
Active clinical trials for "Fibrosis"

Results 2891-2900 of 3184

Prospective Evaluation of Biomarker Profiles in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis


Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a progressive, fatal, fibrotic disorder of the lung. The estimated prevalence is 30-80/100,000 in the United States with incidence estimates clearly rising. A major challenge in the care of patients with IPF is determining prognosis. The natural history of IPF is usually one of inexorable decline in lung function, ultimately resulting in death from respiratory failure. However, longitudinal physiologic decline in IPF is heterogeneous and difficult to predict in individual patients. While some patients with IPF may remain stable for years, in others the disease may progress rapidly over a relatively short time. We hypothesize that peripheral blood biomarkers based on extracellular matrix and matrix-modifying molecules will improve prognostication in patients with IPF.

Completed18 enrollment criteria

Multiple Breath Nitrogen Washout in Healthy and Cystic Fibrosis Adults

Cystic FibrosisHealthy

This study compares the lung clearance index (LCI) in cystic fibrosis and healthy adults obtained with two different multiple breath nitrogen washout (MBWN2) devices. Each participants will perform the test (LCI) in duplicate on each device.

Completed3 enrollment criteria

ShearWave™ Elastography to Assess Liver Fibrosis in Chinese Patients With Hepatitis B

Liver Fibrosis

This study will evaluate how liver stiffness measurements made with ShearWave™ Elastography (SWE) correspond with a biopsy result (currently the gold standard). The population that will be evaluated are Chinese patients infected with the Hepatitis B virus.

Completed14 enrollment criteria

Assessment of Myocardial Fibrosis in Aortic STenosis

Endomyocardial FibrosisAortic Valve Stenosis

This observational cohort study studies the impact myocardial fibrosis has on patients with severe aortic stenosis undergoing aortic valve replacement.

Completed8 enrollment criteria

Development of a New Tool for Dyspnea Measurement in Chronic Respiratory Diseases

COPD (With - Without Rehabilitation)Diffuse Interstitial Lung Diseases2 more

The purpose of this study is the psychometric validation of a self-administered dyspnea questionnaire, usable in clinical practice in order to assess dyspnea and its impact on patients with chronic respiratory diseases.

Completed17 enrollment criteria

The Carrier Rates of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in Family Members of Children With Cystic Fibrosis

Pseudomonas AeruginosaCystic Fibrosis

Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa) is the bacterium that causes one of the most consequential lung infections in people with CF. Many young children do not have Pa in their lungs but will become infected as they get older. The investigators want to learn more about how Pa is passed from person to person, especially to someone with Cystic Fibrosis (CF).

Completed4 enrollment criteria

HIV Accelerated Liver Disease in Uganda


Background: - Liver disease is a leading cause of death in people who have the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It especially affects those who have both HIV and hepatitis B or C viruses. Most research on HIV-related liver disease has been conducted in North America and Europe. However, HIV-related liver disease in Uganda and other African nations may involve other diseases that are not common in the West, and may not involve hepatitis B or C. Researchers want to study HIV-related liver disease in Uganda to learn more about the differences between Western and African trends of this disease. Objectives: - To study HIV-related liver disease in rural Uganda. Eligibility: Individuals at least 18 years of age who were tested for possible liver disease. Some participants will have HIV infection; others will be uninfected. All participants will be from rural areas of Uganda. Design: Participants will have at least two study visits. Participants will have a physical exam and medical history. They will complete a questionnaire about health and quality of life. Blood, urine, and stool samples will be collected. Participants will also have a liver scan to check for liver scarring, and an ultrasound to take images of the liver. Participants who may have liver disease will visit a local hospital for more tests. A liver biopsy will be performed to collect liver tissue samples.

Completed13 enrollment criteria

Cystic Fibrosis Related Bone Disease: the Role of CFTR

Cystic Fibrosis Related Bone Disease

The purpose of this study is to determine whether ivacaftor, a recently FDA-approved CFTR potentiator, improves bone micro-architecture and strength in patients with cystic fibrosis with at least one G551D CFTR mutation.

Completed28 enrollment criteria

Prevention of CF Exacerbation in Childhood: PREVEC Study

Cystic FibrosisChildren5 more

Pulmonary exacerbations of CF are an important cause for the experienced disability of patients, respiratory symptoms, and decreases in lungfunction, which require antibiotic therapy at home or in the hospital. Therefore, prevention of exacerbations in CF is important. The aim of this study was to assess the predictive properties of inflammatory markers in exhaled breath for pulmonary exacerbations in children with CF. In addition the reliability of home monitor assessments of symptoms and lungfunction was investigated.

Completed11 enrollment criteria

Using MRI to Observe Lung Changes in Infants With CF Compared to Infants Without CF

Cystic Fibrosis

Our research is comparing the lungs of babies and young children with CF (cystic fibrosis) to those without CF. We are looking at the blood flow in the lungs to help doctors better understand how CF damages lungs and how to prevent this damage in the future. We will use MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and special blood tests as ways to understand early changes in the lungs of babies and young children with CF. We will look at the special blood tests to see if they can work as signals for the doctors to better understand when changes are happening in the lungs. For the babies with CF, we will compare MRI images of the lungs to their CT images (also sometimes called CAT scans or Computerized Tomography). We hope that this study will help us reduce the number of X-rays and CT scans children with CF might get in the future. Because MRI's do not use radiation, this could reduce the amount of radiation exposure that children with CF would get over their lifetime.

Completed16 enrollment criteria

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