Effect of Non-enteric Coated Enzymes Substitution on Pain in Patients With Chronic Pancreatitis...
Chronic PancreatitisPainPain in CP entails several independent yet overlapping mechanisms including oxidative stress-mediated parenchymal inflammation, pancreatic and central neuropathy and neuroplasticity. Medical modalities for long-term pain management includes antioxidants and neuromodulators. Pancreatic enzymes are also invariably used for pain management. CP with ductal obstruction and pain is treated with either endotherapy or drainage surgery. However, it has been observed that a substantially increasing proportion of patients experience pain recurrence as the duration of follow-up after endotherapy or surgery gets longer. Neural and dietary (proteins) stimuli activate CCK receptors in D1 & D2 which gives a positive feedback signal for pancreatic secretion. Once enzyme secretion starts, due to ductal and interstitial/tissue hypertension, nociception begins that results in pain. Blockade of the duodenal CCK receptors could inhibit the positive feedback loop, thereby reducing pancreatic secretion and resulting pain. Currently available enteric coated enzyme supplements are released throughout the small bowel and therefore may not be released sufficiently in the duodenum to effectively suppress the feedback loops. High doses of proteases (~25k-30k) would be required to block the receptors, while most of the currently available preparations have higher lipase but not proteases. This led to the investigators' hypothesis that negative feedback of CCK by non enteric coated pancreatic enzymes could ameliorate pain in a more effective manner by NE-PERT.

STTEPP: Safety, Tolerability and Dose Limiting Toxicity of Lacosamide in Patients With Painful Chronic...
Chronic PainChronic Pain Syndrome8 moreThe investigators propose to conduct a dose-escalation trial of an FDA-approved antiepileptic drug, lacosamide, added to opioid therapy in patients with chronic abdominal pain from chronic pancreatitis (CP). This pilot trial will test the feasibility of the study design and provide reassurance regarding the tolerability and safety of lacosamide used concomitantly with opioids in this patient population to reduce the condition known clinically as opioid-induced hyperalgesia (OIH).

Role of a CCK Receptor Antagonist Proglumide in Management of Chronic Pancreatitis
Safety IssuesPain1 moreChronic pancreatitis is a rare but debilitating condition associated with chronic abdominal pain, diarrhea, diabetes, and an 8-fold increased risk for the development of pancreatic cancer. Unfortunately, there is no available treatment to prevent the progression of chronic pancreatitis, and most subjects require narcotic medications to control the pain. A receptor protein call the CCK-B receptor becomes activated in chronic pancreatitis and is in part responsible for the scar tissue or fibrosis that occurs and responsible for the cancer risk. In mice with chronic pancreatitis, the inflammation and damage was reversed with an old drug called proglumide that blocks the activation of the CCK-B receptor. Proglumide has also been shown to possibly reduce pain. This protocol involved a 2-Part study to test the safety of oral proglumide in those with confirmed chronic pancreatitis and the second goal is to determine if proglumide improves pain and function of the pancreas. Part-1 is an open-labelled Lead-in Study of N=8 subjects over a 12-week treatment period. Part-2 is a randomized double blind pseudo cross over study where subjects will be treated in Arm A (placebo for 12 weeks followed by 12 weeks of proglumide) and Arm B ( proglumide for 24 weeks).

A PiLot ClinicaL TrIal of ParicAlcitol for ChroNiC PancrEatitis
Chronic PancreatitisThe purpose of this pilot study to examine the feasibility and acceptability of paricalcitol in adults with Chronic Pancreatitis (CP).

Efficacy of Energy Therapy in the Management of Chronic Pain Medical Condition in Children and Adolescents....
Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseUlcerative Colitis2 morePaediatric and adolescent patients with chronic pain associated with their medical condition will be invited to participate in this study. Most patients for this study will be recruited from gastroenterology and hepatology clinics at KCH. Therefore the rationale for the study is primarily with consideration of each of these medical conditions all with the common symptom of chronic pain. Inflammatory bowel disease disorders(IBD), such as Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis, disorders of gut-brain interaction (DGBI) all experience chronic pain. however children with DGBI do not have an underlying specific lesion causing the pain. The chronic pain is the disease. In addition to this Chronic pancreatitis in children and adolescents can cause severe pain. All of these groups of patients suffer with chronic pain and this can result in failure to thrive and have a negative impact on quality of life. There is a need for further development of a non - pharmacological approach to support these patients with their symptoms of pain and in turn improve quality of life. This study is designed to evaluate the benefits of a complementary natural therapy for paediatric and adolescent patients registered at King's College Hospital, with a diagnosis of a disease or disorder with associated symptoms of chronic pain. The age group is 5-18 years old. The therapy to be evaluated is an energy therapy (Pranic Healing). This therapy is non -invasive, non- touch, non- pharmacological and natural. The study will assess the benefits these patients experience with their symptoms of pain after 8 weeks of weekly energy therapy sessions each session is 30 minutes and 3 visits each 4 weeks apart. Qualitative and Quantitative data will be collected and evaluated.

Endotherapy for Painless Chronic Pancreatitis
PancreatitisChronic4 moreThis is a prospective randomized controlled trial. . Patients will be divided into conservative or endoscopic group and fecal pancreatic elastase-1 (FE-1) is tested to evaluate pancreatic exocrine function. The effect of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy and endoscopic treatment on the progression of chronic pancreatitis in painless patients will be determined.

Intra-Portal Alone Versus Intra- and Extra-Portal Transplantation of Pancreatic Islets After Total...
Chronic PancreatitisDiabetes Mellitus1 moreRandomized pilot trial of patients (n=30) undergoing Total Pancreatectomy and Islet AutoTransplant (TPIAT). Patients with islet harvest of greater than 5000 islet equivalents/kg body weight will be randomized to receive a portion of their islets into an omental pouch. For outcomes related to islet function, a group of normal volunteers (n=15) will be studied as a comparator group.

Robotic Versus Open Pancreaticoduodenectomy for Pancreatic and Periampullary Tumors
Pancreatic AdenocarcinomaPancreatic Cysts6 moreThis multicenter randomized trial aims to primarily assess and compare the functional recovery of patients who undergo open versus robotic pancreaticoduodenectomy for benign and malignant lesions of the head of the pancreas.

Internet Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Pediatric Chronic Pancreatitis
Chronic PancreatitisAcute Recurrent PancreatitisAbdominal pain is common in children with chronic and acute recurring pancreatitis (CP, ARP), and as they continue into adulthood, the disease progresses with increased pain and greater exposure to opioids. Despite the relevancy of early pain self-management for childhood pancreatitis, there have been no studies of non-pharmacological pain intervention in this population. The proposed project will evaluate a web-based cognitive behavioral pain management program delivered to a cohort of well-phenotyped children with CP/ARP and some community participants to reduce pain, pain-related disability and enhance HRQOL; it will also identify genetic risk factors and clinical and behavioral phenotypic factors associated with treatment response to enable precision medicine approaches.

Autologous Mesenchymal Stromal Cells and Islet Co-transplantation in TP-IAT
Chronic PancreatitisMesenchymal Stem CellsThis is a clinical trial for chronic pancreatitis (CP) patients undergoing total pancreatectomy with islet autotransplantation (TP-IAT). Participants will be randomized to either bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) or control with the standard of care. Participants will be followed for one-year post-transplant.