A Feasibility Study Evaluating the Performance of Focused Multipolar Stimulation and Sound Coding...
Hearing ImpairmentSensorineuralThe purpose of this early feasibility study is to explore several facets of hearing performance that may show improvements for alternative modes of stimulation compared to Monopolar (MP stimulation) in cochlear implant recipients. This study will iteratively evaluate different parameter sets that intend to maximize hearing performance benefits within technical requirements. This study is exploratory in nature and will achieve its objectives through ongoing review and adjustment of device parameters and fitting

Expanded Indications in the Pediatric BONEBRIDGE Population
Hearing LossConductive2 moreThis study will assess safety and efficacy of the MED-EL BONEBRIDGE Bone Conduction Implant in children under 12 years old with conductive or mixed hearing loss.

Neural Prediction to Enhance Language
Bilateral Sensorineural Hearing LossSpeech and Language Development Delay Due to Hearing Loss1 moreThe language outcome of children receiving cochlear implantation to address bilateral sensorineural hearing loss is more variable than that of typical hearing children. The research is focused upon development of neural predictive models based upon brain imaging to forecast language after cochlear implantation on the individual child level. The long-term goal is improving children's language by using predictive models to enable a custom "predict to prescribe" approach to intervene with more effective behavioral therapy for children at risk to develop poorer language. The investigators previously developed models for short term language outcome of English-learning implanted children. The aims of this study are to 1. Develop models able to predict long term outcome for English- learning and Spanish-learning children; and 2. To evaluate whether English-learning children predicted to achieve lower language based on the investigators' previously constructed models can demonstrate significant gains from Parent Implemented Communication Treatment (PICT). PICT is an intensive parent education program about strategies to improve children's communication.

Gene Therapy Trial for Otoferlin Gene-mediated Hearing Loss
Sensorineural Hearing LossBilateralPart A of this trial will evaluate the safety and tolerability of a single unilateral administration of one of two dose levels of AAVAnc80-hOTOF and will evaluate the Akouos delivery device to safely achieve the intended product performance.

Small Sample,Unicentric,Randomized, Controlled Clinical Study of Coenzyme I for Injection in the...
Sudden Sensorineural Hearing LossSudden sensorineural hearing loss is one of the most common emergencies in otorhinolaryngology, and its incidence is increasing year by year and tends to be younger. At present, the pathogenesis of sudden deafness is not clear and the individual treatment effects vary significantly. In order to break through this specific treatment bottleneck, this project pioneered the clinical application of the co-regulator nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) in the treatment of sudden deafness. Therefore, this project intends to use pure tone audiometry, speech audiometry, tinnitus disability scale THI, tinnitus subjective visual analog score method VAS, ear fullness subjective visual analog score method VAS for data analysis, and explore the safety of coenzyme I for injection on sudden deafness and efficacy assessment.

Single-Sided Deafness in the Medicare Population
Hearing LossUnilateralThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of cochlear implantation in adults 65 years of age and older.

The Effect of PAP on ISSHL Comorbided With OSA
Sudden Hearing LossObstructive Sleep ApneaThis clinical randomized controlled study is to explore the effect of positive airway pressure(PAP) on patients in Beijing Tsinghua Changgung Hospital diagnosed with both idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss comorbided(ISSHL) and obstructive sleep apnea(OSA) between Dec. 2019 to Dec. 2029.

Technology-assisted Language Intervention (TALI)
Hearing LossBilateral1 moreThis study is testing the effectiveness of augmentative and alternative communication technology among deaf or hard of hearing children for improving language development. Children will be randomized to receive either the technology intervention or treatment as usual

Efficacy and Safety of Liuwei Dihuang Pill Versus Placebo in Presbycusis With Shen (Kidney)-Yin...
PresbycusisAge-related Hearing Loss1 moreThe objective of this study is to examine the effects and safety of Liuwei Dihuang pill and placebo in presbycusis with Shen (kidney)-yin deficiency.

Development and Assessment of a Spanish-Language Hearing Loss Toolkit for Self-Management
Hearing LossThe objective of this application is to develop and evaluate Spanish-language hearing education materials for adults. Our hypothesis is that participants will demonstrate better understanding of their hearing loss and associated difficulties, and will be better able to identify options for self-management following delivery of culturally and linguistically appropriate patient education materials.