Microbiome Metabolites and Alcohol in HIV to Reduce CVD RCT
MicrotiaDysbiosis3 moreAmong people living with HIV, heavy drinking increases the risk of heart disease and death. Studies suggest that alcohol changes the number and kind of bacteria in your gut and these changes increase the risk of heart disease and death. This randomized controlled trial will determine whether a pill containing healthy gut bacteria can increase the number good bacteria in the gut, lower levels of inflammation, and lower the risk of heart disease and death.

Evaluation of the Auryzon Devices in the Optimization of Ear and Nose Reconstruction Procedures...
Ear DeformitiesAcquired34 moreThis study evaluates the efficacy of the AuryzoN devices in the ear and nose reconstruction surgeries, both in terms of operative time and overall quality of reconstruction. Research participants will undergo reconstruction either using the AuryzoN device or through current methods (traditional manual processing) at the discretion of their surgeon prior to the start of surgery.

Auricular Reconstruction in Microtia by Medpor Implant Following Tissue Expansion
MicrotiaThe study involves patients with microtia of certain criteria will undergo tissue expansion by silicone bags in the postauricular region then Medpor implants will be applied undercover of the expanded skin for reconstruction of the auricule instead of the costal cartilage graft

Akkermansia and Weight Maintenance
ObesityMicrotia2 moreObesity and related disorders such as type 2 diabetes are a worldwide diet-related problem. As such new treatment options are constantly being developed. Bacteria living in the gut seem to be a key player in the treatment of obesity and related metabolic diseases by influencing energy balance and the immune system. In terms of newly identified bacteria species, Akkermansia muciniphila (A. muciniphila) has been found to be related to obesity. Several animal studies have shown the beneficial impact of A. muciniphila on the treatment of body weight as well as insulin sensitivity. The growth requirements of live A. muciniphila as well as its oxygen sensitivity rendered this bacterium unsuitable for human investigations or putative therapeutic opportunities. Therefore, pasteurization, a mild heating method, and its impact on diet-induced metabolic disorders in mice were investigated. Unexpectedly, this method of inactivation did not negate the effect of A. muciniphila, but improved its beneficial metabolic effects. Pilot studies have provided further evidence that pasteurization of A. muciniphila is safe for human use and has the potential to beneficially affect the control of body weight and glucose metabolism. In this project, The investigators hypothesize that pasteurized A. muciniphila will be superior to placebo intervention in maintaining body weight after a phase of weight loss (low caloric diet) in adult participants with overweight or obesity.

Rib Microtia and the Erector Spinae Plane (ESP) Block
MicrotiaCongenital4 moreThe erector spinae plane block is a novel regional anesthetic technique that allows for analgesia of the thorax and abdomen with a peripheral nerve block. This study is being performed to assess the effectiveness of this technique in reducing post-operative pain scores and opiate requirements in pediatric and adult patients undergoing rib cartilage grafting surgeries.

InterNatIonal CHildhood Leukemia Microbiome/MEtabolome Cohort
Acute Lymphoblastic LeukemiaNutrition Aspect of Cancer2 moreNutritional status is a measurable and modifiable factor that is often not considered during treatment and its clinical impact undervalued due in part to the heavy demands on clinicians in low and middle income countries to deliver therapy to large numbers of patients. The proposed study will create a biobank of clinical data and biological specimens which will foster future studies on cancer progression and prognosis as well as toxicities during treatment which may impact survivorship and late-effects. Eligible patients must be between 3 years and 18 years of age at time of assent/consent, have newly diagnosed B- or T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia or mixed phenotype acute leukemia confirmed by pathology report, and must be receiving treatment at one of the participating centers. Patients receiving hematopoietic cell transplant will be excluded. Institutions were selected to ensure representation of several global health indicators related to nutritional status and wealth classification according to the World Bank. Data related to demographic variables (socioeconomic status, food security), lifestyle habits (diet, physical activity), nutritional anthropometrics (height, weight and arm anthropometry), and nutritional biological indices (stool and blood) will be collected at designated timepoints throughout treatment and one year after the end of treatment.

Preventive Effect of Perinatal Oral Probiotic Supplementation (POPS) on Neonatal Jaundice
Neonatal JaundiceMicrotia1 moreThis is a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled parallel group superiority clinical trial among 94 pregnant women (47 in each group) to investigate the effect of maternal perinatal probiotic supplementation on neonatal jaundice, breast milk microbiome, maternal stool, and infant fecal microbiome. Vivomixx®-probiotic product will be used as treatment and placebo as a control.

Research on Gut Microbiome and Metabolomics Alterations in C.Difficile Infected IBD Patients
Inflammatory Bowel DiseasesClostridium Difficile Infections1 moreThe goal of this research is to compare alterations of gut microbiota and fecal metabolomics alterations between inflammatory bowel disease patients infected with or without Clostridioides difficile. The main questions it aim to answer are: which bacterial genus or fecal metabolites can discriminate IBD patients infected or more likely to be infected with Clostridioides difficile and their role in the pathogenesis of Clostridioides difficile. type of study: observational study participant population/health conditions population diagnosed with Ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease Having diarrhea Participants will be included in this research. If there is a comparison group: Researchers will compare healthy people without IBD or any diarrhea to see if disease or diarrhea would affect the gut microbiota and metabolites.

Nitrate Modulates Cognitive Impairment Via Oral Microbiota.
MicrotiaAlcohol DependenceAlcohol use is increasingly prevalent in modern society and is known to cause cognitive impairment and dysregulation of inflammatory responses. In the present study, the investigators want to perform a randomised controlled trials to test whether nitrate could change the oral microbiota and benefit the cognitive impairment in alcohol dependence patients. The investigators survey the oral bacterial communities in saliva samples of 70 alcohol dependent patients following 14 days of dietary inorganic nitrate (nitrate-rich beetroot juice, ~750 mg NO3- /d) and placebo (nitrate-depleted beetroot juice, ~1 mg NO3- /d) supplementation.

AuriNovo for Auricular Reconstruction
MicrotiaAuriNovo provides a patient-specific, biological construct for use in the surgical reconstruction of the external ear in people born with microtia Grades II-IV. This Phase 1 / 2A study is being conducted to collect preliminary safety data on microtic ear reconstruction using AuriNovo, fine-tune technical, logistical, surgical, and post-surgical care aspects related to implantation, and to gather preliminary efficacy data including short- and longer-term in vivo duration and biological status of the implant.