Breast Cancer Long-term Outcomes on Cardiac Functioning: a Longitudinal Study
NeoplasmBreast3 moreRationale: In addition to surgery, effective breast cancer (BC) treatment typically requires chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or both. However, it is still unclear whether patients with BC are at increased risk of long-term cardiac dysfunction due to the adverse effects of these therapies. In a cross-sectional study in primary care, a comparison on cardiac dysfunction between 350 BC survivors and 350 age- and general practitioner (GP)- matched controls without cancer was made. In that study, BC survivors were at increased risk of mild systolic cardiac dysfunction (left ventricle ejection fraction (LVEF)< 54%). By contrast, there was no significant difference in an LVEF < 50% or in diastolic dysfunction. To date it remains uncertain whether the mild or subclinical dysfunction we observed predicts further cardiac deterioration. Consequently, the translation of these results into guidelines for the daily practice of the GP is unclear. Objective: The aim of the here proposed study is to clarify whether cardiac function in survivors of BC should be monitored by GPs, by assessing whether an unselected population of long-term BC survivors is at increased risk of developing cardiac dysfunction, whether in this group at-risk subgroups exists, and what factors are associated with the highest risk. Study design: A new assessment of cardiac function among women included in the BLOC-I study. This produces a longitudinal matched cohort design consisting of two cohorts in primary care. Study population: Survivors of BC, diagnosed ≥11 years ago who received chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, and a matched reference population with no history of cancer. All participants participated in the Breast cancer Long-term Outcome of Cardiac function (BLOC-I) study. Main study parameters/endpoints: Left ventricular systolic dysfunction. Systolic cardiac dysfunction is defined as a LVEF <54/50/45%.

Effect of a Quality Improvement Initiative to Address Social Determinants of Health on Rehospitalization...
Heart FailureThe objective of this program is to improve post-acute care coordination for necessary social services for patients leaving the hospital after recovering from an episode of decompensated heart failure.

Lifestyle Behaviours of Women Newly Diagnosed With Heart Failure
Heart FailureHeart Failure occurs when the heart's ability to pump blood is reduced. Heart failure can lead to symptoms of breathlessness, fatigue and ankle swelling, and result in health complications including damage to other organs (e.g. kidneys), reduced function and quality of life. Although the symptoms of heart failure are similar for men and women, there are sex differences. Lifestyle behaviours such as physical activity are important modifiable risk factor for heart failure. Women continue to be underrepresented in heart failure studies and treatment guidelines are male-derived due to these disparities in recruitment. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the physical activity levels, sedentary behaviour, sleep and quality of life and understand the barriers and facilitators to these lifestyle behaviours in women newly diagnosed with heart failure.

Dynamic EchoCardiographic Optimisation REsponse Study
Heart FailureThe aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of heart rate optimization and guided A-V and V-V delay from color Doppler echocardiography, in subjects affected by heart failure with reduced ejection fraction and CRT-D device wearers who did not respond to device implantation in clinical, electrophysiological, and other terms.

Evaluation of a Non-invasive Urinary Collection Technique for the Adaptation of Diuretic Treatment...
Diuresis in Incontinent PatientsHeart failure is a general disease affecting many organs and regulatory systems with a prevalence of 10% after 75 years of age, leading to significant hospitalization in the elderly. This generates a significant cost for our health system. The management of patients over 75 years of age in acute heart failure requires special monitoring of diuresis and weight. However, it is sometimes difficult to collect urine from incontinent elderly patients (not catheterized, habitually wearing protection) under intravenous diuretics. The evaluation of a non-invasive technique of urine collection for the adaptation of diuretic treatment in the incontinent patient with heart failure over 75 years of age in the acute phase seems to us to be interesting to conduct.

MyLeukoMAP™ Genomic Survival Prediction Assay Pivotal Clinical Study
Heart FailureThe MyLeukoMAP™ Pivotal Clinical Study will assess the accuracy of MyLeukoMAP™, a new molecular blood test, performed within 30 days before scheduled surgical / interventional therapies for Heart Failure, to determine its effectiveness in improving clinical decision support by providing a quantitative prediction of low, indeterminate, or high risk of death one year after surgical / interventional therapies that is not identified by current diagnostic tools.

Rivet PVS Therapy in Group 2 PH-HFpEF Canada
Heart FailurePulmonary HypertensionThis clinical investigation is a prospective, multicenter, non-randomized, open-label, Early Feasibility Study to evaluate the safety, performance, and initial clinical efficacy of the Rivet PVS therapy in patients with symptomatic pulmonary hypertension.

Advanced Telemonitoring of Patients With Heart Failure in Home Environment
Heart FailureHeart failure is currently not only a major medical but also a socio-economic problem. Its prevalence is estimated at 1-2% of the population with an exponential increase in older age groups. A very important part of the treatment of heart failure is the gradual uptitration of therapy to the maximum tolerated doses. Properly conducted therapy titration requires more frequent patient contact. Thanks to the introduction of telemedicine techniques, the investigators can communicate more effectively with the patient, reach the target doses of heart failure medication faster and subsequently reduce the number of hospitalizations due to worsening of heart failure. This study investigates effect of advanced telemonitoring of patients with heart failure in home environment.

Dapagliflozin Post Marketing Surveillance in HF and CKD
Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection FractionChronic Kidney DiseaseThis is an observational, non-interventional, single-arm multicenter study. The objectives of this study are to assess safety and effectiveness of Forxiga in a real world setting in patients who are prescribed with the study drug according to the newly approved indications in the Republic of Korea

Validation of a Non-invasive Assessment of Central Venous Oxygen Saturation by Using MRI
Heart FailureBOLD measured with MRI may be a useful noninvasive method for the assessment of right ventricular O2 saturation. A validation of this method against right heart catheterization has not been fully performed. Whether the method may have a diagnostic and prognostic role in chronic heart failure patients is unclear.