Outcomes Mandate National Integration With Cannabis as Medicine
Chronic PainChronic Pain Syndrome31 moreThis will be a multistate, multicenter clinical study to determine the efficacy and safety of medical cannabis for a wide variety of chronic medical conditions.

Neurologic Stem Cell Treatment Study
Neurologic DisordersNervous System Diseases24 moreThis is a human clinical study involving the isolation of autologous bone marrow derived stem cells (BMSC) and transfer to the vascular system and inferior 1/3 of the nasal passages in order to determine if such a treatment will provide improvement in neurologic function for patients with certain neurologic conditions. http://mdstemcells.com/nest/

Near-Infrared Laser Stimulation for Various Neurological Conditions
Refractory DepressionAnxiety Disorders3 moreThe study will evaluate the safety and feasibility of near infrared therapy as an intervention for patients with refractory depression, anxiety, neurodegenerative disease, and traumatic brain injury.

Alzheimer's Autism and Cognitive Impairment Stem Cell Treatment Study
Alzheimer DiseaseAlzheimer Dementia19 moreThe purpose of the study is to evaluate the use of autologous Bone Marrow Derived Stem Cells (BMSC) as a means to improve cognitive impairment as occurs in Alzheimer's Disease and other dementias and to improve behavior and socialization issues which occur in adult Autism Spectrum Disorder. The use of Near Infrared Light, in conjunction with the use of BMSC, will also be assessed.

Tau And Connectomics In TES Study
Chronic Traumatic EncephalopathyTraumatic Encephalopathy3 moreThis pilot study aims to assess if participants that meet the criteria for a TES diagnosis have a specific tau deposition profile on PET scanning using the PET tau binding ligand - [18F] PI-2620. It is hoped this study will highlight potential diagnostic tests of TES diagnosis, the in-life correlate of CTE.

Long-term Follow-up in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic Brain InjuryNeurodegenerative Diseases1 moreThe underlying pathophysiology following traumatic brain injury (TBI) in how different neurodegenerative conditions are developed are still unknown. Different neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative pathways have been suggested. The goal of this study is to follow-up patients that have been treated for TBI at the neurosurgical department about 10-15 years after their initial injury, in order to analyze fluid biomarkers of inflammation, injury and degeneration and associate these with structural imaging and long-term functional outcome. The investigators aim to invite about 100 patients back and perform advanced magnetic resonance imaging protocols, sample cerebrospinal fluid and blood for different bio- and inflammatory markers, study genetic modifications and associate it with outcomes being assessed through questionnaires. The investigators' hypothesis is that patients with ongoing inflammatory processes will present with more fluid biomarkers of neurodegeneration, worse clinical presentation and also more structural/atrophic signs on imaging. This will result in an increased understanding of the interplay between neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration in chronic TBI, as well as a panel of tentative biomarkers that could be used to assess level of disability following TBI and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).

Post-Concussion Syndrome in Professional Athletes: A Multidisciplinary Study
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathyto examine the relationship between repeated concussions and late decline of brain function. In addition, all participants agreeing to participate in the study will be asked to will their brains to The Krembil Neuroscience Centre Concussion Project at the Toronto Western Hospital with the consent and full knowledge of their families and doctors. However, it is possible to participate in the research without agreeing to a brain donation. The Project Team is specifically attempting a clinical-MRI-brain tissue research analysis to determine the exact mechanism of the damage to brain tissue following repeated concussions. This condition is known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), and shows an abnormal protein in the brain called tau-protein.

Contributions of mTBI to Neurodegeneration Due to Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) and Alzheimer's...
Mild Traumatic Brain InjuryModerate Traumatic Brain Injury1 moreThis is a research study that aims to examine whether Veterans with mild Traumatic Brain Injuries are at risk for dementia by studying their memory, brain wave activity, brain structure and proteins that can be elevated after brain injury and in dementia.

Cohort Study of Blood Biomarkers for TES
Chronic Traumatic EncephalopathyTraumatic Encephalopathy3 moreIn this study, high-throughput screening and multi-omics (transcriptomics and proteomics) joint analysis technology will be employed to explore potential CTE/TES biomarkers (RNA and protein) in blood and its exosomes. Thereafter, these biomarkers will be combined with the reported TBI biomarkers to create a novel set of CTE/TES molecular diagnostic signatures. The findings may open a new avenue for the clinical diagnosis of the disease and the future research on its therapeutic strategy.

The DIAGNOSE-CTE Research Project
Chronic Traumatic EncephalopathyThis is a study to develop methods of diagnosing chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) during life, as well as to examine possible risk factors for this neurodegenerative disease. One component of this study is the use of an investigational PET scan radio tracer to detect abnormal tau protein in the brain.