Microbiota Study in Liver Transplanted Patients
CirrhosisHepatocellular Carcinoma2 moreMany studies describe the relationship between microbiota alteration and the occurrence of metabolic, alcoholic or inflammatory liver diseases. Nevertheless, the modifications of microbiota during liver transplantation (LT) as well as its implication are poorly studied. Similarly, only the intestinal microbiota is studied in this context, and no data are available on the biliary microbiota, even if it is known that bile microbiota can interfere with hepatobiliary diseases. This study proposes a clinical and biological in-depth follow-up with multiple sampling of liver transplanted patients to study biliary and intestinal microbiota alterations along LT, as well as bile acids metabolism in corresponding fluids. Indeed, in recipient samples as saliva, blood, urine, and feces can be taken before LT, and surgeons can easily perform bile sampling during LT. In donors all samples can be taken during liver removal. This offers the opportunity to have a microbiotic landscape of individuals without liver disease (donor), and patients suffering from a chronic liver disease or a liver cancer before and after transplantation. Also, in Grenoble University hospital, in case of biliary anastomotic incongruence, a biliary stent is placed during LT in 60% of recipients. This stent is removed by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) within 6 months after LT, offering a second opportunity to obtain bile samples in transplanted patients, after the early post-LT period. Patients who do not require a biliary stent will also be included for the study of secondary objectives, as intestinal microbiota is very poorly characterized in liver transplanted patients too. A portion of the patients without biliary stent, may also develop an anastomotic biliary stricture requiring an ERCP. If this ERCP is realized within the follow-up period of the study, the patient will also be included in the primary objective of the study. These multiple and sequential samples will allow a complete analysis of microbiota changes in LT patients and aim to answer to 3 questions: What are the modifications of intestinal and biliary microbiomes during LT? What is the influence of bile acids' composition on intestinal and biliary microbiota? What are the relationships between microbiome alterations and the emergence of LT complications?

Lung Cancer and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis : Pathological and Molecular Characterization
Lung Cancer and Idiopathic Pulmonary FibrosisRetrospective inclusion of lung cancers developed in a context of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, diagnosed and / or treated in participating centers. The cases are recovered retrospectively from the records of the pulmonology and pathology departments of our various partners.

Novel Molecular Spectrometric Biomarkers in Blood Plasma as an Early Diagnostic Tool in HCC
Liver CancerHepatocellular Carcinoma2 moreDue to providing valuable clinical information while being minimally invasive, blood-based testing will most likely be a prerequisite for future large-scale screening of high-risk populations. As a variety of pathological processes, including carcinogenesis, may cause changes in both the concentration and the structure and spatial arrangement of body biomolecules, the spectroscopic analysis of blood-based derivatives appears to be an appropriate tool for the early detection thereof. The differences observed in the spectral response of healthy individuals and patients may also be specific to a particular type/stage of the disease and, thus, may serve as a reliable diagnostic marker. In order to find sufficiently specific and sensitive biomarkers of early stages of degenerative and cancerous diseases, the co-applicant group at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague (UCT Prague), developed a unique approach for the spectroscopic analysis of blood plasma. Using the highly specialized, structure-sensitive methods of chiroptical spectroscopy (electronic circular dichroism - ECD, Raman optical activity - ROA) combined with conventional infrared (IR) and Raman spectroscopy, the first pilot studies yielded promising results with respect to the identification of spectral markers for pancreatic cancer, colon cancer and type 1 diabetes mellitus. In addition, metabolomics appears to be a very progressive approach to finding potentially suitable molecules to distinguish between healthy and cancer-affected individuals. Therefore, the investigators believes that this multimodal approach will allow for the identification of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In our research, the focus will be on the identification of novel biomarkers in blood plasma that would exhibit sufficient sensitivity and specificity to detect early and potentially curable HCC stages, and that would be potentially useful for routine screening of this disease in well-defined at-risk groups.

EUS Based Prevalence of Chronic Pancreatitis in Alcoholic Cirrhosis
Alcoholic CirrhosisAlcohol is the common precipitating factor for both cirrhosis of liver as well as alcohol related chronic pancreatitis. However, in real life clinical setting, clinicians do not frequently see many cases of symptomatic pancreatitis in patients who present with features of cirrhosis of liver. On the contrary, in some patients presenting with alcohol related chronic pancreatitis, evidence of cirrhosis of liver is observed on imaging without other clinical features of cirrhosis.

Use of the French Healthcare Insurance Database
CirrhosisHepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has become the second most common cause of cancer death in the world, estimated responsible for nearly 745,000 deaths in 2012 (9.1% of all cancer deaths).

Aortitis and Retroperitoneal Fibrosis: Evaluation of Diagnostic Criteria
Idiopathic AortitisRetroperitoneal FibrosisInflammatory aortitis probably represents a heterogeneous group, and the clinical experience accumulated over the last ten years, shared by the experts of the subject, is that the initial clinical, biological or radiological characteristics should make it possible to differentiate them and dismember the Nosological field. This will be an essential first step before studying prognosis, risk factors, and therapeutic options. The search for diagnostic criteria on a large series, similar to the study of classification of vascularites of the ACR in 1990, should make it possible to homogenize the diagnoses for the different teams working on the subject, and to begin work Collaborations, which alone can improve patient care in the future.

Body Composition Analysis in Cirrhotic Undergoing Paracentesis
Liver CirrhosisAscitesAscites is a frequent complication of liver cirrhosis, initial treatment consists on diuretics intake, however, as the disease progresses this complication becomes more severe, consequently other therapeutic options are used. Paracentesis is indicated when severe ascites is present and it should be accompanied by albumin infusion. Nutritional status is generally affected in patients with liver cirrhosis, even more patients with severe ascites show decreased energy intake due to gastric compression.

Accuracy of RTE for Evaluating Hepatic Fibrosis in Chronic Hepatitis: a Prospective Multicenter...
Chronic HepatitisOur study is a prospective multicenter research and the aim is to explore a variety of suitable evaluation indicators and criteria for diagnosis of diffuse liver fibrosis, to get the corresponding diagnosis threshold, with the domestic common pathological S stages as the gold standard.

Telomeres Parameters in Cirrhosis
CirrhosisThere are several factors that influence telomere length in patients with cirrhosis, such as metabolic derangements and infectious etiologies, The aim of the study is to compare telomere length and other parameters related to genetic instability in telomere/ telomerase system, in peripheral blood lymphocytes in cirrhosis from different etiologies.

The Role of Gastric Content Microaspirations in the Pathogenesis of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis...
IDIOPATHIC PULMONARY FIBROSISThe pathogenesis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is debatable. Looking for an insult to lung parenchyma that generates the pathogenesis of the disease is challenging. Pepsin is a proteolytic enzyme present in the gastric juice. Microaspirations of gastric content were described as a potential factor for injury in many chronic lung disorders. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) is a routine investigation technique in interstitial lung diseases. The presence of pepsin in the BAL fluid recovered from patients with IPF may indicate a possible role for gastric microaspirations in the pathogenesis of the disease.