Benefits of Amantadine in Patients With Coma State
Coma; ProlongedAmantadineThe study was a single center observational-prospective study and approved by local ethics committee. Patients in coma state due to traumatic brain injury, cardiac arrest or ischemic stroke who are older than 18 years of age were included in the study. Patients who received amantadine 200mg/day for fourteen days according to ICU protocols decided by primary physician formed the amantadine group, and the rest of the subjects were included in the control group. All patients were evaluated for Glasgow Coma Score, JFK Coma Recovery Scale and Disability Rating Scale once a week for three months.
Online Noninvasive Assessment of Human Brain Death and Deep Coma by Near-infrared Spectroscopy
Brain DeathComaThis study aims to assess brain death and deep coma with the self-made near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) instrument. The investigators used the noninvasive method to monitor the Δ[HbO2] (the concentration changes in oxy-hemoglobin) and Δ[Hb] (the concentration changes in deoxy-hemoglobin) in the region around the forehead of medically evaluated participating patients and healthy subjects. A multiple-phase protocol at varied fraction of inspired O2 were utilized during the assessment.