Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation for Headache
Cervicogenic HeadacheTension-Type HeadacheThis is a pilot and feasibility randomized controlled trial to assess the efficacy of chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy in patients with tension-type and cervicogenic headache.

The Effect Of Cervical Mobilization And Clinical Pilates in Cervicogenic Headache
HeadacheCervicogenic2 moreCervicogenic headache (CH) arises from cervical region problems. Various physiotherapy methods such as manual therapy approaches and exercise training are used in the treatment of CH. The aim of our study is to investigate cervical mobilization and clinical Pilates exercises on pain, muscle stiffness, head and neck blood flow in CH. Including individuals diagnosed with CH in the study. Those to be included in the study will be divided into 3 groups by a simple method. Demographic information of the individuals, age, height, weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), gender, educational status, occupation, marital status, smoking, alcohol use will be recorded. In evaluations about pain before treatment; pain intensity, pain frequency, duration and characteristics will be evaluated with Visual Analog Scale (VAS). In addition, analgesic use (frequency, amount) in headache situations will be recorded. Migraine Disability Assessment Scale (MIDAS) will be used to determine the effect of headache on quality of life. Disability Index will be used in the assessment of functional desire, and Postur Screen mobile application will be used in the assessment of posture. Range of motion(ROM) of all neck joint movements will be evaluated by CROM goniometer, deep neck flexor muscle strength by Pressure Biofeedback Unit (PBU), sternocleidomastoid(SKM), suboccipital and upper trapezius muscle stiffness myotonometer, and head-neck artery flow volume will be evaluated by Doppler ultrasound. Cervical mobilization methods will be applied to the 1st group, clinical pilates applications to the 2nd group, clinical pilates with cervical mobilization will be applied to the 3rd group for 3 days / week for 6 weeks. All evaluations were completed again after the 3rd week and after the treatment. After the obtained results are obtained, the literature will be discussed.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy-based Rehabilitation of Post-concussion Symptoms
Post-Concussion SyndromePost-Traumatic HeadacheThe investigators aim to evaluate effects of an outpatient rehabilitation program based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy compared to usual care on function in patients with post-concussion syndrome (PCS) and post-traumatic headache (PTH). This study builds on the investigators' previous observational studies and treatment studies in this patient group.

Cervical-Cranial Dry Needling vs. Orthopedic Manual Therapy for Cervicogenic Headache
Cervicogenic HeadacheDry needling is a therapeutic modality used to treat a number of neuromusculoskeletal conditions. Practice trends suggest it is becoming widely used by Physical Therapists to help patients manage symptoms associated with CGH, however, there is limited scientific evidence demonstrating meaningful impact for dry needling for CGH. Manual therapy (thrust and non-thrust mobilizations) to the cervical spine are well researched and have an established treatment effect for managing symptoms related to CGH. The purpose of this study is to compare outcomes (1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 12 months) for patients with CGH treated with cervical-cranial dry needling or pragmatically applied orthopedic manual therapy to the cervical spine. In addition to either the cervical-cranial dry needling or manual therapy to the cervical spine, patients will also receive patient education, thoracic manipulation, and exercise.

Multisite Advancement of Research on Chronic Posttraumatic Headache
Posttraumatic HeadachePosttraumatic headache (PTH) is a common and highly disabling consequence of traumatic brain injury (TBI) in U.S. military service members and veterans. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for PTH has been shown to significantly improve disability outcomes in veterans with persistent PTH when delivered in-person. Telemedicine platforms can dramatically increase access to evidence-based care. However, whether CBT for PTH retains its effectiveness when delivered through a telemedicine platform has yet to be established. The purpose of this 3-arm randomized clinical trial is to compare Clinic-based Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CCBT) to Telemedicine-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TCBT) and to treatment as usual (TAU) in 525 service members and veterans with chronic posttraumatic headaches (PTH) at 3 VA medical centers and 4 military treatment facilities across the U.S. Participants will be assessed for headache-related disability, headache experience, and psychiatric comorbidities across multiple time points.

SPRINT® Peripheral Nerve Stimulation for the Treatment of Head Pain
Cervicogenic HeadacheOccipital NeuralgiaThe purpose of this study is to learn if pain can be relieved by delivering small amounts of electricity (called "electrical stimulation") to the nerves at the top of the neck. This study will use a device called the SPRINT® PNS System. PNS stands for peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS). This device is cleared by the FDA for up to 60 days of use for relief of chronic or acute pain.

The Safety and Feasibility of tDCS Combined With Conservative Treatment for Cervicogenic Headaches...
Cervicogenic HeadacheAnnually, up to 150,000 individuals are affected by cervicogenic headaches (CGH) in Canada with many of these cases being chronic. Current treatments for CGH are limited in efficacy and durability - indicating a dire need for novel interventions in this population. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and physiotherapy have a high degree of safety and have been studied as interventions for many other chronic pain conditions and headache disorders. We propose to study the feasibility and safety of tDCS alongside physiotherapy for CGH further in a randomized sham controlled trial.

SMART Concussion Trial: Symptom Management vs Alternative Randomized Treatment of Concussion Trial...
Mild Traumatic Brain InjuryHeadaches Posttraumatic2 moreGiven the rising rates of concussion in youth ages 10-19 and the significant proportion of young people who remain symptomatic for months following concussion, research evaluating the efficacy of multifaceted treatment options following concussion is imperative. Studies examining the efficacy of treatment strategies following concussion in children and adults are surprisingly limited, and most focus on one treatment approach, have small sample sizes, are not randomized controlled trials, and focus on individuals with prolonged recovery (months). There is a need for a multifaceted treatment trial to examine the early implementation of treatment approaches that may reduce prolonged recovery while considering the heterogeneous presentation of symptoms and patient preferences in the sub-acute stage following concussion. Randomized controlled trials that consider a multifaceted transdisciplinary approach to treatment in the early period following concussion are needed to raise the bar regarding evidence-informed management following concussion

Treatment of Acute PTH With a CGRP Receptor mAb in Military Service Members and Civilians With mTBI...
Posttraumatic HeadacheMild Traumatic Brain InjuryThis study aims to assess the effect and safety of erenumab compared to placebo for the treatment of acute posttraumatic headache (PTH) in military service members and civilians with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI).

Art Therapy and Emotional Well Being in Military Populations With Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms...
PTSDMilitary Activity12 moreArt therapy is used across the Military Health System for treatment of posttraumatic symptoms, but there is limited research on how art therapy is able to restore emotional expression and regulation in service members. This research hopes to learn about the effects of art therapy on emotional expression and regulation in service members as well as the neurological systems at work. If a participant chooses to be in this study, he or she will attend ten sessions over a period of twelve weeks. The first session will be an interview and self-assessment questionnaires to collect information on a variety of symptoms, experiences, and personality traits, and an MRI scan. During the MRI scan, participants will be asked to perform a task where they will be shown a series of neutral and negative images. The middle eight sessions will be one-hour art therapy sessions with a certified art therapist. The last session will consist of the same self-assessment questionnaires and another MRI scan.