
Active clinical trials for "Fibrosis"

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LAIV (Flumist®) Administration in CF Patients

Cystic Fibrosis

Influenza (the "flu") is one of the most common respiratory viruses associated with respiratory deteriorations in children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis. These deteriorations usually mean antibiotics, hospitalizations, and worsening of pulmonary function tests. A new flu vaccine has been recently approved for use in Canada (Flumist®). What is particular about this flu vaccine is that it is a spray in the nose, which mimics how influenza usually infects us. This particular vaccine protects children and adolescents much better than the regular injectable flu shot. This new vaccine has been given to > 2,000 healthy children and to >2,000 children with asthma and well tolerated. The investigators want to know if Flumist® is well tolerated in children with CF and does not cause worsening of respiratory symptoms. The investigators will conduct a study where all participants will receive Flumist® in the nose. This study is particularly important because its results will provide safety information on a vaccine that is more efficacious for a population who needs safe and easy to administer protection against the flu.

Unknown status8 enrollment criteria

Prospective Observational Study to Evaluate Biomarkers of Aminoglycoside Nephrotoxicity in Patients...

Cystic Fibrosis

The project is designed to test new biomarkers that are more sensitive than the current standard in detecting injury to the proximal kidney tubule and will establish better criteria for when kidney safety concerns may halt further testing of a drug in humans.

Unknown status11 enrollment criteria

CFfone: A Cell Phone Support Program for Adolescents With Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic Fibrosis

Adolescents with cystic fibrosis are particularly vulnerable to poor adherence, which negatively impacts their health status, quality of life and long term survival. CFFONE: A Cell Phone Support Program for Adolescents with Cystic Fibrosis, will make use of cutting-edge technology- a broadband capable, cellular telephone keyed into a highly-interactive informational web site. This web site will provide engaging online learning activities and resources specific to adolescents with cystic fibrosis. We believe the information and activities contained in CFFONE will improve adolescents knowledge, attitudes, and practices around cystic fibrosis and that adolescents exposed to the CFFONE program will demonstrate an increase in adherence to their treatment regimens and related improvements in their health status and quality of life.

Unknown status3 enrollment criteria

Epidemiology and Clinical Characteristics of Non-Tuberculous Mycobacteria Infections in Cystic Fibrosis...

Cystic Fibrosis

An increase in the prevalence of infections due to non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) is observed in many countries and recent data suggest the circulation of dominant clones with a possibility of human-to-human contamination. The hypothesis is made that these infections are also increasing in France and that dominant NTM clones are circulating. The last French study carried out in 2004 already showed prevalences of up to 10% in certain French regions. It is essential to know the prevalence 8 years later, taking advantage of the new recommendations for the management of patients and samples, which will homogenize practices on French territory. No data are currently available in France on the prevalence of positive serological responses in cystic fibrosis patients. Serological analyzes of the sera collected during this study will enable us to evaluate the performance of serology in mycobacterial culture and to identify patients with no positive respiratory specimen in culture but with positive serology indicating potential contact with a mycobacterium. The establishment of a serological follow-up of these patients will allow to correlate this result with a clinical evolution and / or the detection of NTM in subsequent samples. Serology is an innovative aspect of the CIMENT study.

Unknown status10 enrollment criteria

WFA+M2BP in Evaluation of Portal Hypertension and Clinical Outcome in Patients With Liver Cirrhosis...

Portal HypertensionCirrhosis

Portal hypertension is a common complication of chronic liver diseases and is responsible for most clinical consequences of cirrhosis. measurement of the hepatic venous pressure gradient(HVPG) is the gold standard for evaluating the presence and severity of portal hypertension, this technique is considered invasive and is not routinely performed in all centers. Wisteria floribunda agglutinin-positive human Mac-2 binding protein (WFA+-M2BP) is a secreted N-glycoprotein, which has been reported as a novel marker in assessing liver fibrosis.However, the correlation of WFA+-M2BP with HVPG is unclear.The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between WFA+-M2BP and HVPG.

Unknown status15 enrollment criteria

Virtual Care in CF (VIRTUAL-CF) Study

Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common fatal inherited condition in Caucasians, causing recurrent chest infections (pulmonary exacerbations). People with CF experiencing pulmonary exacerbation often require a 14day course of intravenous antibiotics and this treatment can either be delivered in hospital or in the community. Patients admitted to hospital are seen regularly by members of the CF multidisciplinary team (MDT), including doctors, nurses, dieticians and physiotherapists. This allows patients' progress to be closely monitored and also gives patients the opportunity to discuss any concerns or questions. In contrast, patients receiving IV antibiotics in the community are only seen by the MDT at the beginning and end of their 14 day course of IV antibiotics. Although CF nurses often visit patients on 12 occasions during the course of treatment, patients are not routinely reassessed by the rest of the MDT. There is therefore less opportunity for the MDT to adjust patients' treatment and for patients to communicate with the MDT. We therefore aim to study whether patients receiving IV antibiotics in the community benefit from monitoring their own oxygen saturations and lung function, as well as taking part in twice-weekly videoconferences with the MDT ('virtual care'). We expect that this will enable the MDT to to assess patients' progress more closely and allow patients to communicate with the MDT more easily. We will assess whether this improves patients' experience of their care and whether this translates into improvements in health and economic outcomes. One hundred subjects will be recruited over a 12month period, with 50 subjects allocated to 'virtual care' and 50 subjects allocated to 'routine care'. Subjects receiving 'routine care' will receive usual clinical care. The research team are well placed to perform the study because we are part of a large CF centre with an excellent record in clinical research.

Unknown status6 enrollment criteria

Left Ventricular Fibrosis in Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic Kidney DiseasesCardio-Renal Syndrome2 more

This study aims to understand the onset an functional consequences of left ventricular interstitial fibrosis in patients with chronic kidney disease (stage 2 to 5), as well as assess whether transplantation results in a regression of cardiac fibrosis.Thus all patients will undergo: 1) a cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan to assess cardiac function and measure left ventricular interstitial fibrosis; 2) a cardiopulmonary stress echocardiogram to understand the functional consequences of fibrosis and rule out any underlying ischaemic heart disease; 3) a 24 hour holter monitor and electrocardiogram (ECG) to assess whether these patients are at higher risk of arrhythmia.

Unknown status11 enrollment criteria

β-cell Function and Insulin Sensitivity in Patients With Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic Fibrosis-related Diabetes

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder caused by mutations in the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) gene, leading to pulmonary infections, sinus disease, pancreatic insufficiency, hepatobiliary disease and male infertility, with respiratory failure being the primary cause of death. Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes (CFRD) in one of the most common complication of cystic fibrosis (CF) and it's associated with a worse respiratory and nutritional state, with a negative impact on life expectancy. It differs from type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes for particular characteristics making this disease a separated clinical entity. To date, there is a lack of evidence on many aspects concerning this disease: the pathophysiology of the disease: decreased insulin secretion has historically been seen has the major trigger for CFRD, but data about this mechanism are scarce and conflicting. Moreover, the role of insulin-resistance seems to be not consistent, but pulmonary exacerbations are very common and, in this setting, insulin sensitivity can worsen significantly. the relationship between its development and particular genetic settings: certain CFTR genotypes are known to be most related to the risk of diabetes, and only few susceptibility genes for type 2 diabetes have been evaluated as potential predisposing factors for CFRD. the relationship between the therapeutic optimization and its impact on metabolic status and lung function: CFRD is known to be associated with worse clinical outcomes, reflected in more frequent clinical exacerbations, greater reduction in lung function, poorer nutritional status and decreased survival. It has also been demonstrated that insulin therapy can improve pulmonary function, increase body weight and reduce lung exacerbations. However, no study on the clinical impact of the optimization of insulin therapy on pulmonary outcomes and life expectancy are available in this population. finally, no data about potential predisposing pre-transplant risk factors for development of post-transplant DM are available For this reason, the investigators have structured a study with the aim to: characterize the pathophysiological process leading to CFRD, with assessment of the relative contribution of the insulin resistance and the β-cellular secretion impairment define the prevalence of CFRD in relation to the mutations of the CFTR gene and to the presence of candidate genes for the development of type 2 diabetes perform a proteomic analysis to identify potential proteomic biomarkers among CFRD patients evaluate the body composition, muscle performance and respiratory outcomes in patients on insulin therapy, before and after therapeutic optimization, in a follow-up period of 24 months. identify eventual predisposing factors for the development of post-transplant diabetes in subjects without pre-transplant CFRD.

Unknown status5 enrollment criteria

Patient Outcomes of Clinic Transition From Face to Face Encounter to Telemedicine in Cystic Fibrosis...

Cystic Fibrosis

Adult patients with Cystic Fibrosis who are seen at the specialty CF clinic at University of Virginia will be given an option to utilize telemedicine instead of in-person visits for standard clinic visits. Health information from standard of care visits including FEV1, exacerbations, leading to oral or intravenous antibiotics, laboratory results, hospitalization records, and responses to health questionnaires will be recorded for research purposes. Data collected for the research study will be compared to baseline and previous years to determine if there are any deleterious effects for those who transition to telemedicine clinic visits.

Unknown status2 enrollment criteria

Use of a Portable Spirometer in Pediatric Patients With Cystic Fibrosis at the Nancy CHRU: Feasibility...

Cystic Fibrosis in Children

Respiratory diseases (asthma, cystic fibrosis, COPD…) need for the diagnosis and the follow-up the use of pulmonary function tests. These technics which are used since the nineteenth century and their discovery by Hutchinson, are now currently performed in pediatrics hospitals but they require trained personnel. Spirometry can be a difficult technic, especially for children. The accuracy and repeatability depend on many factors: equipment, patient effort, supervision and encouragement of a technician. A longitudinal follow up of measures can be good especially in pediatric populations, where children have generally more difficulties recognising their symptoms. Cystic fibrosis is a severe genetic chronic disease, that affects 1/4500 birth in France. It's a multi system disease that affects the respiratory system, with a decline in lung function over the time and consecutive to pulmonary exacerbations, the digestive system (malabsorption of fat and vitamins) and the endocrine system (diabetes). Pulmonary function is an important clinical indicator of the health of individuals with cystic fibrosis. Close monitoring of patient health with daily recording of physical measurements and symptoms didn't have a negative impact, home spirometry function test could help detect earlier a decline of the lung function and pulmonary exacerbations. Frequent exacerbations are associated with morbidity, mortality, accelerated decline in lung function and a decreased quality of life. They are also a major driver of health costs.Their early detection is a goal. Children with cystic fibrosis have more difficulties recognizing symptoms of exacerbations. Few studies in pediatric showed a good observance in realizing home spirometry, especially in young patients and those living far from the hospital and with a good satisfaction. Daily monitoring of lung function is probably too tedious for children who already have lots of medication. Medical adhesion of adolescent's patients is often suboptimal, compared with younger patients. But it's during this period that the decline of the respiratory function is the most important, with its principal cause: pulmonary exacerbations. Frequent home pulmonary function test is possible and can improve medication adherence without adding too much time, but there was no change in the decline of the FEV1 and the number of pulmonary exacerbations. The association of home monitoring of lung function and a symptom questionary (cough, sputum and dyspnea) can predict exacerbation with a good specificity and sensibility. The Mir Spirobank Smart is a bluetooth connected device, permitting patients to realize spirometry at home with a smartphone. The accuracy of the Spirobank Smart compared with a spirometry in a hospital showed a good correlation (asthma and COPD population), if it's used by trained personnel. The aim of this study is to determine the feasibility of a home respiratory monitoring in a pediatric cohort of patients with cystic fibrosis and the satisfaction of the kids, the parents and the team of the CRCM.

Unknown status12 enrollment criteria

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