RCT for Yinqiaosan-Maxingganshitang in the Treatment of COVID-19
COVID-19This is a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial. This study is to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of Yinqiaosan-Maxingganshitang in the treatment of the major symptoms of mild and moderate COVID-19 patients by telemedicine.

The Standard of Care Combined With Glucocorticoid in Elderly People With Mild or Moderate COVID-19...
COVID-19This study is aimed to explore the dual-dimensional early intervention strategy of standard of care combined with host immunomodulation in elderly patients with mild and moderate COVID-19.

Digital Multimodal Rehabilitation for People With Post-acute COVID-19 Syndrome.
Post-COVID SyndromeAlthough most infected people survive the infection, many have persistent sequelae or symptoms, which cause disability or decreased quality of life. The World Health Organization has called on countries to prioritize the rehabilitation of the consequences of COVID-19 in both the medium and long term, as this chronicity is expected to impact the health public and the economy in the coming years. RehabCOVID (also referred to as RehabNautilus) is born from the need to provide solutions to persistent cognitive impairment symptoms of people who have suffered from COVID-19. Thus, we will offer people with long COVID that accomplish inclusion/exclusion criteria to participate in a randomized clinical trial to evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive stimulation therapy combined with physical exercise and mindfulness. The current project is a single-blind randomized control study, where we will compare two combined interventions with a control group that will encompass different functional, structural, and biochemical changes and interactions in the brain. We will study the effects that this combined intervention produces in the brain. We expect to gain more insight into the specific neuroplasticity mechanisms of cognitive persistent COVID symptoms.

Use of a Hypochlorous Acid Spray Solution in the Treatment of COVID-19 Patients : COVICONTROL Study...
SARS CoV 2 InfectionThe objective is To evaluate the efficacy and safety of nasal spray and mouth spray application with hypochlorous acid-containing solution versus placebo as a curative treatment for hospitalized SARS-CoV-2 positive patients And for symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 positive patients followed as outpatients

The Use of Photobiomodulation in the Treatment of Oral Complaints of Long COVID-19.A Randomized...
XerostomiaCOVID-192 moreCoronavirus (COVID-19) is a newly emerging zoonotic agent that emerged in December 2019 in China (2019-nCoV) as a Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV -2). Long COVID-19, or Post-Covid Syndrome or Long-term COVID-19, is a post-viral syndrome that persists after the acute infection has resolved. The most frequent symptoms of Lonf-term COVID are fatigue and dyspnea. But two classes of symptoms have been received scientific attention: the musculoskeletal pain and oral complaints related to Long COVID, mainly xerostomia and burning mouth. Photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy is often used for oral diseases and presents itself as a non-invasive, low-cost, safe therapy that has benefits in relation to the quality of life of patients with xerostomia. This study aims to investigate the clinical effectiveness of the use of a Photobiomodulation protocol in the treatment xerostomia and oral complaints related to Long-Covid. This will be a single-center, randomized, controlled, blinded clinical trial that will involve patients with Long COVID in follow-up at the Medical and Multiprofessional outpatient clinic of University Nove de Julho (UNINOVE) which remained hospitalized with COVID-19 at Lydia Storópoli Universitarian Hospital during the year 2022 and who were discharged from the inpatient treatment from January to December 2022. All those patients presenting xerostomia, burning mouth or oral complaints related to Long Covid will be randomized into 2 groups: PBM Group (standard rehabilitation treatment for Long COVID and xerostomia + PBM therapy) or PBM placebo group (standard rehabilitation treatment for Long COVID and xerostomia + placebo PBM therapy). PBM consists of the application of Red LED on the 3 pairs of major salivary glands (parotid, submandibular and sublingual) extraorally, transcutaneously, 3 J/cm2, for 36 seconds, twice a week for 06 weeks. Functional and quality of life evaluations will be perform pre and post therapy period.

RECLAIM: Recovering From COVID-19 Lingering Symptoms Adaptive Integrative Medicine
Long COVIDPost COVID Condition1 moreThe researchers propose to develop a Canada-wide, adaptive randomized clinical platform trial to assess the effectiveness of various interventions in patients with lingering symptoms of COVID-19 ("Long COVID"). Participants will be randomized initially to 1 of 3 arms, including placebo (control) and 2 interventions. Because this is an adaptive trial, arms can be dropped if found to be ineffective and new arms can be added. Interventions will last for 2 months and participants will be followed for an additional 4 months (6 months total). Approximately 800-1000 patients with Long COVID will be recruited across Canada. Results from this trial will accelerate the availability of high-quality, real-time evidence and solutions to enable Canada to improve the clinical care of patients with Long COVID.

Rehabilitation for People With Post COVID-19 Syndrome
Post-COVID-19 SyndromePatients who have undergone COVID-19 infection often have long-term sequelae. One of the most prevalent sequelae is pain. The main objective of this research is to investigate the efficacy of chronic pain multidimensional intervention in patients with post-COVID-19 syndrome on health-related quality of life, activity levels, pain knowledge and pain intensity.

Efficacy and Safety of Trimodulin (BT588) in Subjects With Moderate or Severe COVID-19
COVID-19 PneumoniaCOVID-19 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome4 moreThe main objectives of the trial are to assess the efficacy and safety of trimodulin as adjunctive treatment to standard of care (SoC) compared to placebo plus SoC in adult hospitalized subjects with moderate or severe COVID-19. Other objectives are to determine pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) properties of trimodulin.

Inspiratory Muscle Training in Post SARS-CoV-2 Infection Subjects
COVID-19Long-term COVID has been considered a clinical condition in which the patient, after the critical period of the disease, still has systemic symptoms such as muscle weakness, inability to exercise, sleep disorders and it is still unknown what happens to the pulmonary deposition process. of aerosols. In clinical practice, inspiratory muscle training has been used to treat these patients, but the effectiveness of this intervention in reducing these symptoms is still considered a gap in the literature. To evaluate the effectiveness of inspiratory muscle training in individuals who were affected by COVID-19 to improve submaximal aerobic capacity, respiratory muscle strength, sleep quality, pulmonary deposition of the inhaled radiopharmaceutical and quality of life. This is a quasi-experimental study. , in which elderly volunteers over 18 years of both sexes residing in the city of Recife-Pernambuco will participate. The sample will consist of individuals who have been affected by COVID-19, whose severity of the disease will be classified according to the criteria established by the study by Parasher (2020). 6 minutes. The pulmonary deposition of the radiopharmaceutical will be evaluated pulmonary function will be evaluated by scintigraphy while the maximum respiratory pressures will be evaluated by a manovacuometer. Subjective sleep assessment will be assessed using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and the Epworth Daytime Sleepiness Scale (ESS) and objective measurement by actigraphy. Finally, quality of life will be measured by the generic Medical OutcomesStudy 36-Item Short-Form HealthSurvey (SF-36) questionnaire. In the group of post-COVID patients in which the reduction in endurance and inspiratory muscle power are identified, an inspiratory muscle training (IMT) will be performed with a load equivalent to 50% of the MIP (assessed weekly), for eight weeks.

Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Safety of RQ-01 in SARS-CoV-2 Positive Subjects
COVID-19Infectious Disease2 moreThis is a first in human clinical study to evaluate the safety, pharmacokinetics (PK), and pharmacodynamics (PD) of RQ-01. Adult patients who have tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 virus, have mild symptom(s) of COVID-19 disease, and who are at low risk for developing moderate or severe COVID-19 disease are welcome to participate. The main questions this study aims to answer are: What is the safety profile of RQ-01? What is the reduction in SARS-CoV-2 ribonucleic acid (RNA) shedding after administration of RQ-01? How effective is RQ-01 versus placebo in reducing COVID-19 symptoms? After providing informed consent, subjects will be randomized to RQ-01 (high or low dose) or placebo and will be dosed for 3 consecutive days. Throughout the duration of the trial, subjects will participate in the following activities: perform rapid antigen and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for COVID-19, answer questions about their medical history and medications, answer questions about their COVID-19 history and symptoms, conduct a physical exam, have their vitals measured, and have bloodwork done.