The PAI Trial for Breast and Colon Cancer Survivors
Breast CancerColon CancerThe purpose of the study is to determine if a Physical Activity Index (PAI) tool that collects measures on physical activity, strength training and sedentary behavior can be used in a clinical setting to monitor patient behavior and provide specific recommendations on how to achieve and maintain behavior goals. The tool will be used after treatment is completed in breast and colon cancer survivors and will test if physician counseling combined with patient self-monitoring improves physical activity and reduces sedentary behavior over time.

Predictive Biomarkers of Biological Activity and Efficacy of Nilotinib on ZAK Target in Non-metastatic...
Colon CancerThis is a monocentric prospective non randomized phase 0 clinical trial targeting patients with colon cancer for whom an upfront surgery has been advised by the pluridisciplinary team.

Safety of Xeloda in Solid Tumours
Metastatic Breast CancerColon CancerThe primary objective of this study is to observe safety and tolerability of Xeloda as used in medical practice, alone and in combination with docetaxel.

Impact of Patient Education Website on the Quality of Outpatient Bowel Preparation for Colonoscopy...
Colon CancerThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the GI clinic's currently used web-based instructions at St. Paul's Hospital.

SLN in Colon Cancer Using a Multimodal Tracer
Sentinel Lymph NodeRationale: Lymph node status is the most important factor in the selection of patients for adjuvant chemotherapy after surgical treatment of primary colorectal carcinoma. Up to 30% stage I/II patients with negative lymph node involvement will develop distant metastases and eventually die from colorectal carcinoma (CRC). Better detection and pathologic staging of the lymph nodes could contribute to a better survival of colon cancer patients. This sentinel lymph node (SLN) procedure aims to identify the first draining lymph node(s) from the primary tumour, which have the highest risk of harbouring metastases. These SLNs can be pathological analysed with several more sensitive histopathologic techniques like immunohistochemical staining (IHC). Objective: Aim of this study is to investigate if the combination of a radioactive and fluorescent tracer can increase the sensitivity and specificity of the sentinel lymph node mapping (SLNM) technique in colon cancer by utilizing the radioactive component for preoperative imaging (PET/CT) of the SLNs and the near infrared (NIR) fluorescence component for guidance to the SLNs during surgery. Study design: Single centre pilot study Study population: Ten patients with colon cancer (colon ascendens, colon transversum, colon descendens, sigmoid) stage Tis-T1-T2-T3, scheduled for laparoscopic surgical resection of the tumour. Intervention (if applicable): The present study will be performed with the radioactive tracer 89Zr-Nanocoll and fluorescent tracer Indocyanine Green (ICG). A colonoscopy will be performed to inject the radioactive tracer 48 hrs before surgery. After injection, patients will undergo the first PET/CT scan. A second PET/CT scan will be performed ± 24 hrs after tracer injection and a third scan just before the surgical procedure; ± 48 hrs after tracer administration. During the surgical procedure ICG diluted in saline and human albumin will be injected at the base of the tumour by colonoscopy. The PET/CT images will be compared with respect to the total number and location of foci and , if visible, lymphatic vessels. During surgery the fluorescent nodes will be marked with a suture in vivo. Thereafter the PET/CT images will be used as a roadmap, to detect SLNs which are not visible with the NIR laparoscope. These nodes will be marked with a suture too. When all radioactive and/ or fluorescent nodes are detected, the specimen will be resected like the conventional method. Ex vivo the specimen will be inspected for fluorescent and/or radioactive nodes not found in vivo. All the identified nodes will be taken out ex vivo and stored separately. The entire specimen will be submitted for pathologic examination. All identified SLNs will be stained with hematoxylin-eosin (H&E). If the fluorescent or radioactive SLNs are negative after routine H&E staining, they will be sliced in multiple parts and examined with H&E staining and immunohistochemistry with the specific marker CAM5.2. Finally, the pathologist uses palpation to identify the remaining non-fluorescent and/ or radioactive lymph nodes. Nodes found by palpation will be screened for fluorescent and/ or radioactive activity too. The amount of tumour tissue in positive nodes will be evaluated with the Q-prodit; an interactive video morphometry system (Leica, Cambridge, UK). Main study parameters/endpoints: Main study parameter is the identification rate of SLN mapping with preoperative PET/CT scans combined with intraoperative near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence imaging in patients with colon carcinoma. Thereby biodistribution and kinetics of 89Zr-Nanocoll have to be considered as primary study parameter. Secondary endpoints are the number and localization of the SLNs and optimal tracer volume. Nature and extent of the burden and risks associated with participation, benefit and group relatedness: All participating patients will receive conventional resection of the tumour and follow-up according to normal standards in our hospital. The main goal of this study is to optimize the SLN mapping technique in colon cancer. If the investigators are able to identify the true SLN this could lead to better staging and survival of patients with this type of cancer. . Because of the colonoscopy ± 48 hrs before surgery, patients stay in the hospital will be prolonged with one day. The additional risks of exposure to radiation for participating patients are calculated and can be considered as negligible.

Evaluation of Endorings-2-assisted Colonoscopy: a New Accessory for Improvement of Adenoma Detection...
Colonic AdenomaColonic Polyp2 moreScreening colonoscopy for colorectal cancer is essential to diagnose and remove adenomas, precancerous stages of colorectal cancer. Unfortunately approximately 25 % of all adenomas are missed during the examination. Recently a new colonoscopy accessory, the Endorings-2 (EndoAid Ltd., Casearea, Israel), has been designed to improved the detection of adenomas during colonoscopy (adenoma detection rate). Endorings-2 is a silicone-rubber device that is fitted on the colonoscope and is equipped with circular flexible silicon rings mechanically stretching the colonic folds during withdrawal. This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of Endorings-2 to improve the adenoma detection rate in a prospective, blinded clinical trial. 292 patients with an indication for a screening colonoscopy shall be included (1:1 randomization in standard colonoscopy versus Endorings-2-assisted colonoscopy).

Plan to Thrive: Extending Cancer Survivorship Care Beyond the Clinic
CancerBreast3 moreThe purpose of this study is to test the usability of the Plan To Thrive smartphone application with cancer survivors. This study will involve three visits (baseline, follow-up, and feedback assessments). Between the baseline and follow-up time points, patients will undergo a 90-day period in which they will engage with app content. It is hypothesized that cancer survivors in this study will find the smartphone application, Plan to Thrive, an acceptable and feasible way to access post-treatment information. In addition, the investigators will explore preliminary efficacy by examining changes over time in primary (patient activation, patient knowledge and adherence to follow-up care recommendations and health behaviors) and secondary outcomes [symptom burden, health-related quality of life and patient satisfaction].

Changes in Inflammatory Response After Immunonutrition Compared to Standard Nutrition in Colorectal...
Colon CancerNutrition Aspect of CancerIt is Randomized Controlled Trial, in which investigators will estimate the impact of the use of immunonutrition support compared to standard nutritional support in the preoperative period in patients with colorectal cancer.

Low-dose Neuroleptanalgesia for Postoperative Delirium in Elderly Patients
Stomach NeoplasmsColonic Neoplasms10 morePostoperative delirium(POD)is a common complication that can directly affect important clinical outcomes, and exert an enormous burden on patients, their families, hospitals, and public resources. In order to evaluate whether an intraoperative administration of low-dose neuroleptanalgesia reduces postoperative delirium, droperidol 1.25 mg and fentanyl 0.025 mg or normal saline is used by intravenous injection 30 minutes before the end of the operation, in elderly patients with non-cardiac major surgery under general anesthesia. The efficiency and safety of neuroleptanalgesia on the incidence of POD would be evaluated in elderly patients.

Engaging Patients in Colon Cancer Screening Decisions During COVID-19
Colon CancerThe goal of the study is to examine whether a shared decision making intervention improves decision making about colon cancer screening for patients who had their colonoscopy delayed or postponed due to the COVID pandemic. Eligible patients (n=800) will be randomly assigned to either the intervention or control arm. A subset will be surveyed about 6-8 weeks post intervention to measure shared decision making, their intention to follow through with screening, and their decisional conflict. Study staff will conduct medical chart review to track receipt of colon cancer screening within 6 months. The statistician will test whether patients in the intervention arm report more shared decision making, less decisional conflict, higher intention to follow through on screening and have higher screening rates compared to those in the control arm.