Continuous Infusion of Remidazolam for Colonoscopic Polypectomy in Elderly Patients
Colon DiseaseTo observe the sedative effect of continuous infusion of remidazolam in elderly patients undergoing colonoscopic polypectomy.

A Trial to Compare Efficacy and Tolerability of Plenvu® and Picoprep® as Cleansing Agents Before...
Colon DiseaseThe trial is about comparing the efficacy of Plenvu with Picoprep. Both are bowel cleansing agents prior to visual examination of the large bowel to exclude cancer disease. 400 patients who are referred for colonoscopy to a single center in North Jutland will be randomised either to Picoprep or Plenvu. These patients will then answer a questionnaire prior to colonoscopy. The questionnaire is about the most common expected side effects and the experience of cleansing og intake of the bowel agents. The effect of the two agents will examined using a special scoring system (Harefield) to determine the quality of bowel cleansing. Colonoscopist who evaluate the cleansing is blinded to which agent the patient has taken.

Evaluation of the Contribution of Low-pressure Intra-abdominal Insufflation for Laparoscopic Colic...
Colonic DiseaseThe laparoscopic surgery requires gas insufflation in the peritoneal cavity and the operator chooses the intraabdominal insufflation pressure. In general, during a conventional laparoscopy, this pressure is 12 to 15 mmHg. The reduction of the intra-abdominal pressure minimizes the parietal trauma due to the insufflation and could lead to a reduction of the postoperative pains and could allow an earlier recovery. In this study, the investigator propose to evaluate the benefits of a low pressure insufflation (6-8 mmHg) with pressure-controlled insufflator in patients with a mild or malignant colon pathology requiring surgical colic resection. The main objective of the study is to demonstrate that the laparoscopic colic resection at low pressure reduces the theoretical hospital stay of one day compared to the conventional laparoscopy.

Circulating Tumor DNA Analysis to Optimize the Operative and Postoperative Treatment for Patients...
Colorectal CancerColo-rectal Cancer13 moreIMPROVE-IT2 is a randomized multicenter trial comparing the outcomes of ctDNA guided post-operative surveillance and standard-of-care CT-scan surveillance. The hypothesis of this study is that ctDNA guided post-operative surveillance combining ctDNA and radiological assessments could result in earlier detection of recurrent disease and identify more patients eligible for curative treatment.

The Effect of Mobile Application-Based Bowel Preparation Training on the Patient's Education Whom...
Colon DiseaseColon CancerColonoscopy is the examination of the large intestine with an instrument called a colonoscope. To make an accurate evaluation during a colonoscopy performed for diagnosis and treatment, adequate preparation of the large intestine must be made. Information given to patients is very important for adequate bowel preparation and adherence to treatment. Therefore, this study was planned as a prospective, single-blind randomized controlled study to determine the effect of mobile application-based bowel preparation training on patients' bowel preparation compliance, quality and anxiety level in patients scheduled for colonoscopy. The study will be carried out with 160 patients (experimental: 80, control: 80) who will apply to the Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty Hospital General Surgery Department Endoscopy Unit, who will undergo colonoscopy as an outpatient. Both groups will receive oral and written instructions for bowel preparation. In addition, the smart phone app group will received instructions through a medical smart phone app. The primary outcome was the rate of adequate bowel preparation according to the Boston bowel preparation scale score. The secondary outcomes included patient compliance.

Patient Education and Text Message Reminders in Colonoscopy
Colon DiseaseEducational ProblemsThis study will be conducted to examine the effects of detailed education and text message reminders given to patients undergoing colonoscopy on bowel cleansing, vital signs and anxiety.

Impact Of The Nurse Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Coordinator On The Compliance In Colorectal...
ERASEnhanced Recovery7 morePurpose. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of the implementation of the Nurse Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Coordinator (NEC), within the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) program, in relation to the compliance of patients undergoing colorectal surgery. Methods. Quasi-experimental study with a control group, an intervention group and without random assignment in a multicenter trial; between December 2021 and November 2023. Patients older than 18 years with planned elective intervention of major colorectal surgery will be included; excluding those without social support, with psychiatric illness, cognitive difficulty, planning of simultaneous or emergency surgery. In the intervention arm they will have NEC and in the control group they will not have that resource. Compliance will be the main variable of the study and, in addition, the study aims to assess secondary endpoints such as quality of life (QOL). Conclusions. NEC could increase compliance to ERAS programs, improving health outcomes and QOL perceived by the patient. The applicability in the different hospital centers could generate an opportunity to advance professionally in the nursing figure within the ERAS program. The fact of having NEC could also increase the efficiency of the program due to the cost-effectiveness of the nursing position, although this is not the object of the study. It would be applicable in improving perceived health and QOL, so it could also have an economic impact on the health system.

Fully Closed-Loop Insulin Delivery in Abdominal Surgery (CLAB)
Perioperative HyperglycaemiaInsulin Therapy9 moreThe purpose of the study is to assess the efficacy, safety and usability of perioperative fully-automated closed-loop insulin delivery versus standard insulin therapy in patients with diabetes other than type 1 diabetes undergoing elective major abdominal surgery.

Phase 1/2 Study of the Highly-selective RET Inhibitor, Pralsetinib (BLU-667), in Participants With...
RET-altered Non Small Cell Lung CancerMedullary Thyroid Cancer46 moreThis is a Phase 1/2, open-label, first-in-human (FIH) study designed to evaluate the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics (PK), pharmacodynamics (PD), and preliminary antineoplastic activity of pralsetinib (BLU-667) administered orally in participants with medullary thyroid cancer (MTC), RET-altered NSCLC and other RET-altered solid tumors.

Immediate Versus Early (24-hours) Urinary Catheter Removal After Elective Minimally Invasive Colonic...
Surgical ComplicationColonic Disease3 moreThe primary aim of this study is to compare the rate of acute urinary retention (AUR) after immediate compared to early (24-hours) removal of urinary catheter (UC) in patients undergoing minimally invasive colorectal resection. The study hypothesis is that immediate UC removal is non-inferior to 24-hours UC removal in terms of AUR rate. The secondary outcomes focus on goals that could be positively impacted by the immediate removal of the UC at the end of the surgery. In particular, the rate of urinary tract infections, perception of pain, time-to-return of bowel and physical functions, postoperative complications and postoperative length of stay will all be measured.