Quantitative Diagnosis of Liver Fibrosis on Multiparametric MRI
Liver FibrosisCirrhosisEarly diagnosis and treatment of liver fibrosis can repress or delay the development of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The purpose of this pilot study is to evaluate non-invasive multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques in the detection and grading of liver fibrosis, so that patients can be treated in time. These techniques combined could reach high diagnostic performance for detection of liver fibrosis, and could decrease the number of liver biopsies.

Molecular Diagnosis of Respiratory Viral Infections on Sputum From Cystic Fibrosis Patients
Cystic FibrosisAcute Respiratory InfectionThe main objective of this project is to evaluate the agreement between nasopharyngeal and sputum specimens in terms of detection of viral infection in Cystic Fibrosis (CF) participants.This is a 12-month national, multicenter prospective study (7 centers). Inclusions concern CF participants (children or adults) with signs of acute respiratory infection seen in consultation or hospitalized in their CF Research Center. A molecular viral multiplex search is performed on both nasopharyngeal and expectoration collected samples for each included participant. Determination of viral detection agreement between the two CF respiratory samples is then performed.

Change of Glucose Metabolism and Fibrosis Markers in Patients With Hepatitis C Under Treatment With...
Glucose Metabolism DisordersLiver Fibrosis1 moreChronic hepatitis C infection is associated with changes of glucose metabolism end increased frequency of impaired glucose tolerance. This might be a additional risk factor for disease and fibrosis progression. The study aims to evaluate whether a therapy with direct-acting antiviral agents leading to a sustained virologic response directly impacts parameters reflecting glucose metabolism and fibrosis.

Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Job Exposures Study
IPFIdiopathic Pulmonary FibrosisA case-control study to investigate whether job exposures are an under-recognized cause of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) using an interview to collect information about previous jobs and a blood test to investigate genetic susceptibility.

Evaluation of Food Insecurity in Adults and Children With Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic FibrosisA survey of adults and parents of children with cystic fibrosis on food insecurity

Utility of Point Shear-wave Elastography to Assess for Hepatic & Pancreatic Fibrosis in Pediatric...
Cystic FibrosisCystic Fibrosis Liver Disease1 moreDiagnosis of hepatic fibrosis is challenging as specific tests for detection of fibrosis in pediatric Cystic Fibrosis associated liver disease (CFALD) have not been developed and existing investigations do not correlate well with presence or severity of disease. Using a Liver biopsy it is difficult to diagnose this condition because of the patchy nature of the disease. Investigators intend to identify hepatic and pancreatic fibrosis in Cystic Fibrosis patients using Elastography and correlate this with their biochemical markers as well as histological findings of patients who have undergone liver biopsy for diagnosis of CFALD.

MRI to Characterize and Predict CF Liver Disease in PUSH Cohort
Cystic Fibrosis Liver DiseasePancreatic InsufficiencySpecific Aim 1. Determine if valid results of non-sedated MRI based assessments of liver stiffness and lipid content can be obtained in more than 90% of children and young adults with cystic fibrosis. Specific Aim 2. Determine hepatic lipid content using the HepaFat sequence and liver stiffness using MRE. Investigators will compare the results obtained by MRI with PUSH study grayscale ultrasounds in CF patients with normal, heterogeneous, homogeneous or nodular (cirrhotic) pattern on ultrasound. Specific Aim 3. Creation of an imaging core lab to centralize evaluation of MR imaging data, allow for remote image upload, electronic data storage, and remote image viewing/interpretation. This infrastructure will be utilized to standardize image post processing. Specific Aim 4. Using the longitudinal PUSH study, determine if MRI based imaging improves discrimination of subjects at risk for progression to advanced CF liver disease (development of cirrhosis) compared to using US imaging alone

Association of Transcutaneous Pulse CO-oximetry With Inflammatory Lung Diseases
AsthmaAllergic Rhinitis2 moreThis is a pilot cross-sectional study of measured transcutaneous CO-oximetry in children with inflammatory and non-inflammatory conditions.

Costs of Care and Adherence to Treatment for Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic FibrosisEvolution of medical care for patients with cystic fibrosis appeared in recent years: prolongation of life expectancy with consequently increased comorbidities and the use of lung transplantation, systematic neonatal screening of new born since 2002, prescription of expensive new molecules or new presentation. This evolution justifies to realize an update of statistics of costs of care and to assess adherence to treatment

A Self Selected Population Study of Undiagnosed NAFLD and NASH, Using an Echosens FibroScan, in...
NAFLDNASH - Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis3 moreLiver disease (NAFLD) and (NASH) are a rapidly increasing population health threat driven primarily by diet and lifestyle. Fibrotic liver disease, culminating in cirrhosis, is frequently asymptomatic so it is common for a patient to first learn of what is a life threatening condition by being told that they have cirrhosis. Management and treatment of cirrhosis is complex and very costly with the only current cure being a very expensive transplant for end stage liver disease. The SUNN study seeks to perform Fibroscan wellness testing on at risk but asymptomatic self selected patients in the general population to identify disease early and to triage patients toward care or educational tools based upon test results. No personally identifiable information will be collected but demographic and test results will be imported into a registry for data analysis. Results of the study will guide development of screening protocols to identify early stage disease in a wellness screening model.