Sleep Behaviour in Athletes During Home Confinement Due to the Covid-19 Outbreak
SleepAthlete5 moreIt is becoming increasingly evident that sleep plays an essential role for human health, and it represents an important biophysiological variable for athletes' well-being and recovery. The International Olympic Committee recently highlighted the importance of obtaining sufficient sleep volume and quality among athletes, but acute sleep deprivation is not unusual. Several factors, both endogenous and exogenous, are able to negatively influence sleep in athletes: body temperature, altitude, chronotype, training volume, anxiety, westward and eastward travels, and many others. Since December 2019, when a new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) was originally revealed by an ophthalmologist in Wuhan (Hubei province, China), a related severe acute respiratory syndrome - namely COVID-19 - has been spreading at a pandemic rate, putting global health systems under unprecedent pressure. Italy, as the first Western country tremendously hit by this disease outbreak, has become the iconic resilient outpost under international policymakers' attention. When initial clusters were identified, restrictive actions to curb isolated upsurges of infection were taken by the health region system of Lombardy, thereafter, were extended to all northern Italy and to the entire country. From February 21, when the first Italian COVID-19 case was diagnosed in southern Lombardy, to March 22, when Italian's government restrictions to contain the pandemic were extended, prohibiting all non-essential business activities and banning all movements of people nationwide, the country faced an unchartered scenario, from several standpoints, along with the psychosocial one. Inevitably, the Covid-19 outbreak has largely influenced the daily life of athletes too. Therefore, the primary aim of this study was to examine the differences in athletes' sleep quality, quantity and training volumes during the social confinement due to the virus outbreak. For this purpose, a survey will be used. This variables will be evaluated in 3 different time frames: 1) May 2020; 2) September 2020; 3) January 2021.

Neurocognitive Functions of Recovered COVID-19 Patients
CognitionCovid-19This study is carried on in Wuchang Hospital in Wuhan, China. The investigators plan to recruit 80 patients with COVID-19 and 80 matched healthy control. Using the design of case-control study, the study aims to assess the neurocognitive functions such as executive function and attentional bias in recovered patients with COVID-19 under normal and stress conditions, and to analyze the influencing factors of neurocognitive functions, such as mental health conditions, inflammation indicators and cardiopulmonary function.

Prevalence of COVID-19 in a French Dependent Care Facility for the Elderly and in a French Long-term...
Covid19The aim of this study is to evaluate the prevalence of COVID-19 among the residents and geriatric inpatients of the care facilities attached to the Centre Hospitalier Sud Essonne (a general hospital located in Ile-de-France, France), and the factors that are likely to influence this prevalence.

Fatigue a Long COVID-19 Symptom Substudy of FSC19-KN Trial
SARS-CoV2 InfectionProspective, controlled follow-up observation of SARS-CoV-2 positive patients with regard to the aspect of fatigue (cognitive / motor) and psychological disorders in the areas of anxiety, depression and somatization.

COvid Pandemic Institutional maNaGement
Covid19Covid-19 has increased organizational tensions within health services (lack of resources, difficulties in recruiting healthcare professionals , elderly and polypathological patients, etc.) and tested the reliability of health facilities. This project aims to draw lessons so that hospitals can transform themselves while improving their reliability to face future crises and other exceptional situations. Research hypothesis: Crisis management arrangements lack sensitivity to uncertainty, which manifests itself in lower quality of care and efficiency losses for the entire institution. The virtuous practices implemented during the crisis spontaneously incorporated principles of the highly reliable organization. The integration of principles from complexity theory into the management of institutions promotes high reliability organization. Sustaining these virtuous practices in order to anticipate and cope with crises requires the activation of two interconnected levers: a shared vision (by patients, healthcare professionals, ARS, HAS, and the Ministry in the first place) of the meaning of the action taken by hospitals, and the development of a policy enabling hospitals to become both learning and highly reliable. Main objective: To evaluate the management process of the Covid-19 epidemic by the university hospitals of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, and the structures linked to them (establishments in their territory, ARS, user associations), in terms of points of improvement and good practices. This evaluation concerns the preparation, management and exit phases of the crisis.

Blood Markers for Identifying & Investigating Infection With COVID19 & Sepsis in Children.
Covid19SepsisCorona Virus Disease or COVID-19 is caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus. There have been reports of serious COVID-19 illness in children. In addition it has been linked to clusters of children presenting with high fevers and inflammation. Sepsis, also called blood poisoning, is an abnormal response of the body to some infections. We aim to conduct research in children under 18 admitted to intensive care unit. Using a systems approach towards mapping the body's immune and metabolic responses to COVID-19 or related illnesses and compare with other sepsis like illnesses.

Characterization Immunology, Biochemical and Lung Microbiome, Correlated With the Ventilation Associated...
Covid19SARS-CoV InfectionSARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is currently a global public health problem, declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, which today has more than one million deaths in the world, of which , 30,000 approximately belong to Colombia, being the country number 11 with the highest number of deaths. The most common symptoms related to this disease are fever, cough, dyspnea, myalgia, headache, diarrhea and rhinorrhea. COVID-19 is characterized by immune system dysfunction and hyperinflammation causing acute respiratory distress syndrome, macrophage activation, and coagulopathy. The clinical course for SARS-CoV-2 in most cases is mild, but approximately 14% of cases can be severe. In pneumonia caused by SARS-CoV-2, the lung lining is known to alter the composition of the lung microbiome, in addition to lymphocyte damage that can promote the growth of bacteria to initiate bacterial pneumonia, and it is estimated that the prevalence of coinfection / superinfection reaches 50% among deaths from COVID-19. Coinfection between different microorganisms and SARS-CoV-2 is a serious problem in the COVID-19 pandemic, and there is still little information on this. It is for this reason that the researchs propose to develop this research project that will allow to understand the possible mechanisms associated with the development of bacterial coinfection / superinfection in patients diagnosed with COVID-19, which will allow expanding the panorama of knowledge towards a better and adequate treatment in these patients, as well as detection of biomarkers or clinical phenotypics that may be useful in the diagnosis, based on evidence. It is important to note that these results are of clinical importance since we will try to identify biomarkers or changes in the lung microbiome that allow doctors to early identify patients at risk of developing coinfection and thus initiate early treatments or preventive measures, which allow the improvement of clinical outcomes in patients. Results will be presented in a timely manner at national and international conferences and in peer-reviewed, indexed, high-impact journals.

Patients With Acute Renal Failure During Severe COVID-19
Renal Failure ChronicThe occurrence of renal failure during severe forms of COVID-19 is common (20-35% of patients treated in intensive care) and associated with an unfavorable short-term prognosis, but the medium-term renal outcome is not is not known. The aim of the study is to establish the frequency of chronic kidney failure after AKI KDIGO 2 and 3 occurring during severe COVID-19 in intensive care.

Musculoskeletal Problems in School Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic
ChildrenMusculoskeletal DisorderDuring COVID-19 pandemic, in the lockdown period, reduced physical activity and obesity were reported in children. In Turkey, face to face education was ceased after March 16, till the end of the previous academic year and education was tried to be substituted remotely. A temporary lockdown was implemented for children and young people under the age of 20, between April 3 and June 5 2020. At 45 days following the lockdown of children, 72% of the parents with children aged 6-13 years stated that their screen time had increased to a mean of 6.4 hours per day. Engaging more time in physical activity, and less in sedentary and leisure screen time was found to be associated with less anxiety during pandemic. Before 2020-2021 academic year, government and educators increased their preparedness for the second and third waves and improved the technological infrastructure. Depending on grades, preferences of the family, primary education continued remotely between November 2020 and July 2021. The aim of this study is to investigate whether musculoskeletal complaints are increased in school-age children during the pandemics and whether there is a relationship between the decreased level of physical activity, increased screen time, poor posture and musculoskeletal complaints.

Impact on Mental, Physical, And Cognitive Functioning of a Critical Care sTay During the COVID-19...
Covid19Critical Care1 moreIntensive care unit (ICU) survivors and their families frequently present mental, cognitive and physical impairments lasting years. The ongoing pandemic could affect the duration, variety, and severity of these impairments. Our aim is to determine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the physical, mental, and cognitive health of survivors, the experience of their families and their treating healthcare professionals in the long-term. This is a prospective, multicentre, mixed-methods cohort study in seven Chilean ICUs. The perceptions of family members regarding the ICU stay and the later recovery will be explored 3 months after discharge. Health care professionals will be invited to discuss the challenges faced during the pandemic using semi-structured interviews.