Implementation of Physiotherapy on COVID-19 Patients in ICU
Sars-CoV2COVID-19Despite new charachersitics of COVID-19 patients, critical care implementation seems to be similar to those with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) in intensive care units (ICU). Regarding the initial gravity of these patients, sedation and neuromuscular blockers are usually administrated, increasing the risk to develope an ICU-acquired weakness which is directly correlated to morbi-mortality and a burden during recovery. Respiratory symptoms are mostly related to dyspnoea and non-productive cough, with only 33% of COVID-19 patient having a bronchial hypersecretion ; consequently, chest physiotherapy is only implemented in after case-by-case evaluation. This unprecedented situation requires to identify how physiotherapy is being implemented in COVID-19 patients in ICU. This retrospective, multicentric study aims to identify the charactheristics of physiotherapy (type and time spent) implemented in Argentina, Belgium, Chili, France, Italy and Spain

Immunosupressive Treatment in COVID-19 Patients
COVID-19 InfectionSAM-COVID is a retrospective cohort study that aims to determine the impact of immunosuppressive drugs and immunoglubulins in the outcome of patients with COVID-19.

Characteristics of Neonatal Covid-19 in Turkey
COVID-19Neonatal Disease1 moreThe investigators aimed to investigate the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of neonates who will be born to Covid-19 positive mothers in Turkey. It is a multicentric prospective cohort study designed and destined only in Turkey. The investigators are planning to admit more than 20 Neonatal Intensive Care Units into the survey; nevertheless, the total number may change according to the prevalence of Covid-19 in neonates. The investigators will also inquire into vertical transmission by collecting cord blood, placental, and postnatal serum samples to test for Covid-19 PCR and Covid-19 Ig M and IgG values from the neonates.

Non-Invasive Monitoring of Respiratory Function in Spontaneously Breathing Patients With COVID-19...
Respiratory FailureVentilatory Failure4 moreThis study uses the AirGo band to monitor changes in tidal ventilation in spontaneously breathing patients with COVID-19 associated respiratory failure. It aims to recognize patterns of ventilation associated with worsening respiratory failure in this patient population. If successful, this study will lead to the development of new robust methods for real-time, continuous monitoring of respiratory function in patients with respiratory failure. In turn, such monitoring methods may enable improvements in the medical management of respiratory failure and timing of interventions.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outcomes Registries in Immunocompromised Individuals Australia (CORIA)
HIV-1-infectionCancer3 moreCORIA is an observational cohort study of immunosuppressed populations who test positive for COVID-19. This includes people living with HIV, cancer, acquired immunodeficiency associated with other immunosuppressive therapy, primary immunodeficiency and recipients of a solid organ transplant. Participants will have routine clinical data collected with optional baseline collection and storage of a blood sample for storage . The study will be conducted in up to 30 sites within Australia.

Cohort of Patients With Covid-19 Presenting Neurological or Psychiatric Disorders (CoCo-Neurosciences)...
Neurologic ManifestationsPsychiatric Disorders1 moreCovid-19 pandemic now affects more than two million people worldwide. The neurotropism of the virus is assumed by its frequent association with neurological symptoms (anosmia, ageusia, headaches) but the extent of the central or peripheral nervous system involvement and the associated symptomatology remain poorly known for now. The main objective of this study is to describe the neurological and psychiatric manifestations occurring in the context of Covid-19 infection in patients hospitalized or followed-up in the APHP.SU hospital group. A better understanding of the neuropsychiatric impairment related to Covid-19 would improve the management of these patients in the acute phase, and knowledge of subsequent complications would allow adapting their rehabilitation and follow-up. The precise phenomenological description of these manifestations and the imaging, biology and neuropathology data will be compiled from the data collected by the physicians in charge of these patients as part of their inpatient or outpatient care. This study will also allow collecting unusual clinical manifestations from patients followed for neurological or psychiatric pathology in hospital departments and presenting a Covid-19 infection, in order to optimize the reorganization of their management, follow-up and rehabilitation in the epidemic context.

Multicentre Observational Study on Management COVID 19 Positive Outpatients in a French Cluster....
Covid-19Since December 2019, a new agent, the coronavirus SARS-Cov-2, has spread from China to the rest of the world causing an international epidemic of respiratory diseases called COVID-19. Oise was one of the first clusters in France, with more than 4,000 confirmed cases. A significant proportion (80%) of patients with COVID-19 are ambulatory. However, few data are available for this particular population in France. Thus, few clear recommendations are available. We propose to conduct a large cohort of observation of suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients on an ambulatory basis in the Oise region. This observatory will make it possible to describe the epidemiological characteristics and initial management of COVID-19 patients and to identify early severity factors.

Pulmonary FibrosisProspective, observational, multicenter study that will evaluate the changes in lung function that patients admitted with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia will present according to the level of severity at 4, 12, 26 and 52 weeks after hospital discharge.

The Utility of Enhanced Pre and Post-surgical Work-out to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 in a Large...
COVID-19Urologic Diseases2 moreSince the outbreak of COVID-19 hit Spain in March 2020, most of the elective surgeries have been canceled everywhere. As soon as the epidemiology phase of the pandemic changed and the restrictions have been eased, different protocols have been put in place to screen patients for SARS-CoV-2 before surgery in order to reduce the spreading of the disease in hospitalized patients. To the best of the current state of knowledge, no recommendations or protocols have been established to guide surgeons in dealing with patients developing unspecific symptoms after surgeries, which could sign either of a post-op complication or COVID-19. The investigators have developed an enhanced pre and post-surgical protocol both to screen patients for COVID-19 before surgery and to promptly identify those patients suspicious for the viral infection during the post-op.

The Use of Peripheral Blood Specimens From Patients Suspected of Having SARS-CoV-2 Infections in...
SARS-CoV-2Invivoscribe, Inc. and its wholly owned subsidiary LabPMM, LLC are collecting peripheral blood specimens from patients with suspected SARS-CoV-2 viral infections. These donors will be from a population of patients who are already providing nasal pharyngeal (NP) swab samples in universal transport media (UTM) for COVID-19 testing at LabPMM LLC. Specimens meeting this research protocol's inclusion criteria may be evaluated with various molecular techniques in order to identify nucleic acid sequences, antibodies, and/or antigens with the potential of being used to develop novel SARS-CoV-2 detection methods and COVID- 19 treatments and/or prevention methods (e.g. drug or vaccine development).