Determining in Vitro Properties of Epithelial Cells From Individuals With Genetic Variants Associated...
Idiopathic Pulmonary FibrosisHealthyThe investigators are trying to understand the role of specific genes in the function of airway surface cells. The investigators know that there are some common genetic markers that are associated with various lung diseases. However, most people with these genetic markers never develop any evidence of lung disease, so it is not understand how or if these markers play a role in disease. Investigators are asking healthy people to provide three (3) tubes of blood as well as a sample of cells from their nose. Investigators will use the blood sample to provide genetic information (specifically, presence or absence of alleles known to be associated with pulmonary fibrosis). Nose cells from individuals with the genetic markers that investigators are studying will be grown in the the lab to allow investigators to learn more about how the cells respond to various forms of environmental stress, such as exposure to cigarette smoke. The goal of this study is to understand how specific genes affect airway cell function.

Examination of Left Atrial Fibrosis Using MRI
FibrosisThis study evaluates images obtained from a standard clinical cardiac MRI for evidence of fibrosis.

Microbiota of the Respiratory Flora in Children With Cystic Fibrosis During the First Year of Life...
Cystic FibrosisThe goal of this study is characterize the changes in bacterial diversity of the upper respiratory tracts of infants with cystic fibrosis (CF). Another goal is to determine when CF patients become colonized with pathogenic bacteria that are responsible for the lethal lung damage in children with CF. Ten subjects will be recruited into the study. Throat swabs will be collected at 6-8 weeks of age, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months of age in order to chart any changes in the bacterial populations of the respiratory tract. Clinical data will also be collected to evaluate the possible influence of external factors on changes in the microbial communities. This study will provide preliminary data on whether probiotics can eradicate the colonization of the respiratory tract by pathogenic bacteria.

Evaluation of Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF) in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease Following...
Nephrogenic Systemic FibrosisRenal InsufficiencyThe objective of this study is to prospectively monitor the incidence of adverse drug reactions, specifically NSF during routine use of gadoversetamide in a large number of patients with moderate renal insufficiency (eGFR 30-59) and severe renal insufficiency or end-stage renal disease requiring dialysis (eGFR <30).

MRI Assessment of Myocardial Fibrosis Associated With Monocyte Phenotype in End Stage Renal Failure...
Myocardial FibrosisEnd Stage Renal Failure on Dialysis4 moreFirstly, this study aims to understand how cardiac fibrosis mediated by inflammatory microvascular disease evolves during advanced chronic kidney disease and end stage renal failure and importantly how this changes with commencement on renal replacement therapy (haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis) using sequential cardiac MRI imaging. This method of imaging is non-invasive, provides significantly more data than echocardiography, is reproducible and accurate, has been validated in numerous studies and does not involve exposure to ionising radiation. Secondly, this study aims to examine the changes in monocyte subsets and biochemical profile in peripheral blood prior to, during and after commencement on renal replacement therapy. The investigators hypothesis would be that renal failure causes alteration in monocyte subset phenotype resulting in increased circulating inflammatory monocytes (human CD14high CD16high), initiating pro-inflammatory cytokine expression and thereby accelerating inflammatory cardiovascular disease and development of myocardial fibrosis.

Gadoxetic Acid-enhanced MR Evaluation of Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Dysplastic Nodules in the...
Liver CirrhosisCarcinoma1 moreA prospective intra-individual study to investigate the diagnostic performance of gadoxetic acid-enhanced MR for the patients with liver cirrhosis using thin-section whole-explant as standard of reference

Three-Dimensional T1rho Using Spiral Fast Spin Echo
Liver FibrosisLiver fibrosis is the main feature in early chronic liver diseases. If identified early, liver fibrosis is reversible. The current gold standard for diagnosing liver fibrosis is invasive liver biopsy. Existing non-invasive methods still have significant limitations. T1rho imaging is a promising non-invasive technology evaluating liver fibrosis. It does not require exogenous contrast agent or extra hardware. However, it remains challenging to perform T1rho measurements of the liver. The rich blood signal in the liver introduces quantification errors of liver parenchyma. The existing black blood MRI technologies are based on Cartesian FSE acquisitions, which are not optimal for liver imaging. The residual blood signal is often observed which confounds the measurement. Current T1rho measurement of the liver is mostly performed in two-dimension. 3D coverage of liver is desirable. However, 3D T1rho imaging of liver suffers from long scan time due to increased spatial coverage, reduced scan time efficiency from motion compensation, and high specific absorption rate (SAR). The investigators aim to overcome these challenges by developing 3D T1rho imaging technologies based on magnetization prepared spiral FSE acquisition. Compared to Cartesian FSE, Spiral FSE traverses k-space more efficiently per unit of time, and has reduced SAR due to significantly decreased number of radiofrequency pulses in the echo trains. Spiral acquisition has zero gradient moment at the kspace center, which substantially reduces its sensitivity to respiratory motion. The residual motion manifests as benign incoherent artifacts in the image domain rather than detrimental structured artifacts. Differently to Cartesian FSE, Spiral FSE provides flexibility to design and optimize flow-sensitizing gradients throughout the echo trains to achieve superior suppression of blood signal. The investigators will evaluate the proposed pulse sequences in both healthy controls and patients with liver fibrosis. This project will provide new black blood imaging technologies and a 3D diagnostic tool for early detection of liver fibrosis. This will improve clinical outcomes for patients with chronic liver disease, and provide a springboard for further development of MRI technology for other purposes.

The Use of Transient Elastography to Predict Clinical Decompensation in Patients With Early Cirrhosis...
CirrhosisThis is a prospective study designed to examine the role of transient elastography as a predictor of clinical decompensation in patients with early cirrhosis. The study objective is to determine if changes in measurements of liver stiffness with transient elastography can identify patients that will have a more rapid progression of cirrhosis and the development of clinical decompensation. The target population is patients with early stage, well-compensated cirrhosis. Participants of this study will be asked to complete the following procedures: read and sign the informed consent, medical records review (complete medical history, physical examination, laboratory evaluation, endoscopic findings, radiographic findings), undergo transient elastography to measure liver stiffness every three months until the development of clinical decompensation (ascites, variceal bleeding, hepatorenal syndrome, overt hepatic encephalopathy) for up to 2 years.

Intermittent Versus Continuous Infusion Meropenem in Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic FibrosisThe purpose of this study is to compare the incidence of nausea and vomiting following short intermittent versus prolonged intermittent infusion of meropenem.

Pirfenidone as Bridging Therapy for Lung Transplant in Patients Suffering From Idiopathic Pulmonary...
Idiopathic Pulmonary FibrosisLung Transplant; ComplicationsThe diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is currently one of the most common diagnoses for patients under evaluation for lung transplantation. In recent years, an absolute increase in prevalence/ incidence of IPF has been observed. There is evidence that patients with IPF on waiting list for lung transplantation might benefit from pirfenidone treatment. Until now, no data are published regarding this important issue in lung transplantation. Primary objective is to determine whether there is a difference in the duration time of mechanical ventilation (weaning) directly after lung transplantation between patients treated with pirfenidone and patients without pirfenidone treatment. The Secondary objectives are to determine whether there are differences between the pirfenidone treatment group and the control group regarding survival after LUTX, the score on the Saint Georges Respiratory Questionnaire and the decline in forced vital capacity (FVC%) In this Investigator initiated, non- interventional single center study , patients on the waiting list for transplant pirfenidone treatment receive oral pirfenidone at the standard dose of 2403 mg per day. The treatment duration will range from 6 to 12 months. A control group will be used to correlate the outcome-parameters for a descriptive comparison. The control group includes patients with IPF on the waiting list who were on another IPF specific (or no) treatment for IPF The Study Population are Patients aged between 40-70 years who are admitted to the lung transplantation department and fulfill the international criteria for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis ( existence of a usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) pattern in the high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) is necessary). Variables: Duration of mechanical ventilation after LUTX (hours), Forced Vital capacity relative to reference value at baseline (FVC0%), Forced Vital capacity relative to reference value after 6 months (FVC6%),Forced Vital capacity relative to reference value after 12 months (FVC12%) Study Size: 30 patients in the Pirfenidone group, 20 patients in the control group. For the primary Endpoint, the mean, standard deviation, median, minimum and maximum of the weaning time of patients who received a pirfenidone treatment, as well as of patients from the control group will be computed and presented in a table. Additionally, a Kaplan-Meier curve will be estimated and plotted alongside the respective 95% CI calculated using the method of Brookmeyer and Crowley. Furthermore, a stepwise linear regression using forward selection and Age, RBMI, FVC0%, (FVC6%-FVC0%), TLC, FEV1% and ECMO, as well as the pirfenidone treatment as predictors will be computed. The null hypothesis is that the pirfenidone treatment has no influence on the weaning time. The according model coefficient estimate and standard error will be used to test the null hypothesis using a t-test at significance level α=0.05. For the secondary endpoints, the mean, standard deviation, median, minimum and maximum of patients who received a pirfenidone treatment, as well as of patients from the control group will be computed and presented in a tableStepwise Cox Regression using forward selection and Age, RBMI, FVC0%, (FVC6%-FVC0%) and ECMO, as well as the pirfenidone treatment as predictors will be computed in order to compare the treatment and the control group a . If p-values are calculated for the secondary endpoint analysis, they serve only descriptive purposes. Therefore no multiple testing corrections are applied.