Efficacy of Breathox Device Inhalation Therapy in the Treatment of Acute Symptoms Associated With...
COVID-19SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2), the new coronavirus, causes a disease called COVID-19 that can trigger aggressive inflammatory responses. In this sense, in vitro intervention with high concentrations of sodium chloride has shown some favorable results in the inactivation of the disease Objective: to determine the effectiveness of inhaled sodium chloride therapy (BREATHOX®) in preventing the use of health resources in patients ≥ 18 years of age in 28 days compared to usual care. Method: Pilot, open randomized clinical trial study, including 100 patients with COVID-19 confirmed and symptomatic with up to 10 days of symptom onset. The included participants will be randomized according to a ratio of 1:1:1 into three groups: (Group 1) Standard of care + BREATHOX® one session (two oral inhalations and more nasal instillation in each nostril) every hour with a total of 10 sessions per day for 10 days; (Group 2) standard of care + BREATHOX® one session (two oral inhalations and more nasal instillation in each nostril) every three hours for a total of 5 sessions per day for 10 days; (Group 3) standard of care. After collecting the signed informed consent form, research participants will be evaluated on the tenth day of device use and re-evaluated on D28 for safety assessment. Recovery time for symptoms related to COVID-19 infection will be measured.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation Implemented With Virtual Reality for Post-COVID-19 Patients
COVID-19Over recent months, SARS-CoV-2 infection has been confirmed in millions of people around the world. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic gives rise to new psychosocial and emotional stressors for recovering patients, including social isolation, physical distancing, loss of employment and uncertainties about the future. This project is aimed to propose an innovative comprehensive intervention based on a stationary pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) programme for COVID-19 survivors. Moreover, this project assumes the use of virtual reality (VR) in rehabilitation processes.

Influence of Vibroacoustic Therapy Modes on the Course of Coronavirus Infection
COVID-19Acute Respiratory Failure1 moreAssessment of the dynamics of changes in physical, instrumental and laboratory parameters in patients with identified coronavirus infection complicated by acute respiratory failure included in the study in accordance with the inclusion criteria, and comparison of the results with the control group, study of the effect of modes when using vibroacoustic lung therapy.

Phase 2a Multiple Ascending Dose Study in Hospitalized Patients With Pneumonia.
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeViral or Bacterial Infections5 moreA Phase 2a, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multiple ascending dose study in patients who are hospitalized with presumed pneumonia requiring supplemental oxygen therapy. The purpose of this study is to examine the safety, tolerability and efficacy of AV-001 Injection administration daily to the earlier of day 28 or EOT (day prior to hospital discharge). A total of 120 eligible patients (20 patients in each of cohort 1, 2 and 3 and 60 patients in cohort 4) will be recruited from up to 25 participating institutions/hospitals. Patients will be randomized in a 1:1 ratio to receive either AV-001 Injection or AV-001 placebo Injection, together with standard of care (SOC).

The Potential Use of Nebulized Hydroxychloroquine for the Treatment of COVID-19
2019 Novel CoronavirusThis is a pilot, randomized, single-center, parallel group, open-label controlled study to evaluate the feasibility, safety, efficacy, and pharmacokinetics of nebulized HCQ01 plus Standard of Care (SOC) versus SOC alone in hospitalized COVID-19 patients. The Jordanian Ministry of Health (MOH) is the study sponsor, and the study will be conducted at MOH COVID-19 hospitals. Approximately 110 patients, ≥18 years of age with a confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, will be enrolled and randomized 1:1 to the treatment and control arms where they will receive ten doses of Hydroxychloroquine solution via nebulizer in addition to SOC or the control arm where treatment will follow the MOH SOC.

Efficacy of Home Inspiratory Muscle Training in Post-covid-19 Patients: a Randomized Clinical Trial...
Covid19INTRODUCTION: Coronavirus 2019 disease (COVID-19), caused by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SRAG) of coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) surpassed the global number of 119,603,761 cases, with more than 2,649,722 reported deaths . There is sufficient evidence for a possible post-covid-19 syndrome, designating sequelae with persistent symptoms. Respiratory muscle training improves respiratory muscle strength, exercise capacity, diaphragm muscle thickness, and dyspnea in various patient populations, especially in those with the greatest reduction in basal respiratory muscle strength. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of a home inspiratory muscle training protocol in improving respiratory muscle strength, dyspnea and quality of life in post-Covid-19 patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a clinical, controlled, randomized and blind trial, which will be carried out at the Institute of Tropical Medicine of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. The sample size will be performed using GPower software version (Kiel, Germany) for Windows and will be established after conducting a pilot study with 5 participants in each group (total of 10 subjects) for a hypothetical two-way ANOVA test, using the main variable the Maximum Inspiratory Pressure (PImax.). The subjects included in the research will undergo three evaluation moments: Pre-training (Initial), Post-training (6 weeks) and Retention Test (24 weeks) for clinical evaluation form, anthropometric measures, respiratory muscle strength, volumes and capacities pulmonary symptoms, dyspnea, perceived exertion and fatigue, handgrip strength, six-minute walk test, anxiety and depression, post-covid functional status. After the initial assessment, all volunteers will receive a POWERbreathe® device (POWERbreathe®, HaB Ltd, Southam, UK) to carry out the training. EXPECTED RESULTS: provide a safe, effective and easy-to-perform treatment for post-covid-19 patients.

Psychological Support for Intensive Care Nurses During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The PROACTIVE Feasibility...
PsychologicalBurnout3 moreThe psychological health of frontline healthcare workers, caring for critically ill patients with COVID-19, has deteriorated during the pandemic. Nurses appear to be most seriously affected. Despite the availability of supportive interventions, uptake is poor, and none have been found beneficial in randomised controlled trials. The investigators have developed a two-pronged approach (combining the FLASH technique and Guided Imagery) that aims to reduce existing symptoms of distress and provide participants with techniques to help them cope with future stressful events. This approach has been developed with experienced psychological practitioners, and staff members. The FLASH technique is a recently developed therapy which aims to reduce psychological distress following traumatic events. It allows participants to process traumatic memories without feeling distress. Using guided imagery, a trained psychological practitioner helps participants to direct attention from distressing or intrusive memories, by evoking or generating positive mental images, sounds, tastes, smells and movement. Emerging evidence suggests that both techniques are safe and effective. PROACTIVE will investigate the feasibility and acceptability of this two-pronged approach to address existing traumatic symptoms and enhance future resilience for intensive care nurses. Findings will inform the design of a larger trial which tests intervention effectiveness.

Study on the Safety and Efficacy of Meplazumab for Injection in Severe Patients With COVID-19
COVID-19This is a multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, loaded Phase III clinical study. This test is in a new coronavirus infection pneumonia diagnosis and treatment plan of 9 (trial version) "(SoC), on the basis of the standard treatments according to the results of clinical studies have been obtained, using a dose of 0.2 mg/kg, and a placebo. The regimen consisted of a single intravenous infusion of Meplazumab or placebo on day 1 (d0) of the treatment period and d7 after initial administration at a dose of 0.2 mg/kg calculated according to body weight. It is expected that 350 subjects will be randomly assigned to Meplazumab or placebo in a 1:1 ratio. Short-term efficacy evaluation was performed for each subject within 28 days after initial administration to determine the therapeutic efficacy and safety of Meplazumab. Long-term follow-up evaluation was performed within 56 days of initial administration to determine the safety of Meplazumab in each subject.

Teletechnology-assisted Home-based Exercise Program for Severe COVID-19
COVID-19TelerehabilitationThe aim of this study is to investigate the efficacy of a home-based pulmonary rehabilitation program with the support of teletechnology in COVID-19 survivors. The main questions it aims to answer are: The change of six-minute walk distance The change of time of one-minute sit-to-stand test The change of maximal strength of upper-limb, lower-limb and respiratory muscle The change of quality of life Participants in the home-based pulmonary rehabilitation group will receive teletechnology-assisted consultations (either by videotelephony or telephone calls) for every 1-2 weeks during the intervention period, and participants in the usual care group will not receive teletechnology-assisted consultations during the intervention period.

A Phase 1/2 Study to Assess the Safety and Immunogenicity of JCXH-221, an mRNA-based Broadly Protective...
COVID-19Infectious DiseaseThe goal of this clinical trial is to learn about, test, and compare JCXH-221 in healthy volunteers. The main aims to answer are: To assess the safety and tolerability of the JCXH-221 vaccine in healthy adult subjects To identify an optimal dose for the JCXH-221 vaccine in healthy adult subjects To assess the humoral immunogenicity of the JCXH-221 vaccine in healthy adult subjects To characterize the cellular immunogenicity of the JCXH-221 vaccine in healthy adult subjects Participants for Phase I will be randomized to either JCXH-221 or placebo. In Phase 2, participants will be randomized to either JCXH-221 or a FDA approved Active comparator.