Preemptive Co-infiltration of Dexamethasone Palmitate With Ropivacaine for Postoperative Pain in...
PainPostoperativePatients undergoing major spinal surgery usually experience moderate-to-severe postoperative pain. Inadequate pain control may lead to severe complications. Dexamethasone as an adjunctive infiltration to local anesthesia (LA) presented a superior analgesic benefit compared with LA alone in various types of surgeries. However, a recent meta-analysis showed that the additional analgesic effect of dexamethasone in incision/wound infiltration was only statistically significant, but not clinically significant, and the overall benefits were marginal. Compared with dexamethasone, dexamethasone palmitate emulsion (DXP) is a targeted lipo-steroid with stronger anti-inflammatory effect, longer-acting duration and fewer adverse effects. To date, no studies have evaluated the additive analgesia effects of DXP on incision infiltration in major spinal surgery. The purpose of this trial is to determine whether preemptive co-infiltration of DXP emulsion and ropivacaine in surgical incision will further reduce postoperative opioid requirements and pain score after spinal surgery than that of ropivacaine alone.

Use of Corticosteroids in Third Molar Surgery
InflammationPain2 moreSurgical extraction of retained lower third molars is associated with the development of postoperative complications, including inflammation, trismus and postoperative pain, that lead to a decrease in patients' quality of life. Therefore, the use of drugs is essential to reduce the morbidity associated with surgery, with NSAIDs and corticosteroids being the most commonly used drugs.

Enhanced vs.Standard Pain Management of Patients at Risk for Chronic Post-surgical Pain
Chronic Post Surgical PainThe goal of this pragmatic pilot clinical trial is to test the feasibility of the trial in terms of the number of patients recruited in a given period. The main question it aims to answer is to assess the number of eligible patients and number of patients willing to participate per month. Participants will be followed either by the team of "transitional pain service" (intervention group) or by a surgeon or the general practitioner (standard care). Depending on individual risk factors, patients in the intervention group will be offered some targeted measures, for example: hypnosis, patient education, evaluation by psychiatrist, psychotherapy, locoregional anesthesia, anti-depressant treatment Participants (in both intervention and standard care groups) will be asked to answer some questions before surgery, during the first week following the surgery and six months after the surgery.

Sub Omohyoid Suprascapular Nerve Block Versus Interscalene Nerve Block
Post Operative PainRegional Anesthesia1 moreShoulder surgery can be very painful surgery after which the use of opioids is often required. The well-known side-effects of opioids (e.g. respiratory depression, somnolence, nausea, vomiting, and pruritus) limit their use in so called 'fast track' surgery and anaesthesia programmes. the study aimed to compare the effect of sub omohyoid suprascapular nerve block versus interscalene nerve block in preventing postoperative pain and decreasing analgesic consumption in patients scheduled for shoulder surgery

Evaluation of Post Operative Pain After Sonic Activation and Different Irrigation Needles During...
Post Operative PainThe study compares the post operative pain after root canal therapy, after using different irrigation protocols. The subjects are divided into 3 groups and different irrigation protocol is used in each group. One group undergoes final irrigation after root canal therapy with a sonic activation device, and in the other two groups, side-vented and open-ended needles are used. Post operative pain is then compared at 8, 24, and 48 hour intervals.

The Effect of Different Instrumentation Kinematics on Patients With Symptomatic Apical Periodontitis...
PainPostoperative2 moreThe aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of continuous rotation and reciprocation kinematics on post operative pain and difference in substance P levels in patients with irreversible pulpitis with symptomatic apical periodontitis. Twenty patients were randomly distributed into two groups; Continuous Rotation group(n=10): received mechanical preparation using EdgeEndo x7 rotary system (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA), while Reciprocation group(n=10): received mechanical preparation using EdgeOne Fire reciprocating system (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA). Apical fluid(AF) samples were collected, and substance P (SP) levels were measured using radioimmunoassay and postoperative pain was measured using Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) preoperatively, at 6h, 12h, 24h, 48h and 72h.

Combined Adductor&Sciatic Nerve Block vs Femoral&Sciatic Nerve Block in Total Knee Replacement Surgery...
Orthopedic DisorderTotal Knee Replacement2 moreKnee joints, one of the largest and most functional joints of the human body, have great features to provide ideal body posture and movement. In patients with knee osteoarthritis in whom pain and functional loss continue to increase despite conservative and medical burden, they are evaluated by orthopedic surgeons for surgical treatment. Total knee replacement (TKR) surgery is aimed to eliminate the existing pain, restore and carry the movements, to protect the characteristics of the deformities and the quality of life. Pain can be very severe after TKR surgery, which is very common in the middle and elderly patient population today. In the postoperative period, untreated pain prevents early physical therapy practices and restricts postoperative knee rehabilitation and recovery, but it also has negative effects on the respiratory, gastrointestinal, renal, and central nervous systems. Effective management of postoperative acute pain can reduce these complications and the risk of developing chronic pain. In this study, investigators hypothesized that combined adductor canal and sciatic nerve block, applied with postoperative ultrasound guidance to patients who will undergo TKR surgery under general anesthesia, will provide effective analgesia, less opioid consumption, and faster ambulation time, similar to combined femoral and sciatic nerve block.

Exparel vs Block for ACL Reconstruction
ACLPostoperative PainLiposomal bupivacaine or Exparel (Pacira Biosciences) is a long-lasting nonopioid analgesic that was initially utilized as an infiltrative agent but has more recently become U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved for use in interscalene brachial plexus nerve blockade as well as infiltrative blockade. Delivery in this form is reported to provide up to 72 hours of extended-release bupivacaine. Exparel's use as a regional anesthetic has also become increasingly common and has shown promise when utilized in Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) reconstruction.

Pain Relief After PrimaryTKA
PainPostoperativeWhile a majority of people who undergo TKA have significant long-term improvement in functional ability, many patients may experience significant pain in the early postoperative period, which may adversely impact postoperative rehabilitation and recovery. Traditionally, opioid medications have been used to control postoperative pain. However, there are many risks with using opioid medications, including addiction and overdose, which kills over 48,000 people yearly. In an effort to overcome this, opioid-sparing multimodal analgesia (MMA) regimens have been developed, commonly using nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), acetaminophen, regional nerve blocks, and local anesthesia.

Patients' Quality of Life After Pilonidal Cyst Operations.
Pilonidal CystPain Postoperative1 moreBiomedical research consists of two main parts. In the first part, the pilonidal cyst-specific quality of life questionnaire is compiled, adapted, validated, tested for suitability in assessing patients after pilonidal cyst operations. The second part will compare two pilonidal cyst operations. A prospective, comparative, randomized clinical study will be conducted.