Subclinical Diabetes Confirmed by 75gm-OGTT Influence on the Prognosis of Decompensated Cirrhosis...
Liver CirrhosisDisorders of glucose metabolism, such as impaired glucose intolerance (IGT) and diabetes mellitus (DM), frequently occur in cirrhosis. However, it has been underestimated when fasting plasma glucose (FPG) levels are considered. We aimed to evaluate who needs to be undertaken a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) to find underlying subclinical diabetes.

Surgical Stages of Liver Cirrhosis In Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Hepatocellular CarcinomaLiver CirrhosisThe investigators intend to perform a prospective, multicenter study to establish a set of clinical criteria for surgical stages of liver cirrhosis, which can be implemented to guide the surgical treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).

Heparin Like Effect in Acute Variceal Bleeding
Coagulation DisorderCirrhosis2 moreThis study attempts to clarify the pathophysiology of haemostasis in relation to the evidence of sepsis in liver disease, and compares the accuracy of various available laboratory tests in assessment of these patients. Further research is needed for proper understanding of the influence of sepsis on coagulation disorders in acute variceal bleeding in cirrhosis, to correctly identify the type and optimal quantity of blood product requirement in at risk patients. Thromboelastography (TEG) /Sonoclot has been proposed as a superior tool to rapidly diagnose and help guide resuscitation with blood products. Secondly, the study of derangement in coagulopathy after the onset of sepsis is of paramount importance because of increased mortality after the onset of sepsis. In the present study, patients with cirrhosis who present with acute variceal bleeding, will be included in the study cohort, and will undergo a baseline diagnostic workup as described. They will be followed for development of any signs of infection after hospitalization. Then the effect of sepsis on their coagulation and thrombin generation response swill be assessed. Thus the effect of sepsis on the progression and outcome of coagulopathy in patients with acute variceal bleeding will be studied.

Real-Life Use of Anti-fibrotic Drugs in Patients With Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis in Sweden
Idiopathic Pulmonary FibrosisThe objective of the current research project is, by using high quality Swedish registry data, to evaluate use, tolerance and effect of anti-fibrotic drugs in IPF-patients. Secondary study objectives are to determine the clinical profile, determinants of treatment adherence, long-term safety and to describe the patient journey from the first sign of disease to end of treatment.

The Timing of Emergency Endoscopy for Esophagogastric Variceal Bleeding in Cirrhosis
Liver CirrhosisPortal Hypertension1 moreThis study is a prospective, multi-center and observational clinical study. Investigators would like to explore the optimal emergency endoscopy timing in cirrhosis patients with esophagogastric variceal bleeding (EGVB) by evaluating and comparing the efficacy and safety of emergency endoscopy performed at different times ( within 6 hours or between 6 and 24 hours after gastroenterologic consultation ) and its impact on the short-term prognosis.

Training in Shared Decision-making of Cystic Fibrosis Centers Competences in the Treatment of CF...
DiabetesCystic FibrosisDiabetes affects half of cystic fibrosis patients aged 30 years and older. It develops asymptomatically for a long time. Also, two options are possible: start insulin treatment now with the additional constraints associated with cystic fibrosis or wait while monitoring the patient's clinical status and initiate insulin treatment when he has developed symptoms and therefore later. In practice, the choice between these two options takes place over two medical consultations without a formalized shared decision-making process between the doctor and the patient. Shared decision-making is a decision-making process in which the healthcare provider and the patient learn about patients care options and then deliberate to reach a common agreement on the decision taken. Shared decision-making seemed particularly relevant to us in cystic fibrosis where there are complex treatment options with variable short-, medium- and long-term side effects and where the disease and its treatments have a high impact on the patient's quality of life.

Quality of Life in IPF - Patient and Physician Perceptions
Idiopathic Pulmonary FibrosisThis study aims to evaluate the differences between patient's and their physicians' perception of quality of life and the effect of disease severity and co-morbidities. Patients and physicians will complete two sets of questionnaires at an initial clinic visit and again six months later.

The Compliance and Prognosis of NSBB Secondary Prevention of Cirrhosis With Gastroesophageal Varices...
Esophageal Varices BleedingNon-selective beta blockers are commonly used drugs for primary prevention and secondary prevention in patients with cirrhotic decompensated esophageal varices bleeding,the basic heart rate, blood pressure and condition of different patients have individual differences.This paper mainly discusses the compliance of patients taking NSBB under different follow-up methods and analyze the factors affecting patient compliance.

Detachable String Magnetically Controlled Capsule Endoscopy for Detecting High-risk Varices in Compensated...
Compensated CirrhosisGastroesophageal Varices BleedingGastroesophageal varices is a serious complication of compensated advanced chronic liver disease (cACLD). Primary prophylaxis to reduce the risk of variceal haemorrhage is recommended if high-risk varices (HRV) are detected. We performed this study to compare the accuracy, patients' satisfaction and safety of detection of HRV by detachable string magnetically controlled capsule endoscopy (DS-MCCE) with esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) as the standard.

Repeatability and Reproducibility of Multiparametric MRI
Liver DiseasesPrimary Biliary Cirrhosis7 moreThis study aims to prospectively assess the repeatability and reproducibility of iron-corrected T1 (cT1), T2*, and hepatic proton density fat fraction (PDFF) quantification with multiparametric MRI using the LiverMultiScan™ (LMS, Perspectum Diagnostics, Oxford, UK) protocol across different field strengths, scanner manufacturers and models.