OCT-AF Imaging of Pre-cancers of Vulva and Cervix
Cervical DysplasiaVulvar Dysplasia3 moreThe multimodal imaging technology, OCT-AFI, will be used to image sites on the cervix, the endocervical canal and vulva. The imaging probe is small enough, it can be inserted into the endocervical canal for imaging. The probe can also be placed in a conformable holder that can be shaped to conform the the folds of the vulva for vulvar imaging. The resultant images will be compared to histology images. The objectives are to determine feasibility of the technology in imaging vulva and its capability in detecting vulvar intraepithelial neoplasias feasibility in imaging cervix from endocervical canal to transformation zone to ectocervix if combined OCT with AFI increases the sensitivity of detecting high grade lesions in the cervix compared to just AFI alone (previous work was AFI alone).

HPV Test of Urine and Self Collected Vaginal Samples for Cervical Cancer Screening Study
ASC-USLSILThis study is a prospective observational study of human papillomavirus (HPV) testing using urine and self-collected vaginal samples for women who have atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance(ASCUS) or low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion(LSIL) on Pap test. Among women who are diagnosed with ASCUS and LSIL, HPV test is performed by collecting urine and self-collected vaginal sample in standardized condition before colposcopy, and evaluation will be performed as a primary screening test with cytology triage.

Screening Test Accuracy of Gynocular™, HR-HPV Testing, VIA for Detection of Cervical Neoplastic...
Uterine Cervical NeoplasmsHIV/AIDSCervical cancer in HIV-positive women is largely preventable through regular screening. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends cervical screening for HIV-positive women every three years. Currently the least costly method for screening and the most viable option for many countries is visual inspection after application of acetic acid (VIA). Alternative testing methods are HPV testing and assessment with a portable magnification device. The investigators plan to assess and compare the screening test accuracy of these screening tests in women living with HIV. All women will receive histopathology reference standard.

New Methods of Distribution of a Self Sampler Kit for Cervical Cancer Screening
Cervical Cancer Cin GradeThe opportunity of a home, self-collected sample, opens the chance to remove some of the barriers that may discourage women from participating to screening programmes or performing HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)-test. Self-sampling is less time consuming and invasive as compared with tests performed at a clinic. It allows for privacy, reduces discomfort and women know nobody would have to handle their body. Study hypothesis: The use of a self-sampler may increase the recovery of non-responders women at cervical cancer screening.

Sonographic Characteristics of Tumor Indices in Patients With Cervical Cancer During Chemo-radiotherpy...
CancerCervical tumors are characterized by vascular changes (in terms of quantity, volume and Flows) in the tumor. Due to a good access to the cervix through the vagina, these parameters can be assessed using a three dimensional supersonic. Sonographic characteristics of tumor indices measures before and after oncological treatments may shed light on the patient's prognosis.

Burden of Cervical Cancer in Tanzania
Cervical Cancer-Socioeconomic Burden of DiseaseCervical cancer screening is a worldwide problem especially in the developing world of which Tanzania belongs. It is diagnosed late in the third world because there are no diagnostic facilities and resource people. It occurs in the age groups between 40 and above and therefore affects the productive age of the community. It is well known that women generally are the backbone of every community and specifically in the developing countries. The objective of this research is to analyze and quantify the burden of cervical cancer disease in the community. It will research the interpersonal and socioeconomic issues associated with cervical cancer disease in the family.

Pelvic Fractures and Radiation Therapy for Cervical Cancer
Cervical CancerEndometrial Cancer1 moreThe goal of this study is to estimate how often pelvic fractures occur in women treated with radiation therapy for either newly diagnosed or recurrent cervical, endometrial, or vaginal cancer. The study will also estimate the changes in bone mineral density and the changes in the blood that relate to "bone turnover". High bone turnover can weaken bones and make you more likely to break a bone.

oncoFISH Cervical Test for Detection of 3q26 Region Gain
Cervical CancerLSILThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the use of the oncoFISH cervical test system in the management of women who have received an LSIL Pap report to determine whether the test can predict which women will progress to more serious cervical disease and which women do not have to be monitored as closely.

Cytokine Regulation of Natural Killer Receptors in Inhibiting Activated T Cell Function
Cervical CancerBreast Cancer2 moreIn this study proposal, the investigators will extend their previous studies and examine the kinetic cytotoxic activity with concordant expression of inhibitory natural killer (NK) receptors (iNKR) on activated T cells. The inhibitory role of cytokines will be defined by utilizing the investigators' previously established models of mixed lymphocytes and tumor cells coculture to analyze the expression and activity of cytokines involved in the regulation of iNKRs on cancer-encountered T cells.

Radiotherapy Assessments During Intervention ANd Treatment (RADIANT)
Radiation TherapyCancer17 moreCollect blood samples and associated clinical data prior to, during, and post radiation treatment.