Development of Quality Indicators and Quality Improvement Plan of Colonoscopy in Experienced Endoscopist...
Colonic PolypsColonic NeoplasmsThe purpose of this study is to determine clinical factors affecting quality indicators of colonoscopy including adenoma detection rate, and whether quality of colonoscopy could be elevated by improving related factors.

Evaluation of Colonic Diminutive Polyps With Electronic Filters
Colonic PolypsDiminutive polyps, measuring between 1 and 5 mm, represent the vast majority of colorectal polyps encountered during colonoscopy. Since the chance of harboring advanced adenoma or carcinoma in this kind of polyps is very low, a "remove and discard" technique has been proposed. The differentiation between adenoma/non adenoma polyps is based on the use of endoscopes equipped with high definition, magnification and optical filters.

Measuring the Spectrum of Tissues During Endoscopy
Colon CarcinomaColonic Polyps1 moreLesions, polyps and other abnormalities in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract have a different composition compared to the normal mucose. The investigators plan to gather spectroscopic information from these features. Characterizing their unique spectrums, may help to enhance the detection and identification of these objects during endoscopy.