Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) for Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)
Spinal Cord Injury at T1-T12 LevelTraumatic Thoracic Spinal Cord Contusion4 moreThe purpose of this feasibility study is to compare the impact of Spinal cord stimulation [SCS] for Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) pain and rehabilitation. SCS, also known as Epidural Electrical Stimulation (EES), will be utilized along with conventional medical management (CMM) or CMM alone. Participation in this research study is expected to last approximately 12 months. All subjects will be evaluated and proceed with implantation of two SCS devices- one tailored based on the individual's SCI for the treatment of neuropathic pain of trunk and limb and a second near the bottom of the spinal cord (conus region) to study the impact on motor, sensory, bowel/bladder outcomes. All patients will also continue receiving CMM, such as medications and physical therapy. Participating subjects will be randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups: Placebo arm: SCS OFF + CMM. Under the direction of the study physician, the patient may receive a variety of treatments, such as medications and various forms of rehabilitation. Treatment arm: SCS ON + CMM. The study treatment Spinal Cord Stimulation [SCS]: the study physician will perform a trial procedure to see if the study procedure works for the patient and may implant a permanent device if it is successful. There is a temporary trial procedure, or a "test drive," which usually lasts 5-7 days. If this is successful, patients will discuss a more permanent implant. This study involves the concurrent placement of two SCS devices (one focused on pain and the second for rehabilitation). For three months, treatment group subjects will have the SCS turned on and will have rehabilitation as part of their CMM. Participants in the placebo arm will have their SCS remain off and will undergo CMM with rehabilitation therapy similar to the treatment group. Neither the subjects nor the treatment team will know which patients are in the treatment or placebo arm. At the end of three months, the study group will be revealed and the placebo group subjects will be allowed to crossover and have their SCS turned on. Rehabilitation visits may be remote and the study duration is approximately 12 months. There may be additional blood tests and clinical exams to collect data on the effectiveness of the therapy. Data at follow-up visits will be compared to the subjects' baseline data and that of the control group at the respective visits.

Impact of the Early Use of High Flow Nasal Cannula in Patients With Post-traumatic Lung Contusion,...
Traumatic Lung InjuryWe hypothesize that early and continuous administration of oxygen via high flow nasal cannula in patients with lung contusion and non-severe acute lung injury might reduce the incidence of intubation and hold the deterioration of pulmonary functions.

Baricitinib for Moderate and Severe Traumatic Intracerebral Hemorrhage/Contusions
Traumatic Brain InjuryThe purpose of the present study is to study the effect of baricitinib administration on outcome of participants with moderate and severe traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage/contusions. A multi-center randomized control trial will be conducted. Participants with a radiological diagnosis of traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage/contusions and an initial GCS score of 5-12 will be screened and enrolled in the first 24 hours after traumatic brain injury.

Dermal Wound Closure Using Silkam®
ContusionsIncision1 moreAssessment of performance of Silkam® suture material for skin closure. A prospective, single center, single arm, observational study in daily practice.

Comparison of Ultrasound-guided and Palpation-inserted Peripheral Venous Cannula
Vascular Access ComplicationVascular Access Site BruisingEvery patient need venous access for surgery under anesthesia. It is the most frequently performed invasive procedure in medicine in the whole world. In expert groups, ultrasonographically guided vascular access (UGVA) appears to be a significantly better method, but studies on larger groups of patients are lacking. Prospective randomized 2-arm study which is comparing success rate of ultrasound guided a palpation inserted cannulas in patients undergoing primary hip or knee arthroplasty. The project will be managed according to the protocol of principles of Good Clinical Practice and valid regulations.

Study Evaluating Benefit of Using Fibrin Glue in Septorhinoplasty
Recovery TimeBruisingThe purpose of this study is to determine whether the use of fibrin glue during nasal surgery leads to a shorter recovery period with less bruising and/or swelling.

A Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of BIIB093 in Participants With Brain Contusion
Brain ContusionThe primary objective is to determine if BIIB093 reduces brain contusion expansion by Hour 96 when compared to placebo. The secondary objectives are to evaluate the effects of BIIB093 on acute neurologic status, functional outcomes, and treatment requirements, to further differentiate the mechanism of action of BIIB093 on contusion expansion by examining differential effects on hematoma and edema expansion, and to determine if BIIB093 improves survival at Day 90 when compared to placebo.

Comparative Effectiveness of Family Problem-Solving Therapy (F-PST) for Adolescent TBI
TbiIntracranial Edema16 moreTraumatic brain injury (TBI) is the most common cause of acquired disability in youth and a source of significant morbidity and family burden. Novel behavior problems are among the most common and problematic consequences, yet many youth fail to receive needed psychological services due to lack of identification and access. Linking youth with TBI to effective treatments could improve functional outcomes, reduce family burden, and increase treatment satisfaction. The investigators overarching aim is to compare the effectiveness, feasibility, and acceptability of three formats of family problem solving therapy (F-PST) for improving functional outcomes of complicated mild to severe adolescent TBI: therapist-guided, face-to-face; therapist-guided online; and self-guided, online F-PST.

Efficacy and Safety of Diclofenac Sodium Topical Gel 1% Applied Four Times Daily in Subjects With...
Acute Blunt Soft Tissue Injuries/ContusionsThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of DSG 1% compared with placebo applied four times a day in subjects with acute blunt soft tissue injuries/contusions of the limbs

Efficacy and Safety of Esflurbiprofen Hydrogel Patch in the Treatment of Local Acute Pain
Soft Tissue InjuriesContusions3 moreObjective of this study is: to determine efficacy and safety of a Esflurbiprofen Hydrogel Patch compared to placebo in patients with acute strains, sprains or bruises of the extremities following blunt trauma, e.g. sports injuries. to demonstrate that the Esflurbiprofen Hydrogel Patch is superior to placebo, and that the patch has acceptable local tolerability.