Ceramic Modular Dual Mobility in Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA)
Coxarthrosis; PrimaryA randomized controlled trial comparing modular dual mobility inserts with ceramic multilayer coating versus standard polyethylene inserts for primary THA in a cementless acetabular cup

Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Hip Joint With Intra-articular Injection of Microfractured Autologous...
Hip OsteoarthritisHip DiseaseThe aim of the study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy up to 12 months of MF-AT in the echo-guided infiltrative treatment of hip OA through clinical, subjective and objective evaluations.

The Immunomodulatory Effect of Sugammadex After Total Hip Replacement Surgery Under Neuraxial Anaesthesia:...
Innate Inflammatory ResponseOsteoarthritis1 moreMonocenter randomized controlled proof of principle study to investigate the effect of sugammadex at the end of total hip replacement surgery on the postoperative innate immune function

Determining the Impact of a New Physiotherapist-Led Primary Care Model for Hip and Knee Pain
Hip OsteoarthritisKnee OsteoarthritisThis is a pilot cluster randomized controlled trial to to evaluate the individual and health system impacts of implementing a new physiotherapist-led primary care model for hip and knee pain in Canada.

Avenir Complete Post-Market Clinical Follow-Up Study
OsteoarthritisHip3 moreThe main objectives of this study are to confirm the long-term safety, performance and clinical benefits the Avenir Complete femoral stem and its instrumentation when used in primary total, hemi, and revision hip arthroplasty.

Total Joint Arthroplasty (TJA) Weight Loss Study
OsteoarthritisHip4 moreThis is a randomized clinical trial (RCT) to assess the efficacy of bariatric surgery vs medical weight loss vs. the "usual standard of care" to optimize a morbidly obese patient with end-stage osteoarthritis of the hip or knee joint for total joint arthroplasty (TJA). The study population will include patients with hip or knee joint osteoarthritis and BMI (Body Mass Index) > 40 kg/m2 who are evaluated in the joint arthroplasty clinic at Boston Medical Center. The primary objective of the study is to determine if bariatric surgery or medical weight loss is more effective than the usual standard of care in optimizing a morbidly obese patient with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee joint for TJA. This will be determined by comparing the number of patients within each group who are able to lose weight through either bariatric surgery, medical weight loss, or the usual standard of care to achieve a BMI ≤ 40 kg/m2 to eventually undergo TJA. The secondary objectives of this study are to compare total operative time, postoperative complication rates, readmission rates, percentage of total body weight lost, revision rate, and reoperation rate. The ability of patients within each study arm to maintain a BMI ≤ 40 kg/m2 for up to 2 years after undergoing TJA will also be assessed, as well as their level of satisfaction before and after being in the study.

The Effect of Zoledronic Acid on Patients With Osteoarthritis of the Hip
OsteoarthritisHipHip Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common diseases affecting the ageing population. No specific and safe treatment slowing the development of hip OA as reflected in reduced joint space narrowing has been developed so far. Implantation of hip prosthesis has been a great success, but is expensive and puts a great financial pressure on hospitals and national healthcare programs. It also poses risks of serious complications. Current non-surgical treatment options focus on pain management and physiotherapy. Bisphosphonates have been shown to exert multiple beneficial effects in OA. Animal studies have demonstrated that bisphosphonates protect against subchondral bone degradation and preserve articular cartilage in mice and rats with OA. In this study 70 participants will be treated with either Zoledronic Acid (a potent Bisphosphonate) or Placebo (Saltwater). Allocation will be random and both parties are blinded. The investigators hypothesis is that participants treated with Zoledronic acid will have less pain, and better function after 12 months. The results will be tested with functional and pain scores, and functional tests. The study team will also measure the effects on disease related quality of life, bone quality measurements and the effect on bone marrow lesions on MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and histological examination

On-Table Versus Off-Table Total Hip Arthroplasty
ArthroplastyReplacement3 moreThe Direct Anterior Approach (DAA) is a common way to perform total hip arthroplasty. There are two main techniques to perform total hip replacement through the anterior approach. The first method is the "on-table" method, which uses a specialized surgical table, called a traction table. This table involves placing both feet in specialized boots that are then hooked up to the table, and allows for positioning of the operative leg with aid of the table. The major limitations associated with the traction table are the need for two additional staff members and the purchase of said table. The second method is the "off-table" method. In this method the patient is placed on a standard operating room table and the operative leg is manually positioned by the surgeon during the procedure . This obviates the need for the additional staff members or purchase of a specialized table. Both the "on-table" and "off-table" techniques are routinely used both worldwide and by our joint replacement specialists at Carilion Clinic. This study will aim to compare the efficiency and efficacy of performing the DAA for total hip arthroplasty utilizing either the "on-table" or "off- table" technique. Patients will be randomized to receive their total hip arthroplasty with either the "on- table" or "off-table" method.

Effectiveness of Healthy Habits for Hospitalized Older Adults to Optimize Rehabilitation
InsomniaPain4 moreThis study aims to evaluate behavioral interventions in conjunction with medical rehabilitation to promote functional health in patients recovering from orthopedic surgery. Half of the subjects in this study will be assigned to an intervention that meets with a study therapist to discuss implementing healthy habits. The other half of subjects will assigned to an intervention group that meets with a study therapists to discuss implementing healthy sleep habits. Both groups will undergo several physical and cognitive assessments.

LPB Combined With QLB Using Single-needle Technique (LPQLB-SNT) for Hip Arthroplasty
Hip OsteoarthritisAnesthesia3 moreTotal hip arthroplasty (THA) is one of the most successful orthopedic procedures to effectively relieve pain and restore function in patients with hip osteoarthritis, osteonecrosis of femoral head and hip fracture.The Lumbar Plexus Block (LPB) is currently used as the standard regional anesthesia technique to provide postoperative pain management after THA. The lumbar plexus (LP) originates from T12 to L5. In general, multiple-needle nerve blockade procedure is needed to block different branches of LP. Therefore, we need more time to finish the regional anethesia procedure and it's not easy for an inexperienced anesthesiologist to master the technique absolutely. In addition, multiple injections will increase the discomfort of the patients. We aim to investigate the effects of lumbar plexus combined with quadratus lumborum block using single-needle technique with Shamrock method as an alternative regional anesthesia.