Early Trial of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Patients Who Will Receive...
SIODCystinosis3 moreThis is a single center, non-randomized, non-controlled open-label phase 1b/2a trial of performing sequential αβdepleted-HSCT and KT in patients requiring KT to prevent kidney rejection post-KT, in the absence of any post-KT immunosuppression, to abrogate the need for lifelong immunosuppression, the risk of chronic rejection and, ultimately, the need for repeated transplantation.

Genetic Newborn Screening for Cystinosis and Primary Hyperoxaluria
CystinosisPrimary HyperoxaluriaIn Germany parents of newborns are offered newborn screening (NBS) for 17 congenital diseases as a standard benefit of statutory health insurance. NBS in Germany is voluntary. Cystinosis and hyperoxaluria are very rare diseases. They are inherited autosomal-recessively. Neither disease can be detected by the methods established in routine NBS. However, common genetic mutations are known for both diseases. The aim of the study is to provide a scientific basis for molecular genetic NBS for cystinosis and primary hyperoxaluria (PH). Specifically, the study will investigate whether the inclusion of these diseases into general NBS should be recommended. By observing the identified infants in comparison to patients symptomatically diagnosed outside of the pilot project, it will be determined whether and to what extent early diagnosis and therapy lead to a more favorable prognosis. The screening laboratory Hannover, Germany is involved in the project. Hospitals that send their dry blood spot cards for routine NBS to Hannover are offered participation in the project. Parents who want to participate receive an additional information sheet. A parent and the attending physician sign the information sheet as documentation of informed consent, which allows data transfer and patient referral to a specialist in case of a positive result. Molecular genetic screening in the pilot project is performed from the same dry blood spot card used for routine NBS. In both diseases, testing is performed for 2 known mutations: In cystinosis for the 2 mutations most common in Germany, and in PH for the most common mutation in infantile hyperoxaluria (PH1) and in Europe (PH3). Normal findings are not communicated to the parents, which may contact the laboratory to ask for them. Parents of newborns with two mutations in the cystinosis gene are immediately informed about the disease by a physician. Further diagnostics to confirm the disease are organized close to home. In contrast, parents of newborns with only one mutation in one of the two hyperoxaluria genes are informed. They are asked to send spot urines of the newborn to the hyperoxaluria center. Only if these are abnormal, further evaluation will be performed. The study started on 15.03.2022. The aim is to screen 200,000 newborns until 2025. If the benefit of early diagnosis and therapy can be shown, an application for inclusion of a NBS for these two diseases in the routine NBS program will be submitted to the German government.

Stem Cell Gene Therapy for Cystinosis
Lysosomal Storage DiseasesCystinosisThis study is a Phase 1/2 clinical trial that will assess the safety and efficacy of enriched gene-corrected hematopoietic stem cells isolated from patients affected with cystinosis. (Investigational Product: CTNS-RD-04 or CTNS-RD-04-LB, where the suffix "-LB" stands for LentiBOOST)

PK and PD Study of NPI-001 and Cysteamine Bitartrate
CystinosisSafety, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of NPI-001 oral solution in cystinosis patients compared with cysteamine.

Baby Detect : Genomic Newborn Screening
Congenital Adrenal HyperplasiaFamilial Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia 1134 moreNewborn screening (NBS) is a global initiative of systematic testing at birth to identify babies with pre-defined severe but treatable conditions. With a simple blood test, rare genetic conditions can be easily detected, and the early start of transformative treatment will help avoid severe disabilities and increase the quality of life. Baby Detect Project is an innovative NBS program using a panel of target sequencing that aims to identify 126 treatable severe early onset genetic diseases at birth caused by 361 genes. The list of diseases has been established in close collaboration with the Paediatricians of the University Hospital in Liege. The investigators use dedicated dried blood spots collected between the first day and 28 days of life of babies, after a consent sign by parents.

European Cystinosis Cohort
CystinosisCystinosis is a generalized lysosomal storage disease with a reported incidence of about 1:180,000 live births. There are estimated 110-140 cases in France (approximately 500 in Western Europe). The disease is caused by mutations in the CTNS gene coding for cystinosin, a lysosomal carrier protein. The lysosomal cystine accumulation leads to cellular dysfunction in many organs. The first symptoms start at about 6 months of age. In the absence of specific therapy, end stage renal disease occurs between 6 and 12 years of age. Survival beyond this age is associated with the development of extra-renal complications. Renal transplantation and the availability of cystine-depleting medical therapy, cysteamine (EU/1/97/039/001, EU/1/97/039/003), have radically altered the natural history of cystinosis. Cystinosis is a good example of a "paediatric" disease where patients now survive into adolescence and adulthood. These individuals have complex, multisystem problems that require on-going care. Despite some progress in recent years there are still significant limitations in the knowledge of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. A first European registry was launched in 2011, using the CEMARA application developed by the Banque Nationale de Données Maladies Rares (BNDMR, CNIL authorisation number: 1187326), allowing the collection of data from France, Belgium and Italy. The objective of the current study is to translate this database into a cohort study that will allow and facilitate the collection of a wider range of data including clinical, and personal data such as quality of life data, from an increased number of European countries, improve the monitoring, data-management and analysis of the data, offer the possibility for patients to actively participate to and benefit from the study by developing a module in which patients will enter their own data on quality of life with a direct feed-back on the general results. This project is a unique opportunity for building a consensual European academic cohort not based on company driven, "drug-oriented" objectives. The cohort will collect clinical details to analyse patient outcomes thus providing audit of patient care & clinical effectiveness. It will be possible, through the cohort, to indicate where improvements need to be made and ultimately improve care to the highest standards.

Use of Cysteamine in the Treatment of Cystinosis
CystinosisCystinosis is an inherited disease resulting in poor growth and kidney failure. There is no known cure for cystinosis, although kidney transplantation may help the renal failure and prolong survival. Both the kidney damage and growth failure are thought to be due to the accumulation of the amino acid cystine within the cells of the body. The cystine storage later damages other organs besides the kidneys, including the thyroid gland, pancreas, eyes, and muscle. The drug cysteamine (Cystagon) is an oral medication given to patients with cystinosis prior to kidney transplantation. The drug works by reducing the level of cystine in the white blood cells and muscle tissue. The drug may also decrease levels of cystine in the kidneys and other tissues. This study has several goals: Long-term surveillance of cysteamine (Cystagon) treated patients. Detection of new non-kidney complications of cystinosis. Maintenance of a patient population for genetic testing (mutational analysis) of the cystinosis gene.<TAB>

CYSTEA-BONE Clinical Study
Nephropathic CystinosisNephropathic Cystinosis (NC) is an orphan inherited autosomal recessive disease characterised as a generalized lysosomal storage disease due to a deficiency of the cystine lysosomal transport protein, cystinosin. Patients with NC usually receive cysteamine. Bone impairment was recently recognized as a late complication of NC, occurring at adolescence or early adulthood. Even though the exact underlying pathophysiology is unclear, at least six hypotheses are discussed, and mainly cysteamine toxicity and/or direct bone effect of the Cystinosin (CTNS) mutation. Because of the potential dramatic impact on quality of life of this novel complication, research should aim to better understand bone disease in NC. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the action of cysteamine on osteoclastic differentiation and resorption activity of NC patients, depending on the underlying genotype. The Secondary objective is to describe the clinical bone status of NC patients depending on their underlying genotype.

National Registry of Rare Kidney Diseases
Adenine Phosphoribosyltransferase DeficiencyAH Amyloidosis85 moreThe goal of this National Registry is to is to collect information from patients with rare kidney diseases, so that it that can be used for research. The purpose of this research is to: Develop Clinical Guidelines for specific rare kidney diseases. These are written recommendations on how to diagnose and treat a medical condition. Audit treatments and outcomes. An audit makes checks to see if what should be done is being done and asks if it could be done better. Further the development of future treatments. Participants will be invited to participate on clinical trials and other studies. The registry has the capacity to feedback relevant information to patients and in conjunction with Patient Knows Best (Home - Patients Know Best), allows patients to provide information themselves, including their own reported quality of life and outcome measures.

Observational Study to Assess the Quality of Life in Nephropathic Cystinosis Patients
Nephropathic CystinosisMost of the real world evidence data related to efficacy of cysteamine therapy is retrospective. This study is a ambispective study to investigate the impact of cystine depletion therapy on the quality of life of patients and their parents.