Persistent Post-Concussion Symptoms With Convergence Insufficiency
Persistent Post-concussive SymptomsConvergence Insufficiency4 moreOur successful R01 discovered 1) the neural mechanistic difference between typically occurring convergence insufficiency (TYP-CI) and binocularly normal controls and 2) the underlying mechanism of office-based vergence and accommodative therapy (OBVAT) that is effective in remediating symptoms. Adolescent and young adult concussion is considered a substantial health problem in the United States where our team has shown that about half of patients with persistent post-concussion symptoms have convergence insufficiency (PPCS-CI), causing significant negative impact associated with reading or digital screen-related activities, and is believed to be one factor causing delayed recovery impacting return to school, sports, or work. The results of this randomized clinical trial will impact the lives of adolescents and young adults with PPCS-CI to guide professionals on how to manage and treat those with PPCS-CI by 1) comparing the differences between PPCS-CI and TYP-CI, 2) discovering the neural mechanism of OBVAT for PPCS-CI compared to standard-community concussion care, and 3) determining the effectiveness of 12 one-hour sessions compared to 16 one-hour sessions of OBVAT.

Randomized Controlled Trial for Vestibular Treatment in Concussion
Vestibular DisorderMild Traumatic Brain InjuryA prospective, single-blind, four-group multi-center randomized controlled trial (RCT) of targeted rehabilitation exercises for vestibular symptoms and impairments (T-REV) in civilians with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) will be conducted at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Sports Medicine Concussion Program (UPitt). The four treatment groups will consist of the factorial combinations of low (30%) and high (70%) intensity of exercise crossed with low (12-18 min, 1x/day) and high (12-18 min, 2x/day) frequency. A total of 125 participants aged 18-50 years will be enrolled across years 1-4, with approximately 100 participants completing the whole study. After potential participants with mTBI are screened for the vestibular clinical profile, using domain-specific tests and measures, and enrolled into the study, participants will complete primary and secondary outcome measures and receive a home exercise program that a) targets participants individual deficits, and b) is of the appropriate intensity and frequency for the participant's randomly assigned treatment group. Participants will return for in-clinic visits once per week to receive treatment and progress assigned exercises.

Neuromodulation and Neurorehabilitation for mTBI Plus PTSD
Mild Traumatic Brain InjuryPost Traumatic Stress DisorderThis study will determine (i) the magnitude of immediate and sustained effects of a current clinical standard interactive computer attention processing training (APT) when combined with intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS), a type of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation and (ii) determine how APT + iTBS changes the neurocognitive system of attention in individuals with persistent attention deficits related to mTBI and PTSD.

Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy for Retried Professional Football Players
TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)Concussion5 moreThis is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group trial with an open-label extension to evaluate the efficacy of growth hormone (GH) on cognitive functions of retired professional football players with growth hormone deficiency (GHD).

Efficacy of Brock String Therapy Post Concussion
ConcussionBrain1 moreThe purpose of the proposed study is to evaluate the efficacy of Brock String therapy prescribed in the acute stage of concussion recovery can improve clinical outcomes among patients with receded near point of convergence (NPC). Aim 1: Determine if participants receiving the Brock String have more significant improvements in NPC measurements at follow up 7-10 days post injury. Aim 2: Determine if participants receiving the Brock String 1) improve on computerized neurocognitive test scores from initial visit (<48 hours post injury) to follow up visit (7-10 days post injury) compared to control participants, and 2) have reduced recovery time (i.e., days from injury until return to play) compared to control participants.

Effectiveness of Rehabilitation in Adults Suffering From Persistent Concussion Symptoms
Postconcussion SyndromeMild Traumatic Brain InjuryProtocol Summary The present study was developed to better understand the effects and benefits of individualizing rehabilitative treatments based on subgroup classifications determined by a standardized clinical examination. The primary aim is to evaluate the response to individualized therapy on recovery, as measured by The Rivermead Post-concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) and standardized clinical examination, when compared to an active control. The secondary aim is to evaluate the Pre and Post treatment state of the participants via a rapid advanced electroencephalography (EEG) when compared to the active control who will be provided the current standard form of therapy for persistent symptoms. The EEG changes will be compared to the standardized clinical examination findings as well as the RPQ. Sample Size: N= 50 Study Population Participants will be eligible for study participation if they meet the following inclusion criteria: 21-years and older; diagnosed with postconcussion syndrome; and have adequate language skills in English to read and take part in rehabilitation treatment program. Participants will be excluded should: they have an unremarkable or normal clinical examination; have a chronic infectious disease; uncontrolled hypertension; other neurological disorders (not attributed to their primary diagnosis); cancer treatment (other than basal cell carcinoma), craniotomy, or refractory subdural hematoma long-term use of psychoactive medications that would compromise their ability to comprehend and perform study activities; those with pacemakers or elevated cardiovascular risk; ongoing litigation surrounding their injury; have been diagnosed with a moderate or severe brain injury prior to enrolment; post-concussive symptoms persisting beyond 12-months. Study Design The investigators will be conducting a 12-week case-crossover randomized controlled trial. Participants will undergo 6-weeks of care in their respective streams. After 6-weeks, participants will undergo a re-examination. They will then crossover and undertake the alternative treatment for 6-weeks. At the end of 12-weeks, participants will undertake the endpoint examinations. Start Date: May 2023 End Date: September 2025 Primary Objective: The primary aim is to evaluate the response to individualized therapy on recovery, as measured by The Rivermead Post-concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) and standardized clinical examination, when compared to an active control.

Comparison of Two Group Wellness Interventions for Individuals With Neurologic Conditions and Their...
Traumatic Brain InjuryMild Traumatic Brain Injury4 moreApproximately 5.3 million people live with a long-term disability resulting from a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and between 5-8% of those older than 60 suffer from Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia (ADRD). Consequences of these conditions can result in dramatic and persistent changes in functioning, impacting not only the patients, but also loved ones who become informal support persons. Many existing services help the family in the moment, but do not address long-term wellness. Thus, the purpose of this research study is to compare the effect of two different types of group wellness treatments for individuals with chronic mild TBI, moderate to severe TBI, and ADRD and their support persons.

Positive Assurance and mTBI
MTBI - Mild Traumatic Brain InjuryThis study will develop and validate a new ED discharge educational video that provides positive assurance about mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) recovery for patients with mTBI.

Noninvasive Brain Stimulation on Memory in Individuals With Mild Cognitive Impairment and History...
Amnestic Mild Cognitive ImpairmentTraumatic Brain Injury1 moreThe study will examine the efficacy of high definition transcranial direct current stimulation (HD-tDCS) and its influence on episodic memory in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment and a history of Traumatic brain injury. Ten sessions of HD-tDCS to the dorsal anterior cingulate region is expected to result in improvements in episodic memory measures immediately following the last session and at a 3-month follow-up.

TBI Evaluation and Management (TEaM)
Mild Traumatic Brain InjuryThe purpose of this study is to evaluate a multi-disciplinary, multi-setting intervention with the goal of improving outcomes for children who have experienced a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). The project aims to improve and support mTBI diagnosis and management, and improve critical decision making by clinicians during their interaction with the injured child, their family, and their school.