HUNgarian COronaVirus Disease-19 Epidemiological Research
Coronavirus InfectionHungarian CoronaVirus disease-19 Epidemiological Research
CovidDB: The Covid-19 Inpatient Database
COVID-19The aim of the project is to better understand the Covid-19 inpatient course of the disease and to quickly identify the positive experiences in the treatment in order to update guidelines for the treatment and use of medication.
Mental Health Assessment Among Community Member During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Mental StressMental Health Wellness 14 moreThe Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia makes several changes in daily living. The Indonesian government suggests that everyone should stay at home by implements the work from home and school from home. Therefore, the issues related with Covid-19 are also worrying such as death because of the infection, virus transmission, doing everything from home such as Friday praying for Moslem, Sunday service at home, etc. People is anxious whenever meeting people because they are not really understand whether people is infected or not. Therefore, this study tries to identify the impact of Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia towards mental well-being of the community.
Issues and Challenges in Cancer Patients on Active Treatment During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Oncology PatientsIn view of increasing cases of SARS-CoV-2 leading to the COVID-19 Pandemic in India,there has been unprecedented restrictions on travel, work and other aspects of daily life. Our study has been designed to collect data of cancer patients to analyze their issues and challenges during Covid-19 Pandemic.
Frequency and Clinical Evolution of Olfactory and Taste Disorders in COVID-19 Patients
COVID-19 by SARS-CoV-2 InfectionA novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 HAS arose in 2019 in Wuhan, China. Beside the classical semiology of this infection, numerous patients described olfactory and teste disorders. These symptoms are not described in this coronavirus, neurotropism of coronaviridae has been documented before. The aim of the study is to evaluate prevalence of anosmia and dysgeusia (olfactory and taste disorders) in coronavirus diagnosed patients and compare with different clinical conditions. The second endpoint is to evaluate the duration of these symptoms in order to better understand the semiology of this infection.
Influence of COVID-19 Infection in Thromboembolic Venous Disease: National Cohort Study
COVID-19There is an urgent need to understand the outcomes of COVID-19 infected patients regarding the thromboembolic venous disease. Capturing real-world data and sharing Spanish national experience will inform the management of this complex group of patients, improving their clinical care. Interventions are needed to reduce both the incidence and severity of COVID-19. Although it shares characteristics with other similar viruses that also arose in outbreaks, the physiological mechanisms of the virus and its responses on the host are not yet fully known. There are indications that the clinical picture of this disease is in a procoagulant state, with possible increase in episodes of thromboembolic disease. This study aims to analyze the influence of COVID-19 on the incidence of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in lower and upper limbs, and the variation in the clinical presentation of COVID-19, as well as to provide new evidence applicable to the clinical management of these patients and the establishment of prognostic factors that help early take therapeutic decisions. To this end, an observational, multicenter, national cohorts study will be carried out, sponsored by the Spanish Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery (SEACV) and the Spanish Chapter of Phlebology and Linfology through its Vascular Research Network (RIV), which will collect demographic variables, comorability, concomitant treatment, analytical status and complementary and ultrasound diagnostic tests, parameters of clinical evolution, therapeutic and complications and mortality to 30 days. All national centers you wish to participate through a secure server that will be accessed through the SEACV and CEFyL website. The global community has recognised that rapid dissemination and completion of studies in COVID-19 infected patients is a high priority, so we encourage all stakeholders (local investigators, ethics committees, IRBs) to work as quickly as possible to approve this project. This investigator-led, non-commercial, non-interventional study is extremely low risk, or even zero risk. This study does not collect any patient identifiable information (including no dates) and data will not be analysed at hospital-level.
A Novel Nomogram to Predict Severity of COVID-19
COVID-19 DiseaseNomogram ModelInvestigators use clinical data from a large sample of COVID-19 disease patients to screen out biomarkers associated with disease severity. Then, a novel nomogram model will be established to predict covid-19 disease severity, which could provide important assistance and supplement for clinical work. In the case of extremely shortage of front-line medical resources, patients with potential severe diseases will be timely treated with the help of the novel nomogram model.
The Psychological, Social, and Economic Impacts of COVID-19
COVID-19Chronic Disease2 moreA dynamic analytical tool is being implemented to monitor the health, psychosocial and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic as the crisis unfolds. A longitudinal survey is distributed via a network of hospitals, provincial/national organizations and web platforms. The survey information can be linked to provincial health administrative data and metrics derived from social media activity based on artificial intelligence methods. Targeted questions are included for critical populations such as healthcare workers and people with chronic illnesses.
Thorax Computed Tomography Severity Score and Outcome in COVID-19 Patients
COVID-19The most common thorax Computed tomography (CT) findings are multifocal ground-glass opacities and peripheral consolidation in patients with COVID-19. Septal thickening, bronchiectasis, pleural thickening, and subpleural involvement may also be observed. Although these findings are not specific to COVID-19, the severity of pulmonary involvement is expected to be correlated with thorax CT findings.
COVID 19-Caregivers IGg Seroconversion
InfectionCOVID-19According to recent publications, the percentage of caregivers infected with COVID 19 is evaluated between 10 and 30% . This great variability is due, on the one hand to the intensity of the influx of covid plus patients and, on the other hand, to the disparity in the preparation of caregivers in the face of this emergency. Indeed, we can understand that the strict application of hygiene rules can be faulted in the face of the volume of patients, the lack of protective equipment and the lack of specific training for caregivers in this area. As a result, within healthcare teams, there are many questions that generate anxiety: will I be able to provide care properly while protecting myself from the risk of contamination? This anxiety is also present and sometimes manifests itself aggressively in the entourage or in the vicinity of caregivers, due to lack of scientific data adapted to the local ecology of the crisis. Thus, the aim of this study is to show that the risk for caregivers of being contaminated by COVID in an area dedicated to COVID positive patients is no higher than being a caregiver in a non-COVID area that he either in the adult or pediatric sector.