Conditioning Electrical Stimulation to Improve Outcomes in Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
Cubital Tunnel SyndromeElectrical StimulationCubital tunnel syndrome is the second most common compression neuropathy. In severe cases, functional recovery, even with surgery, is often poor. Therefore, alternative adjunct treatments capable of increasing the speed of nerve regeneration are much needed.

Promoting Healing Of Nerves Through Electrical Stimulation
Cubital Tunnel SyndromeNerve Compression2 moreThis study is evaluating a new therapeutic use of electrical stimulation to promote nerve healing and improve functional recovery following surgical intervention for nerve compression. A single dose of the therapeutic stimulation is delivered as part of the surgical intervention to address compression of the ulnar nerve at the elbow.

Mechanical Interference Versus Neural Mobilization on Ulnar Neuropathy Post Cubital Tunnel Syndrome...
Cubital Tunnel Syndromethis study will be conducted to compare between mechanical interference and neural mobilization on ulnar neuropathy post-cubital tunnel syndrome

A Randomized Trial Measuring the Effect of Decision Aids on Patients' Satisfaction, Conflict of...
Trapeziometacarpal ArthrosisCarpal Tunnel Syndrome3 moreThe investigators plan a prospective randomized controlled study that compares the treatment decisions made by patients who receive decision aids, as compared to patients treated with usual care and the American Society for Surgery of the Hand brochures. The investigators expect to enroll 126 patients.

Posture Correction in Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
Cubital Tunnel SyndromeThe primary objective of this study is to determine whether the UpRight Go posture trainer reduces the symptoms of cubital tunnel syndrome in patients who have not had corrective surgery, as determined by improvements in VAS scores for pain, numbness, and weakness.

Effect of Chitosan Phonophoresis On Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
Cubital Tunnel SyndromeUlnar Nerve Entrapment at Elbow2 more- This study will be conducted to answer the following question: Is there a statistically significant effect of chitosan phonophoresis on ulnar nerve conduction velocity, pain level & function in patients with mild to moderate cubital tunnel syndrome? - Fifty-four subjects suffering from mild to moderate cubital tunnel syndrome according to modified McGowan grading system (Palmer & Hughes, 2010) from both sexes diagnosed clinically by electromyography will be recruited for this study. The Age of the participants will range from 20 - 40 years old. Participants with Body mass index between 18.5 and 24.9kg/m2. EMS physio Ltd ultrasound device will be used in combination with chitosan nanoparticles gel. Electrodiagnostic test will be performed for ulnar nerve conduction velocity using Neuropack S1 MEB-9004 NIHON KODEN, JAPAN. Visual analogue scale (VAS) will be used to determine pain level. Quick DASH will be used to determine hand function.Patients will have 3 sessions per week for 5 weeks.

Effectiveness of Nerve Glide Exercises on Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
Cubital Tunnel SyndromeThe objective of this study is to determine if nerve glide exercises in patients with cubital tunnel syndrome can improve pain, paraesthesias and reduce the need for future surgery. Cubital tunnel syndrome is a common form of peripheral neuropathy caused by compression of the ulnar nerve at the elbow. Surgical intervention is typically reserved for those with severe symptoms, but many cases can be treated with non-operative measures. This study will look at the efficacy of nerve glide exercises in the management of cubital tunnel syndrome. 70 subjects with cubital tunnel syndrome will be enrolled and randomized into groups receiving either standard conservative measures or standard measures in addition to nerve glide exercises. Outcomes will be measured 6 months after initiation of treatment with questionnaires on clinical symptoms and function to see if there is a difference between the two groups.

Evaluation of the Efficacy of Low Level Laser Therapy in Ulnar Neuropathy at the Elbow
Ulnar Nerve Entrapment at ElbowThe purpose of this study is, to demonstrate the effectiveness of low-level laser therapy on symptoms, clinical and electrophysiological parameters in elbow ulnar neuropathy.

US and Shear Wave Elastography in Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
Ulnar Nerve CompressionThis study aims to assess the role of US and SWE in diagnosis of CuTS and localization of its underlying etiology and verifying whether it can be diagnosed and graded based on US findings, especially quantitaive ulnar nerve stiffness data obtained using SWE, compared to ENMG and intraoperative findings (as gold standard)

The Effect of ESWT for Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
Cubital Tunnel SyndromeThe shock wave is a new and potential intervention for the reinnervation of peripheral nerve. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of extracorporeal shock wave therapy on cubital tunnel syndrome.