Microbial Community Composition and Dynamics in Lungs of Cystic Fibrosis Sibling Pairs
Cystic FibrosisThe purpose of this study is to identify all the bacterial species present in the respiratory tracts of patients with Cystic Fibrosis (CF), and to connect them with clinical information. Traditional culture methods of throat swab and sputum samples can only identify the most prevalent bacteria in samples, those of which there are over about 5 million bacteria per teaspoon. A recently developed method has been found to be more sensitive and can detect up to several hundred bacterial species in throat swab or sputum sample of individual CF patients.

Mechanisms of Immune Tolerance and Inflammation in Patients With Cystic Fibrosis With ABPA
Cystic FibrosisAllergic Bronchopulmonary AspergillosisThe goal of this study is to identify the immunological factors that influence a patient's response to the presence of the fungus Aspergillus fumigatus (A. fumigatus) in the lungs. In patients with cystic fibrosis (CF), this fungus is not known to cause damage to the lungs, but some patients respond with an allergic reaction that may cause wheeze, cough, or difficulty breathing. Approximately 230 patients will be enrolled with an additional 60 people who do not have CF and who do not have a history of asthma to serve as a comparison group.

Study About Complications of Totally Implanted Venous Access Devices (TIVADs) in People With Cystic...
Cystic FibrosisPulmonary infections are the major cause of mortality and morbidity in cystic fibrosis (CF); patients frequently have to take antibiotics which often cannot be given orally or by aerosol but have to be administered intravenously. In order to reduce the number of venepunctures, totally implanted venous access devices (TIVAD) or Ports have been used to administer antibiotics and other infusions. The use of Port systems has been increasing in recent years, especially for those patients requiring frequent intravenous treatments. Having a TIVAD in place makes venous access quicker and also reduces trauma, suffering and pain. However, there are important complications associated with TIVADs which can be early (pneumothorax, arterial puncture, severe bruising) or late (infections, thromboembolic complications and occlusion). Although the use of TIVADs in CF is increasing, there is little CF-specific literature available on the epidemiology and risk of TIVAD complications. Also, literature is scarce about clinical criteria for deciding to insert a TIVAD. Therefore, so far clinical decisions were based mainly on experiences of TIVAD use in other diseases, such as cancer. With this prospective observational study we will survey a large population of Italian CF people with TIVAD in order to: collect data about current clinical conditions of CF people with TIVAD; investigate about clinical criteria that led to the decision of positioning a TIVAD; observe the possible onset of late complications.

A Comparator Study Evaluating Microbiological Resistance and Effects of Alternating Inhaled Antibiotic...
Cystic FibrosisPseudomonas AeruginosaThis is a pilot study of inhaled antibiotic regimens is a pilot study examining clinical and laboratory endpoints of patients on inhaled antibiotic treatments. We hypothesize that alternation therapy utilizing Cayston and Tobi will inhibit antibiotic resistance and that alternation therapy will result in a decreased incidence of antibiotic resistance to Cystic Fibrosis (CF) microbial isolates. The long term strategic goal is to develop a model biometric system for selecting a patient's optimal inhaled antibiotic regimen by utilizing clinical and microbiological parameters.

Study of Factors Predicting Tumor Recurrence After Liver Transplantation for Hepatocellular Carcinoma...
Hepatocellular CarcinomaLiver Cirrhosis1 moreResults of liver transplantation, the best theoretical treatment for HCC, are limited by tumor recurrence. In order to limit this risk Milan criteria was proposed in 1996. However, these criteria are to restrictive and approximately 40% of patients denied by Milan criteria may be cured by liver transplantation. The purpose of this study was thus to prospectively evaluate factors predicting tumor recurrence after liver transplantation for HCC and then to reassess criteria for liver transplantation.

Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: a Case-control Study
Lung DiseasesPulmonary Fibrosis2 moreTo determine risk factors for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

Hemodynamic Alterations in Liver Cirrhosis Validated by Non-invasive MR Compared to Invasive Assessment...
Portal HypertensionLiver Diseases2 moreLiver cirrhosis is a chronic disease characterized by a progressive accumulation of fibrosis, loss of liver function and portal hypertension leading to several hemodynamic changes.The exact pathophysiological mechanisms causing the hyperdynamic alterations in cirrhosis are not fully elucidated. Aim: The aim of the study is to assess hemodynamic alterations in liver cirrhosis by non-invasive MRI and echocardiography compared to portal hypertension measured with liver vein catheterization (HVPG, hepatic vein pressure gradient). Furthermore, the aim is to explore hemodynamic differences between cirrhotic patients and healthy subjects. Study design and cohort: The study has a cross-sectional design and a cohort with 99 patients with liver cirrhosis - with and without complications and 27 healthy volunteers. The patients are recruited at the Gastrounit Hvidovre University Hospital. The day before the first visit patients are hospitalized and fasting overnight. At first visit liver vein catheterization (LVC) and echocardiography are performed. Second visit must be performed within 4 weeks after first visit. At the second visit patients are fasting minimum 6 hours before having MR-flow scanning, cardiac-MR and MR-Elastography (MR-E). The healthy volunteers are only offered MR-flow scanning, cardiac MR and MR-E as well as urine- and blood tests Follow-up for liver-related clinical outcome and mortality in medical records

Multicenter Study of Patient-reported Gastrointestinal Symptoms in People With Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic FibrosisThis is a prospective, multicenter, observational study designed to collect gastrointestinal related data in patients with Cystic Fibrosis (CF).

HCCBloodTest for Detection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)
CirrhosisLiver3 moreThis is a multi-center study to prospectively gather clinically-characterized plasma samples to determine the diagnostic performance characteristics (sensitivity and specificity) of the HCCBloodTest among patients with cirrhosis with and without HCC

Hepatocyte-specific Versus Extracellular Contrast Agents for Liver MRI: Prospective, Intra-individual...
Chronic HepatitisLiver CirrhosisAdult patients with chronic hepatitis B and cirrhosis of any etiology who are found to have suspected liver cancer are potentially eligible for the study. All enrolled patients will undergo two MRI scans using two different contrast agents. The type of contrast agent for the 1st MRI will be performed using hepatocyte-specific contrast agent. The participant will undergo the 2nd MRI using extracellular contrast agent. The MRI examinations will be independently interpreted by two different radiologists. The radiologists will evaluate focal hepatic lesions and categorize them according to the LI-RADS v2018 and EASL 2018. Once the diagnosis is made, the participants will be provided with the standard of care. After the initial treatment, the participants will be followed up with multi-phasic dynamic contrast-enhanced CT every 3 or 6 months for at least 2 years. Based on the prospectively written radiology reports, the diagnostic performances will be calculated and compared between MRI with hepatocyte-specific contrast agent and MRI with extracellular contrast agent, using the pathology and clinical criteria as the reference standard.