Beijing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Registry
Coronary Heart DiseaseThe registry study is to obtain the state of the art of the percutaneous coronary intervention state treatment for coronary heart disease in Beijing area of P.R.China in a real world. The data are collected from 48 hospitals in Beijing area using an uploading system through internet.

Association Study of Gene Polymorphisms With Cardiac Performance
Genetic PolymorphismCoronary Artery Disease1 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine whether polymorphisms in G protein subunits, namely Galphas and Galphaq, are associated with altered cardiac performance in heart failure patients.

The Correlation of Heart Hemodynamic Status Between 320 Multidetector Computed Tomography, Echocardiography...
Coronary Artery DiseaseWith the advances in multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) technology, CT angiography (CTA) of the coronary arteries using 64-slice or dual-source CT systems has evolved into a robust, alternative, noninvasive imaging technique to rule out coronary artery disease (CAD). Reported sensitivities and specificities of coronary CTA can compete with those of catheter angiography. Because CT is the major source of ionizing radiation in medicine, dual isotope myocardial perfusion scintigraphy and coronary CTA 16-, 64-slice MDCT and DSCT scanners are associated with the highest amount of radiation dose. Recently, a new generation of MDCT machines with even more detector row (320) has become clinically available. The maximum detector width of 16 cm enables the entire heart to be examined in a single rotation and within a single heartbeat and is expected to substantially reduce artifacts from breathing and body motion. Due to high volume coverage, 320-slice CT machines are able to perform a nonspiral, ECG-gated examination of the heart within a single breath-hold. The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation of hemodynamic status of 320 MDCT, echocardiography, and coronary catheterization in patients who suspected coronary artery disease.

Chest Pain, Illness Perception Compliance and Psychosocial Outcome After Coronary Arteriography...
Coronary DiseaseChest pain, illness perception compliance and psychosocial outcome after coronary arteriography. A comparison between patients which were diagnosed with slow coronary flow and patients who have been diagnosed with coronary artery occlusion. We hope to prove that the more knowledge and awareness the patient has about his disease the better his compliance and rehabilitation.

On-Pump vs. Off-Pump CABG in High-Risk Patients (EuroSCORE 6+)
Ischemic Heart DiseasePost-Operative ComplicationsPrevious studies comparing on-pump and off-pump operating strategy did only partially demonstrate benefits of the off-pump myocardial revascularisation.In primary end-points (MI, death, renal failure, and so on) there was no significant difference, but in secondary end-points we observed benefits resulting for patients. We would like to show the benefit of the method without extracorporeal circulation in patients with higher and hight operation risk, coming from EuroSCORE classification system (6 points and more).

Genetic- and Biological-Markers of Predisposition to Atherosclerosis: Leipzig-Heart Study
AtherosclerosisCoronary Arteriosclerosis3 moreAtherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is the major cause of morbidity and mortality in Western societies. It is a complex genetic disorder with many genes involved and significant gene-environment interactions. The aim of the study is to identify novel genetic- and biological-markers of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is assessed in the coronary arteries using coronary angiography as well as in the carotid artery (intima-media-thickness) and peripheral vessels (ankle brachial index). Association analysis of genetic and metabolic markers with atherosclerotic burden will be performed to identify novel factors of disposition to atherosclerotic vascular disease.