MENstrual Symptom Tracking to Understand and Assess (Women) Living With Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic FibrosisCystic fibrosis (CF) affects men and women equally, but after the onset of puberty, women with CF have a lower life expectancy than men with CF. Despite these known differences, the link between CF symptom trends and the menstrual cycle remains critically understudied. To address this gap, this study will investigate changes in CF-specific symptoms among women with CF to evaluate whether and how they correlate with their menstrual cycle. Specifically, the investigators hope to examine whether CF-related symptoms change throughout the menstrual cycle, what the impact of those symptoms is on quality of life, and how feasible it is to use a period tracking app to track CF-related symptoms throughout the menstrual cycle. Investigators are asking women ages 18-45 with CF, who have regular menstrual cycles, to participate. Study procedures, including online surveys, period tracking, and interview, will take approximately 3 months.

Diet, Physical Activity and Glucose Tolerance in Cystic Fibrosis. Exploratory Study.
Cystic FibrosisBackground : Diabetes is correlated to an increase in patient morbidity and mortality. The pathophysiology of diabetes is still poorly understood. Significant variations in blood sugar have been shown over time in patients with cystic fibrosis with or without diabetes. No study has evaluated the association between the nutritional profile and the glucose tolerance in adult with cystic fibrosis, by integrating data on energy consumption (detailed nutritional profile) and energy expenditure (rest energy expenditure, body composition, and physical activity). Given the epidemiological changes in cystic fibrosis correlated to the increased prevalence of diabetes and the clinical impact of nutritional status, the association between these factors remains to be studied. Objectives of the study : - Main objective : To describe adult patients with cystic fibrosis in terms of : Nutritional profile Food behaviour Physical activity Rest energy expenditure Body composition - Secondary objectives : To research the association between the nutritional profile and the glucose tolerance.

Health and Quality of Life Assessment Project for Caregivers of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Patients...
Idiopathic Pulmonary FibrosisPatient-caregiver DyadsIdiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic, disabling disease characterized by a progressive and irreversible deterioration in respiratory function, resulting in impaired quality of life (QoL) and patient dependence. The factors involved in the alteration of QoL in these patients are the physical symptoms related to fibrosis (dyspnea, cough, fatigue) and psychological symptoms (anxiety and depression) as well as social, relational and financial factors, the experience of the disease and disability, the time required for diagnosis, the information received, and the initiation of a treatment such as oxygen therapy. Caregivers primarily in chronic diseases (so-called natural or informal caregivers) provide partial or total assistance to a dependent person for activities of daily living for care, social support and maintenance of autonomy, administrative procedures, psychological support, communication, domestic activities or even financial assistance, often despite their own exhaustion and health issues. Recent studies on the QoL of patient-caregiver dyads in IPF through semi-structured interviews highlight the role of previously identified factors in caregivers as well. Investigators want to confirm the data obtained in a large population of patients and their caregivers in order to evaluate the QoL of caregivers and confirm the impact of its various factors on it in order to suggest ways to improve the lives of both the caregiver and the patient. The hypothesis of investigators' work is that the QoL of caregivers of patients with IPF is altered, particularly by the patient's functional symptoms (cough, dyspnea, fatigue, anxiety and depression), the arrival of oxygen therapy in the home and the caregiver's social isolation. Investigators believe that there are links and interactions between the caregiver's and patient's quality of life and therefore have an impact on the patient's care.

Induction of Neutrophilic Traps ( NETs ) by the Environment and Infectious Inflammatory Lung Cystic...
Cystic FibrosisThe study is defined in 3 stages of in vitro assays : Phase 1 : Secretion of NETs in response to lung disease and their secretion of factors. This is a transversal study in which we compare : Producing NETs (DNA and proteases ) by neutrophils purified from sputum and blood of patients Producing NETs (DNA and proteases ) by purified neutrophils in the blood of patients and blood of control subjects Phase 2: Mechanisms of activation of NETs secretory pathways . This phase will identify receptors (TLR ) involved in the secretion of NETs and analyze the involvement of dependent transduction pathways calcium and PKC . It will be performed on control blood neutrophils. Phase 3: Analysis of cell death ( NETose ) This is a transversal study that will analyze : the mode of cell death of neutrophils purified blood and sputum of patients and control blood neutrophils by flow cytometry and transmission electron microscopy .

Natural History of Liver Cirrhosis Diagnosed by Transient Elastography in HIV/HCV-coinfected Patients...
Liver CirrhosisHepatocellular Carcinoma2 moreProspective multicenter cohort recruiting consecutive patients from 7 hospitals in Andalusia, southern Spain, according to following criteria: 1) HIV infection, 2) Chronic active HCV infection, 3) Older than 18 years, 4) New diagnosis of liver cirrhosis on the basis of a liver stiffness above 14 kiloPascals, 5) No previous or concomitant decompensation of liver disease. Patients are prospectively followed-up according to a uniform protocol of care. Epidemiological, clinical and laboratory variables are periodically recorded. The primary outcomes are the emergence of a liver decompensation (including hepatocellular carcinoma), liver transplant or death. The predictors of these outcomes are analyzed.

Asthma With Hypersecretion-associated Gene for Cystic Fibrosis
AsthmaThe combination of asthma and being a carrier of genetic variants (mutations and / or polymorphisms) in the CFTR gene variant would cause bronchial asthma with mucus hypersecretion. This phenotype is characterized by a more severe disease, in terms of control, quality of life, exacerbations and lung function, and a different asthma the bronchial hypersecretion without inflammatory phenotype.

The Use of Home Oral Glucose Tolerance Test Kit in Screening Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes
Cystic Fibrosis Related DiabetesCystic FibrosisThe aim of this study is to establish if the self-administered electronic Oral Glucose Tolerance Test kit can increase the annual uptake of screening for CFRD in children who are between 10 and 17 years of age with CF.

Thrombin Generation Test in Patient With Liver Cirrhosis
CirrhosisCirrhotic patients are patients with high morbidity and mortality, it is very important for determining the prognosis of these patients. The importance increases when these patients waiting for a liver transplant. The Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) is a reliable measure of mortality risk in patients with end-stage liver disease. It is used as a disease severity index to help prioritize allocation of organs for transplant. MELD uses the patient values for serum bilirubin, serum creatinine, and the international normalized ratio for prothrombin time (INR) to predict survival. Blood tests that we use today in daily practice to evaluate the coagulation system (PT, PTT) do not check actually the functioning of the system, but examine the level of clotting factors and therefore only verify that the side of Anticoagulant of the equation and not the side of the procoagulant . To examine the coagulation system function tests have been developed, One of them is the thrombin generation. The purpose of the trial is to determine whether thrombin generation test can be a prognostic indicator in patients cirrhosis.

Ultrasonography SWE for Hepatic Fibrosis Evaluation
CirrhosisThe purpose of this study is to measure diagnostic performance of ultrasound shear wave elastography to detect advanced hepatic fibrosis.

Initial and Chronic Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) Infection in Cystic Fibrosis...
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus AureusCystic FibrosisThis study aims to examine features of MRSA that are associated with chronic MRSA infection and bacterial persistence despite IV antibiotic therapy. Subjects are asked to expectorate sputum and complete CF symptom diaries both at beginning and end of IV therapy.