Comparison of the Effect of Lidocaine Infusion Applied at Different Doses During Lumbar Spinal Surgery...
Post Operative PainHemodynamic Instability1 moreThe aim of this study is to investigate the effects of intravenous infusion of lidocaine at different doses (1 mg/kg/h vs. 2 mg/kg/h) in the intraoperative period in patients undergoing lumbar stabilization, whether postoperative pain, postoperative opioid use, opioid-related side effects are reduced, and its effects on intraoperative hemodynamics

Erector Spinae Plane Blocks for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
PainPostoperative2 morePediatric spinal fusion (PSF) surgery is a painful procedure that can treat adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). One technique that can potentially reduce patients' pain levels and need for opioid medication is the ultrasound-guided Erector Spinae Plane Block (ESPB). The ESP block is a technique that involves injecting an anesthetic medication into the muscles of the lower back on both sides of the spine. Previous studies have shown that ESPB application led to a reduction in opioid use, and there is one pediatric case report of ESPB use in two patients undergoing PSF. However, there is still lack of evidence that the ESPB technique is feasible and effective in the pediatric patient population. The present study is designed to be the first randomized controlled trial to evaluate the role of ESPB in pediatric spinal fusion surgery and the role of ESPB within an enhanced recovery pathway.

Stopping Opioid Overuse in Obstetrics To Halt Exposure Trial
PainPostoperative1 moreAs the opioid epidemic continues on, more research is needed on multi-modal approaches to decrease opioid exposure after common procedures. The aim of this study is to investigate the role of a transverses abdominis block using liposome bupivacaine suspension in reducing use of opioid medications through post-operative day 7. The study is a proposed double-blind, randomized controlled trial.

Lidocaine and Magnesium and Ketamine in Gynecological Surgery
PainPostoperative14 moreThe aim of this study will be to investigate the effect of a combination of intravenous infusions of lidocaine and magnesium versus a combination of intravenous infusions of lidocaine and ketamine versus an intravenous infusion of lidocaine alone on recovery profile, quality of recovery and postoperative pain after elective gynecological surgery

Patient-Titrated Automated Intermittent Boluses of Local Anesthetic vs. a Continuous Infusion Via...
PainAcute Postoperative1 moreThis will be a randomized comparison of continuous local anesthetic infusion with patient controlled boluses (PCA) to patient-titratable automated boluses with patient controlled boluses (PCA) for both infraclavicular and popliteal-sciatic perineural catheters. The overall goal is to determine the relationship between method of local anesthetic administration (continuous with PCA vs. titratable intermittent dosing with PCA) for these two perineural catheter locations and the resulting pain control. The investigators hypothesize that, compared with a traditional fixed, continuous basal infusion initiated prior to discharge, perineural local anesthetic administered with titratable automated boluses at a lower dose and a 5-hour delay following discharge will (1) provide at least noninferior analgesia during the period that both techniques are functioning; and, (2) will result in a longer overall duration of administration [dual primary end points].

Eliminating Narcotic Prescriptions From Outpatient Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery
PainPostoperative1 moreLaparoscopic gynecologic surgeries are generally very well tolerated procedures, and patients are able to go home on the same day, with a prescription for pain control. There is currently a very wide range of prescription practice within the gynecology community in regards to opioids following surgery, and patients are going home with anything from zero to 5 or even 20 tabs of narcotics. Aside from negative side effect of opioids (like nausea/vomiting, dizziness, constipation, and possibly addiction), unnecessary opioid prescriptions and excess unused narcotics is one of the major contributors to narcotic abuse in the community, worsening an ongoing nationwide opioid crisis. Although most patients report low pain level following these kinds of procedure, there are no current standard prescriptions after gynecologic laparoscopy. In an effort to standardize discharge prescriptions following gynecologic laparoscopy, this study aims to find an optimal regimen for pain control in the post-operative period following laparoscopic gynecologic surgery. There will be 2 standardized set of discharge prescriptions to which patient will be randomized; both containing multimodal medications for pain control. Pain control, and patients satisfaction will be measured in the first post-operative week.

The Effect of Preoperative Oral Dexamethasone Supplementation on the Outcome of Thyroidectomised...
HypocalcemiaVitamin D Deficiency5 moreGlucocorticoids are well known for their analgesic, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and anti-emetic effects. Recovery time after thyroid surgery may depend on several factors, such as postoperative pain, nausea and vomiting, postoperative sore throat, voice disorders and symptomatic hypocalcaemia (low serum calcium level). However, there is little information in the literature about the preventive use of glucocorticosteroids in patients undergoing thyroid surgery. The aim of the study is to evaluate the clinical impact of preoperative oral dexamethasone supplementation on the surgical outcome in patients with multinodular goiter undergoing total thyroidectomy. Patients will be assigned to the supplementation group and the placebo group. In the supplementation group 8mg of dexamethasone will be administered orally one hour before surgery. In the postoperative period, the frequency and intensity of pain, nausea, vomiting, sore throat and hoarseness will be assessed. The incidence of symptoms of hypocalcaemia will also be evaluted. Preoperative and postoperative levels of vitamin D, cytokines, acute phase proteins and substances related to calcium metabolism will be measured in the blood. Cytokines levels in drainage fluid will also be assessed. The main hypothesis of the study is that in patients with supplementation postoperative discomfort and decrease in serum calcium and parathormone level and hypocalcemic symptoms will be less severe and the levels of proinflammatory substances will be decreased.

A Comparative Study Between the Effectiveness of Preoperative ESPB Versus Preoperative PVPB in Decreasing...
Chronic Postoperative PainBreast cancer is considered the commonest malignancy affecting women with an incidence exceeding one million cases per year. Although it has a favorable prognosis with improved lines of treatment, some complications may still disturb the patient's life quality. One of these complications is post-mastectomy pain syndrome (PMPS) .Regional Anaesthesia (RA) is considered one of the most effective methods in reducing acute pain after breast surgeries, these include pectoral nerves block (PECS), serratus anterior plane block (SAPB), paravertebral plane block (PVPB) and erector spinae plane block (ESPB) . Our study is aiming for comparing the effect of preoperative PVPB versus preoperative ESPB in the prevention of PMPS in patients undergoing unilateral breast surgeries.

Evaluation of Post Operative Pain After Ultrasonic Activation and Manual Dynamic Agitation As Final...
Post Operative PainThe study analyzes the difference in post operative pain after root canal therapy, after using different activation protocols and devices. The subjects are divided into 2 groups and a different activation protocol is used in each group. In one group, final activation of irrigating agent during root canal therapy is done with an ultrasonic activation device, and in the other group, manual dynamic agitation is done using master gutta percha cone. The Post operative pain is then compared at 8, 24,and 48 hour intervals

Reduced Opioid Prescription After Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
PainPostoperative3 moreGiven the nationwide epidemic of opioid use and abuse (in part due to over prescription), this study aims at addressing the need for opioid prescription after laparoscopic hysterectomy.