PMCF Study to Evaluate Performance and Safety of "Hyaluronic Acid (HA)-Based Eyedrops" Used to Relieve...
Dry EyeDry Eye Disease1 moreDry eye disease (DED), also called keratoconjunctivitis sicca, is a common ocular condition characterized by a loss of homeostasis of the tear film and inflammation of the ocular surface. The typical symptoms of DED include irritation, discomfort, blurred or fluctuating vision. Over the counter (OTC) artificial tears are typically the first line of dry eye treatment; they are meant to supplement the tears that cover the eye's surface. OTC products mimic the different layers of the tear film in order to maintain ocular hydration. HA is found in higher concentrations in the vitreous humor of the eye, cartilage, and the synovial fluid. As a component of the tear film, HA increases the viscosity of the tear film and hydrates and lubricates the ocular surface. HA possesses intrinsic water retention properties, viscoelasticity, and favors the healing of corneal and conjunctival epithelium. For these reasons, an interventional, non-comparative, single-center Post Marketing Clinical Follow-up (PMCF) study was planned to evaluate the performance and safety of "HA-based eyedrops" used as intended to relieve dry eye symptoms. The objectives of the PMCF study are confirmation of the performance, collection of additional safety data regarding expected adverse events and detection of potential unexpected adverse events associated with use of "HA-based eyedrops" according to the IFU. "Hyaluronic Acid (HA)-based eyedrops" are medical devices used as intended to improve the discomfort due to dry eye (for intrinsic and/or extrinsic causes), contact lenses wearing and/or eye surgery. Each Subject, after signing the Informed Consent Form, will enter the screening and baseline phase (the 2 visits will coincide) during which baseline procedures will be completed. At baseline visit (V0), one of the "Hyaluronic Acid (HA)-based eyedrops" products can be dispensed to the enrolled Subjects, depending on Investigator clinical evaluation, and severity of the disease. The patient will perform 2 on site visits (V0 and V2/EOS). To monitor the safety, 1 phone contact is planned (V1) to check for potential adverse events (AEs) and concomitant medications intake.

Clinical Evaluation of Hylo-Dual Versus Patanol in Children With Seasonal Allergic Conjunctivitis...
ConjunctivitisAllergic2 moreThis study compares the efficacy of Hylo-Dual (Hyaluronic acid 0.05% & Ectoine 2.0%) and Olopatadine (Olopatadine hydrochloride ophthalmic solution 0.1%) in the control of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis in the pediatric population. Half of participants will receive Hylo-Dual, while the other half will receive Olopatadine treatment for 2 months.

Efficacy and Safety Evaluation for the Treatment of Allergy Against Mites
RhinitisAllergic3 moreA double-blinded, placebo-controlled, prospective, multicenter randomized of 2 active treatment groups, compared to 1 placebo group, for the determination of the efficacy and safety of subcutaneous immunotherapy in patients with rhinitis/rhinoconjunctivitis with mild to moderate asthma, sensitised to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and /or Dermatophagoides farinae.

Efficacy and Safety Evaluation for the Treatment of Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis/Rhinoconjunctivitis...
Allergic RhinoconjunctivitisPerennial Allergic Rhinitis2 moreProspective, randomized, placebo-controlled, multicenter of 3 active treatment groups, compared to 1 placebo group, for the determination of the efficacy and safety of subcutaneous immunotherapy in patients with mild to moderate asthma and allergic rhinitis/rhinoconjunctivitis (intermittent or persistent) due to hypersensitivity to house dust mites (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and / or D. farinae) and grass pollen

The Role of Vitamin D in Corneal Epithelial Barrier Function, Ocular Microbiome, Ocular Inflammation,...
Allergic ConjunctivitisA double-blind study to evaluate the role of vitamin D in corneal epithelial barrier function, ocular microbiome, ocular inflammation, and visual acuity of children with allergic conjunctivitis.

Efficacy and Safety Evaluation of Tavilermide Ophthalmic Solution for the Treatment of Dry Eye
Dry Eye SyndromesDry Eye Disease1 moreThe purpose of the study is to compare the efficacy and safety of 5% tavilermide ophthalmic solution to placebo for the treatment of the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease.

PMCF Study to Evaluate Performance and Safety of "CLHA-based Eyedrops" Used to Improve Lacrimal...
Dry Eye DiseaseDry Eye1 moreTear dysfunction, also known as Dry Eye Disease (DED) is frequently encountered in the clinical practice. It is a multifactorial disease of the ocular surface characterized by insufficient tear production, loss of homeostasis of the tear film, increased osmotic stress of the ocular surface, ocular discomfort and visual disturbance. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a linear heteropolysaccharide (glycosaminoglycan) with unique hygroscopic, rheological, and lubricating properties. HA is naturally found at the human ocular surface where it contributes to the ocular hydration and lubrication thanks to its capability to bind water molecules.Sodium hyaluronate (SH), the salt form of HA, is widely used in artificial tears to counteract dry eye symptoms by facilitating eyelid sliding and reducing its friction on the corneal-conjunctival surface. Conventional HA-based eye drops contain linear HA. However, artificially cross-linked HA (CLHA) has several advantages over linear HA in alleviating dry eye symptoms. The increased viscoelasticity of CLHA results in a greater stability and a better resistance to the enzymatic degradation by hyaluronidase, while preserving all the properties of linear HA. Furthermore, chemical cross-linking of HA extends its permanence on the ocular surface, thus reducing the number of instillations and increasing patients' compliance. For these reasons, an interventional, non-comparative, single-center Post Marketing Clinical Follow-up (PMCF) study was planned to evaluate the performance and safety of "Cross-Linked Hyaluronic Acid (CLHA)-based eyedrops" used as intended to improve lacrimal abnormalities, even when associated with dry eye symptoms. The objectives of the PMCF study are confirmation of the performance, collection of additional safety data regarding expected adverse events and detection of potential unexpected adverse events associated with use of "Cross-Linked Hyaluronic Acid (CLHA)-based eyedrops" according to the Instructions for Use (IFU). Each subject, after signing the Informed Consent Form (ICF), will enter the screening and baseline phase (the 2 visits will coincide) during which baseline procedures will be completed. At baseline visit (V0), one of the "CLHA-based eyedrops" products will be administered to the enrolled subject. The patient will perform 2 on-site visits: V0 and V2/EOS. To monitor the safety, 1 phone contact is planned (V1) to check for potential adverse events and concomitant medications intake.

Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of IVIEW-1201 in Acute Viral Conjunctivitis
Adenoviral ConjunctivitisA Phase 2, Multi-center, Randomized, Double-Masked Study to Evaluate the Clinical Efficacy and Safety of IVIEW-1201 (1.0% Povidone-Iodine) Gel Forming Ophthalmic Solution Compared to Placebo in the Treatment of Adenoviral Conjunctivitis

A Study of MDI-1228_mesylate Ophthalmic Solution in Healthy Adults and Participants With Allergic...
Allergic ConjunctivitisThe goal of this clinical trial is to evaluate the safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics (PK) profiles* of MDI-1228_mesylate Ophthalmic Solution in patients with allergic conjunctivitis and healthy adult participants. This trial also aims to study the preliminary efficacy of MDI-1228_mesylate Ophthalmic Solution in patients with allergic conjunctivitis. Participants will receive either of the following treatment: MDI-1228_mesylate Ophthalmic Solution, or Placebo** Researchers will observe any changes in heath (if any) in participants receiving the study treatment to evaluate the safety of study drug. Researchers will also focus on any changes in symptoms of patients with allergic conjunctivitis to evaluate the efficacy of study drug. Note: *PK profiles: how the drug interacts with the body. **placebo: a harmless substance that contains no active agents.

Efficacy of Zinc Fortified Fermented Wheat Flour
MalnutritionDiabetes2 moreZinc is a pivotal micronutrient that participates in numerous essential metabolic pathways within the human body. Its multifaceted role makes the manifestations of zinc deficiency remarkably nonspecific and age-dependent. In children, zinc deficiency can manifest as growth retardation, cognitive impairment, recurrent infections, and other diverse symptoms. Adolescents and adults may experience fertility issues, work capacity impairment, and metabolic disorders due to zinc deficiency. Furthermore, zinc plays a crucial role in maintaining immune function, particularly in the elderly, where recurrent infections can be a notable outcome of deficiency. Given its fundamental importance, the potential benefits of zinc supplementation and fortification strategies have been explored, with some evidence indicating positive effects on health outcomes such as childhood mortality, diarrhea morbidity, and even risk factors for conditions like Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM) and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Understanding zinc's significance in these metabolic processes is vital for addressing deficiencies and improving public health. A study is needed to assess the effect of various types of fermented and unfermented wheat flour flatbread and its impact on health including zinc status, anthropometric outcomes, risk of T2DM and CVD and morbidity on adolescent and adult females. The whole wheat flatbread trial would be ideal to inform policy as it is regularly consumed in Sindh as most people rely on chakki for wheat grinding and it is used commonly to make roti at home.