Traditional Chinese Medicine Suan Tsao Jen Tang and Tian-Wang-Bu-Xin Dan in Patients With Primary...
Insomniakeywords: Traditional Chinese Medicine, Herbs, Clinical trial, Insomnia, Quality of life, Suan-Zao-Ren Tang, Tian-wang-bu-xin-dan

Music for Insomnia
InsomniaSleep DisordersThe aim of this study is to determine the effect of listening to music on sleep quality (subjective and objective), daytime dysfunction and neurophysiological arousal in patients with insomnia.

CBT Insomnia Teens: Augmenting SSRIs to Improve Youth Depression
InsomniaDepressionThis study is a randomized controlled trial that tests the effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) for insomnia with comorbid depression in youth aged 12 through 19 who have recently begun selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants. CBT is compared with a control condition of sleep hygiene education.

Efficacy Study of "Imaginative Distention", a Self Managed Tool to Cope With Fatigue,Insomnia and...
Multiple SclerosisImaginative Distention (ID) is proposed as supportive and integrative intervention to cope with fatigue, (principal end point), to cope with insomnia, stress perception and to improve QoL of pw MS, insomnia pw and health care personnel. ID is safe and it can be easily learned and practised without of any particular instrument and also feasible in disabled pw. This technique allows persons to experience the body as a source of well-being and not just fatigue, pain and disease. ID can become a self managed tool of empowerment to cope with MS, to reduce its negative impact on daily life and job performances. Adherence to pharmacological therapies could be improved using ID. For pw MS ID could have specific and customizable rehabilitation implications to improve motor disability, as already seen in stroke patients. The principal end point of the trial is verify ID efficacy on fatigue and its specificity on pw MS at the end of the training. For this reason, ID efficacy will be tested in comparative terms too. Among all possible comparison populations, we selected: pw insomnia, which is stress related disease and health personnel, because at risk of stress. The control groups comparison permits to evaluate the specificity of ID on pw MS. The three groups are randomised to intervention or waiting list. The training is 8 weekly session long. Self administered questionnaire are filled by participants before and after the training, and 3-6 months later. The extent of change in outcome measure monitored in each exposed group vs. unexposed will allow to separate the non-disease specific effect of ID from the MS-specific effect. The difference in estimates will allow to determine the extent of the true effect of ID in pw MS. All outcome measure will be compared among all groups mentioned and over time. The study would identify also the most important outcome measures for MS patients questioning them in a focus group. This aspect is very important because could differs from which clinicians and researchers think about.

Internet-CBT for Insomnia
InsomniaDepressionThis study includes two sub-trials. In trial 1 patients suffering from insomnia but not meeting the criteria for depression are randomised to either therapist guided Internet-based CBT for insomnia or to a control group with a non-guided, brief self-help program that acts as a placebo control. The primary purpose is to evaluate reduction in Insomnia severity (compared to placebo) after treatment and at follow-ups at 6-month, 1 year and 3 years. Secondary purpose is to evaluate the costeffectiveness of the treatment and to evaluate if the insomnia treatment has a preventive effect on future depressive episodes. Recruitment is done through mass media and includes all regions of Sweden. Initial assessment based on questionnaires and telephone interviews. Trial 2 includes patients suffering from both Insomnia and depression. Randomization is done between either CBT for insomnia or CBT for depression (both Internet-based) to evaluate each respective treatment's effect on both insomnia and depression. The patients need for further treatment after the initial one will be measured and used as a secondary outcome. Recruitment is done through mass media but only citizens in the Stockholm area are included since the initial assessment are based on both questionnaires and telephone interviews as well as a visit at a psychiatrist located at the Internet psychiatry clinic in Stockholm. Both trials will include health economic data and analysis. For the longer follow-up periods (1 and 3 years), registers will be used to analyse consumption of sleep medication and antidepressants as well as general health care utilization.

A Study to Compare Efficacy and Safety of Zolpidem Modified Release Formulation Versus Zolpidem...
Sleep Initiation and Maintenance DisordersPrimary InsomniaThe purpose of this study is to investigate the efficacy and safety of zolpidem MR (modified release) compared to zolpidem IR (immediate release) in patients with primary insomnia.

Iron Treatment of Sleep Disorders in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism Spectrum DisorderInsomniaAutism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are characterized by difficulties in language, social communication, and repetitive and restricted behaviors. ASD affects as many as 1 in 90-150 children. Sleep issues/insomnia is very common in children with ASD (50-80%). Insomnia has a negative impact on both the developmental and behavioral function of the child and the quality of life for the family. Causes of insomnia in children with ASD are multifactorial and can be difficult to treat effectively. Low iron stores, as manifest by low serum ferritin levels, is also common in children with ASD. Both insomnia and low iron stores are associated with Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) and Periodic Limb Movement of Sleep (PLMS). Children with ASD often have difficulty communicating symptoms or tolerating Polysomnography (Sleep Study). This makes establishing a diagnosis of RLS or PLMS very difficult in children with ASD.

High-resolution, Relational, Resonance-based, Electroencephalic Mirroring (HIRREM) to Relieve Insomnia...
InsomniaThe purpose of this study is to determine whether the addition of High-resolution, relational, resonance-based, electroencephalic mirroring (HIRREM) to usual care will improve insomnia symptoms based on changes in the Insomnia Severity Index at two months following completion of the intervention, compared to placebo plus usual care.

Novel Treatment of Comorbid Insomnia and Sleep Apnea in Older Veterans
InsomniaApneaThe purpose of this study is to determine whether a novel intervention combining cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia plus a positive airway pressure (PAP) behavioral adherence program provided by allied health personnel for older Veterans with obstructive sleep apnea and comorbid insomnia improves nighttime sleep and PAP adherence.

A Study to Investigate the Effect of JNJ-42847922 on Polysomnography Measures in Patients With Major...
Depressive DisorderMajorThe purpose of the study is to evaluate effect of JNJ-42847922 on sleep latency (latency to persistent sleep) in participants with major depressive disorder who are stably treated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor/serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor who suffer from insomnia (inability to fall asleep).