Objective Measurement of Ossicular Chain Mobility Using a Palpating Instrument Intraoperatively...
Disorder of Middle EarOtosclerosis of Middle Ear2 moreFeasibility of the objective measurement of the ossicular chain mobility, by using a force-measuring device based on a fiber optics sensors (PalpEar).

How Long Must the MRI Follow-up Last to Safely Identify Middle Ear Residual Cholesteatoma
Middle Ear CholesteatomaPrevious studies demonstrated the high diagnostic value of non-echoplanar diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging (non-EP DWI) for residual cholesteatoma. However, limited data are available regarding a suitable length of imaging follow-up. The present study aimed to determine the optimal duration of non-EP DWI follow-up for residual cholesteatoma

Associations of Pre- and Intraoperative Endoscopic Findings of Middle Ear Status in Cholesteatoma...
Middle Ear CholesteatomaThe aim of this study is to assess the accuracy of preoperative HRCT of the temporal bone combined with the preoperative audiologic assessment compared with the intraoperative endoscopic middle ear finding.

Level of Middle Cranial Fossa Dura in Patients With Cholesteatoma
CholesteatomaMiddle EarCholesteatoma is a destructive lesion that progressively expands in the middle ear, mastoid or petrous bone and leads to destruction of the nearby structures. Erosion, which is caused by bone resorption of the ossicular chain and otic capsule, may cause hearing loss, vestibular dysfunction, facial paralysis and intracranial manifestations