Bryostatin-1 Plus Cisplatin in Treating Patients With Recurrent or Advanced Cancer of the Cervix...
Cervical CancerRATIONALE: Drugs used in chemotherapy use different ways to stop tumor cells from dividing so they stop growing or die. Combining more than one drug may kill more tumor cells. PURPOSE: Phase II trial to study the effectiveness of bryostatin-1 plus cisplatin in treating patients who have recurrent or advanced cancer of the cervix.

Arsenic Trioxide in Treating Patients With Stage IVB or Recurrent Cervical Cancer
Cervical CancerRATIONALE: Drugs used in chemotherapy use different ways to stop tumor cells from dividing so they stop growing or die. PURPOSE: Phase II trial to study the effectiveness of arsenic trioxide in treating patients who have stage IVB or recurrent cervical cancer.

Pemetrexed Disodium in Treating Patients With Recurrent Cancer of the Cervix
Cervical CancerRATIONALE: Drugs used in chemotherapy, such as pemetrexed disodium, work in different ways to stop tumor cells from dividing so they stop growing or die. PURPOSE: This phase II trial is studying how well pemetrexed disodium works in treating patients with recurrent cancer of the cervix.

Radiation Therapy and Chemotherapy in Treating Patients With Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer
Cervical AdenocarcinomaCervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma5 moreThis phase I trial is studying the side effects and best way to give radiation therapy when given together with topotecan and cisplatin in treating patients with locally advanced cervical cancer. This trial is also studying the best dose of topotecan when given in this regimen. Radiation therapy uses high-energy x-rays to damage tumor cells. Drugs used in chemotherapy, such as topotecan and cisplatin, use different ways to stop tumor cells from dividing so they stop growing or die. Combining radiation therapy with chemotherapy may kill more tumor cells.

Comparative Study of Different Neoadjuvant Therapies Before Radical Hysterectomy in Stage Ib2-IIa2...
Cervical CancerFor stage Ib2-IIa2 cervical cancer patients, neoadjuvant therapy followed by radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy is one of the managements. Post-operative concurrent chemo-radiotherapy is necessary if the patients have high-risk factors, including positive surgical margin, parametrium and pelvic nodes. Our previous retrospective study showed that combination of neoadjuvant chemotherapy and brachytherapy reduced the proportion of post-operative concurrent chemo-radiotherapy compared to neoadjuvant chemotherapy alone.

Dose Optimization in 3D Pulsed Dose Rate Brachytherapy for Patients With Locally Advanced Cervical...
Cervical AdenocarcinomaStage IB Cervical Cancer2 moreThis prospective phase II trial study aims to optimize the increase in dose to the target volume at high risk (85 to 90 Gy over 90% of its volume) and the intermediate target volume (60 Gy to 90 % of its volume) in 3D Pulsed Dose Rate Brachytherapy in treating patients with locally advanced cervical cancer.

Biomarkerscreening in Cervical Cancer and Its Preinvasive Lesions
Evaluation of New Tissue Biomarkers for Cervical CancerThe following trial is a multicenter and prospective research trial of the colposcopy unit of luebeck university and the national research center in Borstel, Germany. The study is to identify and evaluate new biomarkers in human papilloma virus (HPV) associated malignancies and its preinvasive lesions of the cervix uteri. Fresh tissue samples being removed during conizations and/or hysterectomies are to be fixed in HOPE's solution and analyzed according to their transcriptomes and methylosome. The hereby found candidates are to be validated using immunohistochemistry and RT [real-time] -PCR [polymerase chain reaction]. The project is meant to be followed by continuous studies developing a new test describing the malignant potential of HPV associated genital lesions.

Application of Tachosil During Lymphadenectomy
LymphoceleEndometrial Cancer1 moreThe prevention of lymphoceles was assessed using collagen patch coated with the human coagulation factors (TachoSil, Nycomed International Management GmbH, Zurich, Switzerland; NCT Number ICMJE NCT01192022; Other Study ID Numbers ICMJE TC-2402-040-SP; U1111-1130-9121 Registry Identifier: WHO) on 50 consecutive patients with endometrial and cervical cancer stages IB to II who had undergone open hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy (PL). Methods: Each patient was simultaneously randomized in two groups: as a control (side without Tachosil applied) and study group (side with Tachosil applied). All surgical parameters were collected and patients underwent ultrasound examination on postoperative days 1, 6, and 30, and at the end of treatment.

Role of Bladder Training During Post-operative Hospital Stay After Radical Hysterectomy in Patients...
Uterine Cervical NeoplasmsThe objective of the study is to evaluate the impact and the outcome of bladder training during post-operative hospital stay after radical hysterectomy, mainly after neoadjuvant concurrent chemo-radiation therapy for locally advanced cervical cancer.

Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Cervical Cancer
Cervix CancerCervical Cancer1 moreCervical cancer represents the second commonest cancer in women worldwide, with 500,000 new cases and 300,000 deaths reported yearly. Among cervical cancer cases, 80% occur in developing countries and about 70% are identified as advanced cancer. According to the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) staging system, a locally advanced cervical cancer includes stage IB2 to IIB. Treatment modalities include radical surgery with or without adjuvant radiotherapy (RT), Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy (NAC) plus radical hysterectomy with or without adjuvant RT, and concomitant chemo radiation. Currently, platinum based concurrent chemoradiotherapy is the gold standard for locally advanced cervical carcinoma. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy has many advantages: decreasing tumor size making surgery easier with improved rate of complete resection, decreased pelvic recurrence rate significantly, decreasing rate of parametrial invasion and lymph node metastasis, better brachytherapy distribution, minimal radiation toxicity, and 15% absolute increase of 5-year survival. This study will evaluate various factors i.e. patient related (Age, Menopausal status, HPV, HIV, Comorbidities), Tumor related pathological stages (TNM), grade, lymphovascular perineural invasion, lymph nodes, extranodal extension, tumor margins including radial margin, type of tumor i.e. Adeno vs squamous, mutation profile and Treatment related factors (type of NAC, duration of NAC, no of cycles of NAC).