Protocol to Support Breastfeeding for Postpartum Women and Mothers of Babies With Congenital Heart...
BreastfeedingCongenital Heart DiseaseTo evaluate the effect of applying a hybrid protocol (face-to-face and via call center) of breastfeeding assistance and guidance on the duration of breast milk supply to babies with congenital heart disease for 6 months.

OPTImal Treatment of Sinus VENOSUS Defect
Sinus Venosus DefectCongenital Heart Disease1 moreSinus venosus defect (SVD) accounts for 10% of atrial septal defects and is characterized by an anomalous pulmonary venous return in the superior vena cava associated with a high situated atrial septal defect. Since 2013, transcatheter correction of this congenital heart disease has emerged as a new treatment option. The procedure involves placement of a covered stent in the superior vena cava that tunnels the anomalous pulmonary venous return to the left atrium. Preliminary results are limited but promising. The devices to be used depend on anatomic considerations. XXL stents than 70mm are often required. Today, the availability of CE marked stents is limited. There have been recent reports of successful corrections with the specifically developed Optimus XXL 100mm covered stent (ANDRATEC) with compassionate approval from the Agence Nationale de Sûreté du Médicament in France. Setting up a feasibility study to investigate the use of medical devices in this indication was required. The objective of this project is to study the feasibility, efficacy and safety of the Optimus stent in this newly developed transcatheter procedure, in comparison with the gold-standard surgical method. A French national multicenter comparative cohort study including all eligible patients referred for transcatheter correction of SVD was designed. The feasibility of the transcatheter procedures will be investigated beforehand by virtual digital simulation and simulation on a 3D printed model. The procedures will then be performed in centers of the M3C network for complex congenital heart diseases (CARDIOGEN). The primary endpoint will be a composite of efficacy, defined as complete occlusion of the shunt, and safety, defined as the absence of major events at 6 months. The secondary endpoints will be anatomical, functional and psychosocial (quality of life). It is expected that transcatheter treatment gives comparable results to surgery on the primary endpoint. This could justify the further development of this procedure as an alternative to surgery and facilitate the validation of dedicated equipment.

Two-Year Study of the Safety and Efficacy of the Second-Generation Tissue Engineered Vascular Grafts...
HLH - Hypoplastic Left Heart SyndromeDORV10 moreA single arm clinical trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of the second generation TEVG as vascular conduits for extracardiac total cavopulmonary connection.

A Feasibility Study of Physical Activity After Surgical or Catheterization Intervention
Congenital Heart DefectThis feasibility study will assess whether a 6-month, home-based, parent-led physical activity program, completed after surgical or catheterization treatment, enables young children with congenital heart defects (CHD) to achieve the recommended 180 minutes of daily physical activity. This study includes comprehensive measures of motor skill and physical activity, intervening at a very young age, and targeting the high risk status for sedentary lifestyles of children with CHD. This study will provide essential data on patient recruitment, data collection procedures, the proposed physical activity intervention and resources required to enable the design of a randomized controlled trial (RCT) to evaluate play-based, parent-delivered interventions optimized to support age-appropriate physical activity and motor skills among young children with CHD.

Autus Valve Early Feasibility Study
Congenital Heart DiseaseProspective, single-arm, multi-center study to evaluate safety and preliminary effectiveness of the Autus Size-Adjustable Valve in pediatric patients aged 18 months to 16 years requiring surgical pulmonary valve replacement. The Autus Valve may be expanded pre-implant to match the subject's body size. Subjects will be evaluated prior to the Autus Valve implant procedure, immediately post-implant, at hospital discharge, 30 days, 6 and 12 months, and annually through 5 years. The Autus Valve may be expanded post-implant via transcatheter balloon dilation to accommodate growth of the subject. In subjects who undergo a post-implant valve expansion, follow-up will continue for a minimum of 1 year after the post-implant valve expansion procedure.

A Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of DA-1229 (Evogliptin) in Patient's Calcific Aortic...
Calcific Aortic Valve DiseaseThis is an adaptive Phase 2/3 multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, parallel, 3 arm study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of DA-1229 compared to placebo in patients with calcific aortic valve disease with mild to moderate aortic stenosis. There are 3 arms in this study to which patients will be randomized in a ratio of 1:1:1 to receive the DA-1229 or placebo orally once daily for a period of 104 weeks . the 3 arms are: placebo, DA-1229 5mg GroupDA-1229 10 mg Group. The study will have three phases: Screening Period (up to 4 weeks), Treatment Period (104 weeks), and Follow-Up Period (2-4 weeks). Total Study Duration is112 Weeks.

Acute Normovolemic Hemodilution in Complex Cardiac Surgery
Cardiac SurgeryAcute Kidney Injury2 morePostoperative bleeding in cardiac surgery is a frequent complication, and cardiac surgery utilizes 15-20% of the national blood supply. Packed red blood cells (pRBCs) are associated with worse short and long term outcomes. For each unit transfused, there is an additive risk of mortality (death) and cardiac adverse events. Despite current guidelines and numerous approaches to bleeding reduction, >50% of the patients undergoing cardiac surgery receive transfusions. Acute normovolemic hemodilution (ANH), a blood conservation technique that removes whole blood from a patient immediately prior to surgery, could be a valuable method to reduce transfusion in complex cardiac surgery. At the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), ANH is routinely utilized in patients who refuse allogenic blood transfusions such as Jehovah's Witnesses. ANH has been shown to be safe with minimal risk to patients. ANH has been studied in simple cardiac surgery, such as coronary artery bypass grafting, however it has not been studied in complex cardiac surgery, such as aortic surgery and adult congenital heart disease. ANH has been demonstrated to reduce pRBC transfusion in lower risk cardiac surgery without any significant complications. Complex heart surgery utilizes more blood products. This study could identify the benefits of ANH in a higher risk surgical group.

Safety and Efficacy Study of reSept ASD Occluder for Treating Secundum ASD
Heart Septal DefectHeart Septal Defects7 moreEvaluation of the safety and efficacy of the reSept ASD Occluder to treat patients with clinically significant secundum atrial septal defect

Acute Maternal Hyperoxygenation in CHD
Congenital Heart DiseaseCongenital heart disease (CHD) is predominantly detected before birth. Using echocardiography and MRI, this study will determine whether acute exposure to maternal hyperoxygenation (MH) leads to measurable increases in fetal cerebral oxygenation from baseline in fetuses with CHD. The study aims to determine whether MH could be used as a chronic in-utero treatment strategy to promote brain growth/maturation to birth and to improve postnatal neurodevelopmental outcomes, and identify the types of CHD most likely to benefit from chronic MH.

Remotely Monitored and Coached Cardiac Rehabilitation Northern Sweden
Heart DefectsCongenitalSupervised exercise is an essential component of contemporary center-based cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programs. Despite the proven effectiveness, uptake and adherence to supervised exercise-based CR (exCR) remains suboptimal (approximately 50%), especially in rural and remote areas of Sweden. The main reasons for low participation rate in centre-based exCR are different accessibility barriers i.e. long distances, transportation problems or employment commitments. In this randomised clinical trial, the overall aim is to evaluate the effectiveness of, home-based, remotely monitored and coached exCR using the REMOTE-CR system compared to home-based exCR based on individualized information regarding current exercise recommendations but without monitoring and coaching (usual care) to improve exercise capacity. Our hypothesis is that remotely monitored and coached exCR will improve exercise capacity to a greater extent than home-based exCR without monitoring and coaching (usual care).