The Diagnostic Accuracy of Using Faecal-DNA Test (COLOSAFE) for Colorectal Cancer Screening
To Evaluate the Sensitivity and Specificity of a Test Kit in Hong KongTo evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of the test kit "COLOSAFE' in Hong Kong

Outcomes of Patients Who Had an Incomplete Colonoscopy After a Positive Fecal Immunological Test...
Colorectal CancerIn France, colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of cancer death. Its organized screening (Organized ColoRectal Cancer Screening: DOCCR), now carried out by immunological test for occult blood in the stool, has proven its effectiveness. When the immunological test is positive, the Haute Autorité de Santé recommends a total colonoscopy. In 5 to 10% of cases, this colonoscopy is incomplete. The renewal of the endoscopic procedure or the performance of additional second-line examinations are then recommended. At present, however, the respective place of second-line examinations to be performed in this situation is not the subject of specific and validated recommendations.

Cohort Study to Assess Impact of Chemotherapy Plus Bevacizumab on Health Related Quality of Life...
Metastatic Colorectal CancerQuality of LifeThe primary aim of this french multicenter national study is to assess and compare time to quality of life score deterioration (targeted dimensions : global health, fatigue and emotional functionning of EORTC QLQC30 according to the first line chemotherapy associated with bevacizumab in metastatic colorectal patients.

Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases Outcomes After Resin 90Y Microsphere Radioembolization...
Colorectal CancerLiver MetastasesInvestigator initiated multi-institutional retrospective review of clinical and radiographic outcomes after 90Y resin microsphere radioembolization for metastatic colorectal liver metastases in the USA. The target is for at least 1,000 evaluable patients with 12+ weeks follow up.

Pharmacogenomics Study of CPT-11 as the First-line Chemotherapy for mCRC
Colorectal CancerIrinotecan (CPT-11) is now widely used as the first-line chemotherapy for mCRC. There were 4 key enzymes for CPT-11 metabolizing, CYP3A4, UDP-glucuronosyltransferase, carboxylesterase(CES), and ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters. Genetic variations of those enzymes may cause the heterogeneity in safety and efficacy of CPT-11. The aim of this study is to figure out the correlation between the genetic polymorphism and the drug response.

Pre-habilitation to Improve Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Liver Resection for Cancer
Colorectal NeoplasmBiliary Tract Neoplasm1 moreTo determine whether a combined nutritional support program and exercise-based prehabilitation is superior to nutritional support alone in increasing functional recovery and reducing post-operative morbidity after surgery for HPB malignancy. To understand which measures of immediate surgical recovery are sensitive to prehabilitation interventions and predict change in later outcome measures.

Vascular Changes During Colorectal Surgery
Patients Undergoing Open Resection of Colorectal TumoursThe purpose of this study is to investigate whether increases in the blood flow from the heart (the cardiac output), induced by the administration of intravenous fluids, lead to an increase in the blood flow to the vital organs, in patients undergoing bowel surgery. This study will involve 2 phases. Firstly, potential volunteers will be invited to meet the research fellow (medical doctor) undertaking this study, who will check their suitability to participate in the study and who will obtain informed consent. The second phase is the study itself which will take place whilst volunteers are having their bowel operation. They will attend theatre in the normal way, but once they have been anaesthetised (put to sleep), a special monitor called an oesophageal doppler probe will be placed into their oesophagus (food pipe) via the nose. This monitor is frequently used in bowel surgery to help assess how much intravenous fluid to administer to a patient by measuring the cardiac output (the amount of blood pumped out of the heart each minute). Using the cannula (drip) already inserted in the arm to allow administration of the anaesthetic, a special fluid, called an ultrasound contrast agent, will be injected into the drip, to allow a contrast enhanced ultrasound scan of the abdominal organs to be performed, to measure the blood flow to these organs. A small sample of blood will be taken from the earlobe to allow us to measure a chemical in the blood called lactate. After this, intravenous fluid will be administered in order to increase the amount of blood pumped out of the heart. Once the oesophageal doppler monitor suggests that an adequate amount of fluid has been given, a second ultrasound scan will be performed to measure whether blood flow to the abdominal organs has also increased. A further blood sample will be taken from your earlobe to measure any change in lactate level. At the completion of the operation, a third ultrasound scan will be performed and another sample of blood taken from the earlobe, to help assess blood flow to the organs.

Sexual Dysfunction and the Quality of Sexual Life in Patients With Colorectal Cancer and Their Partners....
Colorectal Cancer Patients and Their PartnersIn this project the main focus is on assessing sexual functioning and the quality of sexual life after the treatment of colorectal cancer in patients and their partners. Patients and their partners complete questionnaires concerning sexual functioning, quality of life, body image, fatigue, anxiety, depressive symptoms, personality factors, and demographic factors. Questionnaires are completed before surgical treatment, 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months after diagnosis. The results of this prospective study will give insight in 1) the incidence of sexual problems and the extent patients with colorectal cancer and their partners are bothered by these problems across time, 2) the effect of different treatment modalities on sexual functioning, 3) the relation between sexual problems and quality of life, 4) the determinants of sexual problems and the quality of sexual life adopting the biopsychosocial approach of patients with colorectal cancer who have been treated with surgery, radiation and/or chemotherapy, and more specifically to the role of personality and patient factors and sexual functioning/the quality of sexual life.

Genes That Affect Disease Outcome in Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal CancerRATIONALE: Studying samples of blood and tumor tissue in the laboratory from patients with cancer may help doctors learn more about changes that occur in DNA and help doctors understand how patients respond to treatment. PURPOSE: This clinical trial is examining genes that affect disease outcome in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer.

Influence of the Surgical Technique Used for Colectomies on the Concentration of Circulating Tumor...
Colorectal CancerColectomy is the most commonly used therapeutic approach for the treatment of non-metastatic colorectal cancer. This approach is generally very effective however the rate of recurrence and the appearance of metachronous metastasis remains a major problem in the postoperative period. One of the hypothesis that can explain this tumor progression is the dissemination of tumor cells at the time of tumor mobilization. In this work, we wish to verify this hypothesis by comparing two surgical technics used in our department for left or right colectomies: respectively either first section of the mesenteric vessels followed by the mobilization of the tumor or first mobilization of the tumor followed by the section of the mesenteric vessels. To evaluate the dissemination, we will study two disseminations markers that have shown their prognostic value: i) circulating tumor cells (which represent a direct marker of dissemination) and ii) tumor circulating DNA (which is an indirect marker) but has the advantage of being more representative of all tumor clones and therefore the tumor burden released into the blood at the time of surgery).