Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of AD17002 Intranasal Spray in Treating Participants With Mild...
COVID-19AD17002 enhances nasal mucosal innate immunity and has met safety and efficacy endpoints in nasal adjuvant or intranasal immunomodulator studies. The aim of this study is assessing the safety and efficacy of AD17002 in treating patients with mild to moderate COVID-19. All participants will be 1:1:1 divided, randomly, and receive standard of treatment. In addition, participants will be given either placebo, 20 or 40 μg of AD17002 via intranasal route and clinical progresses will be compared.

BIO 300 Oral Suspension in Previously Hospitalized Long COVID Patients
COVID-19Long COVID2 moreThis is a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, two-arm study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of BIO 300 Oral Suspension (BIO 300) as a therapy to improve lung function in patients that were hospitalized for severe COVID-19-related illness and continue to experience post-acute respiratory complications associated with Long-COVID after discharge. Patients will be randomized 1:1 to receive BIO 300 or placebo.

Prone Positioning on Admission for Hospitalized COVID-19 Pneumonia Protocol
COVID-19A pilot study to investigate the effects of the prone positioning (PP) on hospital patients diagnosed with COVID-19 pneumonia. Investigators that early self-proning may prevent intubation and improve mortality in patients with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV-2). Up to 100 participants with a primary diagnosis of confirmed COVID-19 pneumonia will be enrolled to the study. All participants will be screened and those that meet inclusion and exclusion criteria will be enrolled to one of two groups: one with prone positioning (on the belly) and the other with standard supine positioning (on the back). The patient and nursing staff will monitor times spent in various positions. Outcome measures include incidence of intubation, max oxygen requirements, length of hospital stay, ventilator-free days, worsening of oxygenation saturation, and mortality.

Modification of the COVID-19 Vaccine Response by an Intervention on the Intestinal Flora
COVID-19Vaccine Reaction1 moreThe elderly, who are often in poorer health, have been particularly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Recent study results show that while vaccines have been very effective in the short term, protection for the elderly may not be sufficient 6 months after the 2nd dose. Some countries have started to offer a 3rd dose. We are considering acting on the intestinal flora of the elderly (which is often unbalanced) in order to increase the effectiveness of the vaccination. Indeed, it has been demonstrated that probiotics (which can rebalance the intestinal flora) significantly increase the production of antibodies after vaccination against the flu virus. Our hypothesis is that taking probiotics one month before and one month after the 4th dose of COVID vaccine would result in longer lasting vaccine protection in seniors. This study will include 668 seniors, aged 65-89 years, who have not had COVID-19, who have received 3 doses of an mRNA vaccine and who will accept a 4th dose of vaccine. All participants will take 1 capsule/day (probiotics or placebo) for 1 month and in the middle of this period will receive a 4th dose of vaccine. On five occasions (inclusion, vaccination,1 month, 3 months and 6 months post-vaccination), they will prick their fingertip and express the drop of blood on a blotting paper. They will mail this dried blood sample in an envelope for antibody testing in Quebec City. A subgroup of 100 participants willing to travel the Sherbrooke Clinical Research Center for 2 times (inclusion visit and final visit) will be invited to do a blood test. The investigators expect to reduce by 1/3 the number of seniors who are poorly protected by the 4rd dose of vaccine 6 months after the injection thanks to the probiotics. If successful, this approach could quickly be implemented worldwide as probiotics have few side effects and are affordable.

Safety & Immunogenicity of Booster SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine (Vero Cell)
COVID-19The 2019 Coronavirus disease outbreak (COVID-19) was first reported at the end of 2019 in Wuhan China as a severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARSCoV-2) infection. In less than a year, SARS-CoV-2 infection has become a pandemic and spread to almost all countries in the world, including Indonesia. World Health Organization data states that there are 4,240,479 confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 in Indonesia until 25 October 2021 with a death rate of 143,235 (WHO, 2021a). The Indonesian National Agency of Drug and Food Control (NA-DFC) has issued an Emergency Use Authorization for several SARS-COV-2 Vaccines, including the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (Vero cell) inactivated produced by Sinopharm (BPOM, 2021). Clinical data that the actual immune responses decrease after several months are continuously being reported (Marmot et al., 2021), and the decrease of vaccine efficacy due to the appearance of variants is also known (Abu-Raddad et al., 2021; Lopez Bernal et al., 2021). These potential risks suggest the need for a booster dose or periodic booster doses of the SARS-COV-2 Vaccine. In fact, there is a study result given several months after vaccination, which leads to the generation of a higher immune responses (Pan H et al., 2021). Booster dose of SARS-COV-2 Vaccine will either induce a high level of antibody responses against original strain, or enhance the broadly formed T cell immunity regardless of mutant strain to improve individual protection.

Use of Low-frequency Magnetic Fields in the Hybrid Treatment of COVID-19 Patients
COVID-19COVID-19 Respiratory Infection1 moreThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of low-frequency magnetic field in the hybrid treatment of COVID-19 patients, i.e., including magnetostimulation in the standard treatment. The authors evaluated among other things, the immunocorrective therapeutic effect of magnetostimulation, improving the defensive functions of the immune system and thus supporting the immune function by, among other things, suppressing the "cytokine storm". After application of low-frequency magnetic field in the hybrid treatment of COVID-19 patients, the authors expected: a decrease in the level of proinflammatory factors (IL - 6), restoration of homeostasis in the body with regards to the range of parameters evaluated in laboratory tests (WBC, MONO, PLT, CRP, d-dimers) and normalization of the following parameters: arterial blood pressure, the number of breaths/min, saturation, temperature.

A Study Evaluating Tocilizumab in Pediatric Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19
COVID-19This is a single-arm, open-label study to assess the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, safety, and exploratory efficacy of tocilizumab (TCZ) for the treatment of pediatric patients from birth to less than 18 years old hospitalized with COVID-19 and who are receiving systemic corticosteroids and require supplemental oxygen or mechanical ventilation.

Tele-rehabilitation Versus Home Exercise Program in COVID-19
Pulmonary RehabilitationCOVID-19The aim of the study is to investigate the potential effects of face-to-face supervised tele-rehabilitation to home exercise program on walking speed, handgrip strength, muscle endurance, quality of life, physical activity level and perceived respiratory disability in COVID-19 patients who hospitalized in ICU due to ARDS and discharged from hospital.

Mechanical Ventilation Strategy for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Respiratory Distress SyndromeMechanical Ventilation1 moreThis is a prospective, randomized, single-center, open-label controlled trial, designed to compare the efficacy of two ventilation strategies (Low Tidal Volume and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) based on the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Network low PEEP-fraction of inspired oxygen inspired oxygen fraction (FIO2) Table versus Low Driving Pressure and PEEP guided by Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) in reducing daily lung injury score in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome caused by COVID-19. The two strategies incorporate different prioritizations of clinical variables. The PEEP-FIO2 table strategy aims to reduce lung overdistension, even if it requires tolerating worse gas exchange. EIT-guided strategy prioritizes mechanical stress protection, avoiding alveolar overdistension and collapse.

Evaluation of the Effect of Long-term Lipid-lowering Therapy in STEMI Patients With Coronavirus...
STEMICovid191 moreIt is planned to include 200 patients hospitalized with primary myocardial infarction with and without ST segment elevation (STEMI or NSTEMI) in combination with COVID-19 within the first 15 days from the disease onset. The total follow-up period is 96 weeks. Hypotheses: An integrated approach in assessing myocardial contractility, regulation of the heart and the structural and functional state of arteries will make it possible to more accurately assess the heart pumping function; explain the mechanisms of the relationship between left ventricular (LV) contractile function and its volumetric indices; to study the mechanisms of ventriculo-arterial coupling and the influence of autonomic regulation, the role of markers of the sudden cardiac death (late ventricular potentials, pathological turbulence of the heart rate, dispersion of the QT interval). In patients who have had myocardial infarction in combination with the new coronavirus infection SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), long-term highly effective lipid-lowering therapy, regardless of the drugs prescribed, has an antiarrhythmic effect and has a beneficial effect on the autonomic regulation of the heart rate. Highly effective lipid-lowering therapy leads to an improvement in LV contractility and structural and functional properties of the large arteries. Methods and variables Office blood pressure 12-lead ECG Coronary angiography. Percutaneous coronary intervention Chemistry blood test 2D and 3D transthoracic echocardiography (Vivid GE 95 Healthcare (USA) Multi-day 3-lead ECG monitoring with assessment of the parameters of myocardial electrical instability. Ultrasound of common carotid arteries using high-frequency radio-frequency signal technology Applanation tonometry (SphygmoCor, AtCor, Australia) Assessment of the arterial stiffness by volume sphygmography. Flow-mediated vasodilation Six-minute walk test Computer pulse oximetry (PulseOx 7500 (SPO medical, Israel) Adherence to Treatment: Counting remaining pills and completing the Morisky-Green Questionnaire Assessment of quality of life Assessment of physical activity: International Questionnaire On Physical Activity - IPAQ Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)