Radiographic Assessment of Calcific Bridge Formation by Light Activated Calcium Silicate Versus...
Deep Carious Lesionssixty participants will be divided in to two groups (n=30) of patient treated by partial caries removal according to the capping material (A),where (A1)represents calcium silicate group,(A2)represent calcium hydroxide group.Apply light activated calcium silicate for group (A1) in deep occlusal caries and taking the base line image after restoring the cavity with composite restoration and apply light activated calcium hydroxide for(A2)group in deep occlusal caries and taking the base line image after restoring with composite restoration.Take follow up image after one year to measure the calcific bridge formation for both groups.

The Impact of Anticipatory Guidance on Early Childhood Caries: a Quasi-experimental Study
Dental Caries in ChildrenThis study aimed to compare the impact of anticipatory guidance on the caries incidence of 2-3-year-old preschool children and their 4-6-year-old siblings, as well as on their mothers' oral health literacy, as compared to the conventional Ministry of Health (MOH) programme.

Fluoride Application on Preventing and Arresting Root Caries in Fluoridated and Non-fluoridated...
Dental CariesThis study was a randomized clinical trial lasting for 24 months in two study sites, Hong Kong (water fluoridated) and Guangzhou (non-fluoridated area). A total of 534 subjects will be recruited from elderly social centers located in different districts in the two study sites (260 & 274). Baseline clinical examination was conducted by a single calibrated examiner in the social centers using an intra-oral LED light, mouth mirrors and probes. Subjects were randomly allocated into two study groups and receive interventions accordingly. Follow-up examinations at 6-month intervals were carried out to assess the clinical outcomes, i.e. whether new root caries developed and whether the active root caries found at baseline become arrested. Results of this study could provide the much needed evidence to guide the dental professionals in Hong Kong and China, and possibly worldwide in deciding on the most appropriate intervention for the prevention and management of this common dental disease of the older adults.

Effects of Probiotics on Streptococcus Mutans ve Lactobacillus Spp
Tooth DecayProbiotics1 moreTo evaluate the change of S. mutans and Lactobacillus spp. counts after all dental treatments were completed under general anesthesia and compare the groups in case of using probiotics and not using probiotics with the time for 6-months follow-up period.

Influence of the Number of Layers of a One Bottle Adhesive on the Longevity of Composite Restorations...
Dental CariesSecondary Dental CariesThe aim of this study is to determinate the influence of an alternative adhesive application protocol (i.e. consecutive application of an extra adhesive layer)on restoration longevity in primary molars.

Comparison of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) and 20% Formocresol (FC) in Pulpotomized Human Primary...
Dental CariesPulpitisThis prospective clinical randomized controlled trial is established to compare the clinical, radiographic, and histological treatment outcomes between MTA and FC in pulpotomized human primary molars at 6, 12, 18, 24 month post-treatment and to test the hypothesis that Gray Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (GMTA) is a viable alternative to Diluted (20%) Formocresol (DFC) in pulpotomies treatment of human primary molars.

Promoting Behavioral Change for Oral Health in American Indian Mothers and Children
Early Childhood Dental CariesA program of motivational interviewing plus enhanced community services in prevention of early childhood caries vs. enhanced community services alone for American Indian mothers and their children will reduce the childrens' decayed, missing, and filled tooth surfaces measure over a 3-year period.

Impact of Fluoride Vanish Application in Dental Prevention for Elderly
Tooth DecayThis study questions the interest of fluoride varnish dental application in preventing tooth decay in a population of institutionalised elderly people.

The Effect of Different Lining Strategies on Amalgam Restorations
Post-operative PainDental CariesThe aim of this research is to compare the clinical outcome of amalgam restorations placed in conjunction with three different lining protocols, each of which represents a different therapeutic concept.

Preventing and Arresting Dental Root Surface Caries in Community-dwelling Older Adults
Dental CariesThis study is a randomized clinical trial lasting for 30 months. A total of 300 subjects will be recruited from social centres for elders located in different districts in Hong Kong. Baseline clinical examination will be conducted by a single calibrated examiner in the social centres using an intra-oral LED light, mouth mirrors and probes. Subjects will be randomly allocated into the three study groups and receive interventions accordingly. Follow-up examinations at 6-month intervals will be carried out to assess the clinical outcomes, i.e. whether new root caries has developed and whether the active root caries found at baseline have become arrested (remineralized and hardened) or not. Photographs of the arrested lesions will be taken to assess their colour. Results of this study will provide the much needed evidence to guide the dental professionals in Hong Kong and worldwide in deciding on the most appropriate intervention for the prevention and treatment of this common dental disease of the older adults.