerebral Infarction3 moreWe will evaluate an e_Prescription intervention can be integrated into an electronic screening program, which together exploit: (i) reach - the adult population has 100% mobile phone ownership and 92% internet national coverage; and (ii) behavioral change - the intervention can teach verbally and visually, thus bypassing literacy challenges, to allow simple, low-cost, repetition messaging for habit reinforcement. Uptake of the program through the various stages will be evaluated in ~2000 adults of a large representative suburban district of Karachi: As well as before-and-after physiological measures, including blood pressure (BP) and blood glucose, a random sample of 30-40 participants will be invited for interview to assess success and failure of the program. This is a pragmatic feasibility intervention implementation study.

MORbidity PRevalence Estimate In StrokE
StrokeCVA (Cerebrovascular Accident)16 moreInformation regarding the likely progress of post-stroke symptoms is vitally important to stroke survivors to allow them to plan for the future and to adjust to life after stroke. Moreover, the prevalence of morbidity secondary to stroke is of central importance to Health Professionals to understand the prognosis of the disease in the patients under their care. Additionally, it will also allow commissioners of care, planners and third sector organisations to adapt to and answer the needs of a post-stroke population. Currently, the data collected by national audit programmes are concentrated on what can be termed 'process or process of care' data. The utility of these data are in the ability to audit the care received by stroke survivors on stroke units against evidenced standards for care, thus ensuring evidence based practice. Nevertheless, process of care is only one form of measuring stroke unit care and the audit programmes collect some limited functional status data, data relating to risk-factor co-morbidities and treatment received data. Therefore, the scope of this study is to build on the minimum data set currently collected and to collect post-stroke data in domains not currently collected. The International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) takes important steps to collect data outside of process of care data such as a Patient Reported outcome data in their minimum outcome data set for stroke [currently under review].. Nevertheless, the ICHOM doesn't currently advocate the specific collection of data relating to cognitive impairment or emotional problems secondary to stroke. It is in these important aspects that this study will augment the data set currently advocated by ICHOM to collect data in the areas of cognitive impairment and emotional problems secondary to stroke. Therefore, the aim of this study is to quantify the prevalence of morbidity at six months post-stroke.

Prognostic Value of Carotid CEUS in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients
UltrasonographyCarotid Stenosis1 moreContrast-enhanced ultrasound(CEUS) of carotid artery plaque is a novel method that enabled direct visualization of neovessels in the vulnerable plaque. Plaque enhancement with CEUS showed correlation with the histologic density of neovessels within the carotid plaque and the previous cardiovascular events. Vulnerable plaques with a high risk of thromboembolic complications and rapid progression is associated with acute ischemic stroke. The prognostic value of vulnerable carotid artery plaque depicted with CEUS has not been fully investigated. The purpose of this study is to define prognostic value of plaque enhancement on carotid CEUS in acute stroke patients. Research question is; in acute ischemic stroke patients with ipsilateral carotid plaque as probable etiology of stroke, is the presence of carotid plaque enhancement on CEUS independent predictor of future stroke.

Acute Myocardial Infarction and Acute Cerebral Infarction (AMIAC) Registry and Follow-up
Myocardial InfarctionCerebral Infarction2 moreA registry of consecutive patients who were admitted and diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction or acute cerebral infarction were conducted at the Guangdong General Hospital or the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Yue Bei People's Hospital, China, between January 2000 and December 2016. The adverse clinical outcomes, including all-cause mortality, were followed from the date of admission for acute myocardial infarction or acute cerebral infarction until study end (December 31, 2016). All-cause mortality, including the date of death, was identified from the electronic hospitalization data, phone follow-up, and confirmed by the household registration (HUKOU) system, a record of registration required by law in China. Baseline characteristics, including major treatment of acute myocardial infarction or acute cerebral infarction, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and proteinuria, were collected. Demographic data were determined from the electronic hospitalization data and electronic hospital discharge records. All comorbid conditions were identified using International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10), coding algorithms applied to electronic physician claims and electronic hospital discharge records. Life style (smoking), treatment regimen at discharge, including angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI), angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB), were determined from the electronic hospitalization data.