Longitudinal Pathogen-colonization in Cystic Fibrosis Airways and Ability to Smell
Cystic Fibrosis With Other ManifestationsSinusitisAim of the study is to detect the prevalence of chronic rhinosinusitis, pathogen colonization of the lower and upper airways and, in a sub-cohort the sense of smelling in patients with cystic fibrosis.

Glucose Metabolism DisordersGlucose metabolism disorders (GMD) can be present in an overt and a subclinical way. They have negative impact in survival of patients with liver cirrhosis (LC). Their prevalence has not been determined in compensated cirrhotic patients.

Non-Invasive Evaluation of Fibrosis and Steatosis in Chronic Hepatopathy
Chronic Liver DiseaseSteatohepatitis1 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate non-invasive parameters for staging and grading of chronic hepatopathy in comparison to liver biopsy.

Ocular Surface Changes in Patients With Cystic Fibrosis
Eye ManifestationsCystic fibrosis(CF) is an inherited disease affecting children, adolescents and young adults with dysfunction of secretory glands.It is caused by mutations in the protein-coding gene which function as the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR), responsible for the secretion of chloride ions in epithelial cells, adenocytes, sweat gland cells, pancreatic ducts,alimentary and respiratory tracts and eye. Assessment of the relationship between the inflammatory processes and apoptosis in the eye in the course of cystic fibrosis will allow determination of immunological exponents which may facilitate diagnosis.

Echocardiographic Assessment of Intrapulmonary Vasodilatation: Agitated Saline Versus Polygeline...
LiverCirrhosisThe purpose of the study is to evaluate agitated saline versus polygeline for detection of intrapulmonary vasodilatation in patients with cirrhosis.

The Relationship Betweensarcopenia And Myosteatosis With The Natural History Of Liver Cirrhosis...
SarcopeniaSarcopenic Obesity2 moreMalnutrition is a common figure associated with liver cirrhosis. The main component of malnutrition in liver cirrhosis is represented by sarcopenia, a condition of a progressive and generalized loss of muscle mass and strength. Many studies have reported that sarcopenia is an independent predictor of morbidity and mortality in cirrhotic patients. Moreover, cirrhotic patients may develop simultaneous loss of skeletal muscle and gain of adipose tissue, culminating in a condition of "sarcopenic obesity". As highlighted by a recent systematic review and meta-analysis [Van Vgut 2017] all the studies on the impact of sarcopenia/sarcopenic obesity and myosteatosis in cirrhotic patients are retrospective studies, mostly involving non-consecutive patients on the list for liver transplantation. Moreover, most of the studies were produced by non-European centers (Canadians,Americans, and Japanese) that published more papers on the same patient series. All these factors have led to a possible selection bias. Furthermore, the methods used to evaluate sarcopenia and myosteatosis were not homogeneous (the entire muscle area, or area of the psoas or psoas diameter) as well as the cut-offs used. For these reasons, we propose a multicentric observational prospective study aimed at analyzing the impact of sarcopenia, sarcopenic obesity and myosteatosis in cirrhotic patients not listed for liver transplantation. Primary endpoint: - Evaluation of the impact of sarcopenia on the mortality of cirrhotic patients not on the waiting list for liver transplantation. Secondary end-point: Evaluation of the impact of sarcopenic obesity and myosteatosis on the mortality of cirrhotic patients not on the waiting list for liver transplantation. Evaluation of the impact of sarcopenia/sarcopenic obesity and myosteatosis on the development of complications (hepatic encephalopathy, bacterial infections, ascites, GI bleeding) in cirrhotic patients not on the waiting list for liver transplantation. Evaluation of the impact of sarcopenia/sarcopenic obesity and myosteatosis on the number of admissions and the days of hospitalization for such complications. Evaluation of the subcutaneous fat impact on mortality and morbidity of cirrhotic patients not on the waiting list for liver transplantation. Concordance analysis of the various methods used (different cut-off/area psoas vs. area of all muscles) for the diagnosis of sarcopenia through the analysis of CT scan.

Molecular Mechanisms of Fibrillin/LTBP Superfamily in Renal Fibrosis and Cardiorenal Syndrome
Renal FibrosisCKDThis project is to understand the LTBP4 expression in human renal fibrotic tissues. The investigators will exam major location of LTBP4 expression and check any similar or discrepancy in renal fibrosis with different etiologies.

Systemic Inflammation in Liver Cirrhosis
Liver CirrhosisInvestigate systemic inflammation in liver cirrhosis patients

Multicenter, Prospective Study for Urinary Exosomal Biomarkers of Kidney Allograft Tubulointerstitial...
Renal FibrosisKidney Transplant FailureThe investigators aim to identify urinary exosomal biomarkers that represent the extent of graft fibrosis from deceased donor kidney transplantation. Urinary samples will be collected from deceased kidney donors at the time of procurement and zero-day kidney graft biopsy will be performed at the time of transplant. The association between urinary exosomes and the degree of graft fibrosis will be analyzed to identify biomarkers that represent fibrosis. The correlation between these biomarkers and graft long term outcomes will be investigated.

Liver Fibrosis in Peri-menopausal Women
Nonalcoholic SteatohepatitisLiver Fibroses1 moreThis is a prospective observational study in a single medical center. The aim is to evaluate the status of fibrosis and steatosis of liver parenchyma in peri-menopausal women using noninvasive methods of vibration-controlled transient elastography (VCTE) with controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) and serum biomarkers. Recruitment period: 2018/08/01 to 2019/07/31 Patient number: 200 females Inclusion criteria: Females, age of 46-55 years Willing and able to comply with the study requirements Willing and able to provide written informed consent to participate in the study Exclusion criteria: Unable to complete the noninvasive procedure of VCET and CAP Unwilling to provide written informed consent to participate in the study Laboratory tests and examinations: Baseline and two follow-up visits (every 6 months): Blood pressure BW, BH, waist circumference, BMI Complete blood cell (CBC) count Albumin, AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase, total bilirubin, r-GT, uric acid, hsCRP Sugar (fasting), HbA1c, insulin, HOMA-IR DM lipid profiles, adiponectin, leptin Liver ultrasound, FibroScan touch 520 FSH, Estrodiol (E2), LH TSH, free T4 HBsAg, anti-HCV, HBV DNA, HCV RNA, HBsAg quantification, HBV genotype (if HBsAg or anti-HCV positive) ANA, Anti-mitochondrial antibody Review history of drug and menstruation cycles